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Created June 24, 2015 05:41
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typesafe database layer?
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module DB3 where
import Control.Monad.Free
import Data.List
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Type.Equality
import Data.Constraint
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Functor.Classes
import GHC.Exts (Constraint)
import GHC.TypeLits
import Hasql
type family TypeName a :: Symbol
type instance TypeName Int = "int4"
type instance TypeName String = "text"
-- | A (type-level representation of) a column
data Column a = Column Symbol a
-- | A schema. Although it isn't possible in SQL, a schema here also
-- includes joins. This is used at the type level.
data Schema a
= R [Column a] -- ^ A row definition, e.g. CREATE TABLE foo(...)
| RC (Schema a) (Schema a) -- ^ A cartesian-product join, e.g. a JOIN b
-- | A column attribute/modifier
data KAttr s
= KPrimary -- ^ PRIMARY KEY
| KUnique -- ^ UNIQUE
| KRef s Symbol -- ^ REFERENCES s(symbol)
data Attr :: [KAttr *] -> * where
Primary :: Attr '[ 'KPrimary ]
Unique :: Attr '[ 'KUnique ]
Ref :: (KnownSymbol (Name a), KnownSymbol sym)
=> Proxy (Name a)
-> Proxy sym
-> Attr '[ 'KRef a sym ]
And :: Attr '[a] -> Attr b -> Attr (a ': b)
class Model a where
type Name a :: Symbol
type Def a :: Schema * -- ^ The schema of a table (WITHOUT modifiers)
type Attrs a (s :: Symbol) :: [KAttr *] -- ^ Modifiers of the table
model :: TableDef a
build :: a -> Table (Def a)
name :: Proxy a -> Proxy (Name a)
name _ = Proxy
-- | Result marker
data Hole a = Hole
class Any a
instance Any a
-- | A Table.
data TableT :: (* -> *) -> Schema * -> * where
Col :: m x -> TableT m ('R xs)
-> TableT m ('R ('Column sym x ': xs))
Join :: TableT m a
-> TableT m b
-> TableT m ('RC a b)
Empty :: TableT m ('R '[])
data TableDef a where
:: { tableName :: String
, table :: TableT (ColProxy a) (Def a)
-> TableDef a
data ColProxy :: * -> * -> * where
ColProxy :: (KnownSymbol sym, KnownSymbol (TypeName a))
=> Proxy sym
-> Proxy (TypeName a)
-> Attr (Attrs s sym)
-> ColProxy s a
type Table = TableT Identity
-- Ugly syntax :)
{-# INLINE (><) #-}
(><) :: TableT m a -> TableT m b -> TableT m ('RC a b)
(><) = Join
{-# INLINE (!+) #-}
(!+) :: Applicative m => x -> TableT m ('R xs) -> TableT m ('R ('Column sym x ': xs))
(!+) a p = pure a `Col` p
{-# INLINE (!*) #-}
(!*) :: Applicative m => x -> y -> TableT m ('R '[ 'Column nameX x,
'Column nameY y ])
(!*) a b = pure a `Col` pure b `Col` Empty
infixr 9 `Col`
infixr 4 !+
infixr 4 !*
-- Taking tables and producing idiomatic Haskell things
type family ExpandT (m :: * -> *) (table :: Schema *) (into :: *) where
ExpandT m ('R ('Column sym a ': xs)) r = m a -> ExpandT m ('R xs) r
ExpandT m ('R '[]) r = r
ExpandT m ('RC a b) r = ExpandT m a (ExpandT m b r)
type family Expand (table :: Schema *) (into :: *) where
Expand ('R ('Column sym a ': xs)) r = a -> Expand ('R xs) r
Expand ('R '[]) r = r
Expand ('RC a b) r = Expand a (Expand b r)
newtype FuncT m a r where FuncT :: { resultT :: ExpandT m a r } -> FuncT m a r
newtype Func a r where Func :: { result :: Expand a r } -> Func a r
destruct :: TableT m a -> FuncT m a r -> r
destruct (Col x xs) (FuncT f) = destruct xs (FuncT (f x))
destruct Empty (FuncT x) = x
{-# INLINE destructM #-}
destructM :: Monad m => (r -> m r') -> TableT m a -> Func a r -> m r'
destructM ret (Col x xs) (Func f) = destructM ret xs . Func =<< fmap f x
destructM ret (Join a b) (Func f) =
destructM (\g -> destructM ret b (Func g)) a (Func f)
destructM ret Empty (Func x) = ret x
{-# INLINE constr #-}
constr :: Expand a r -> Table a -> r
constr f a = runIdentity (destructM Identity a (Func f))
{-# INLINE constrM #-}
constrM :: Monad m => Expand a r -> TableT m a -> m r
constrM f a = destructM pure a (Func f)
-- Example
data Tag = Tag Int String deriving (Show)
instance Model Tag where
type Name Tag = "tag"
type Def Tag = 'R '[ 'Column "id" Int, 'Column "name" String ]
type Attrs Tag "id" = '[ 'KPrimary ]
type Attrs Tag "name" = '[ 'KUnique ]
model = TableDef
{ tableName = "tag"
, table = ColProxy (Proxy :: Proxy "id") Proxy Primary `Col`
ColProxy (Proxy :: Proxy "name") Proxy Unique `Col` Empty
build (Tag a b) = a !* b
showAttrs :: Attr a -> String
showAttrs Primary = " PRIMARY KEY "
showAttrs Unique = " UNIQUE "
showAttrs (Ref s a) = "REFERENCES " ++ symbolVal s ++ "(" ++ symbolVal a ++ ")"
showCol :: ColProxy a b -> String
showCol (ColProxy name ty attrs) =
symbolVal name ++ " " ++ symbolVal ty ++ showAttrs attrs
showCols :: TableT (ColProxy s) a -> [String]
showCols (Col x xs) = showCol x : showCols xs
showCols Empty = []
showModel :: TableDef a -> String
showModel (TableDef n cols) = "CREATE TABLE " ++ n ++ "(" ++
intercalate ", " (showCols cols) ++ ")"
{-# INLINE test #-}
test :: Table (Def Tag)
test = 0 !* "asdf"
test2 = 'a' !* "fdsa"
test3 = () !+ [2+2] !* (1 + 1 :: Int)
asdf = test >< test2 >< test3
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>>> constr _ asdf

    Found hole _
      with type: Int
                 -> [Char] -> Char -> [Char] -> () -> [Integer] -> Int -> r
    Where: r is a rigid type variable bound by
               the inferred type of it :: r at <interactive>:11:1
    Relevant bindings include it :: r (bound at <interactive>:11:1)
    In the first argument of constr, namely _
    In the expression: constr _ asdf
    In an equation for it’: it = constr _ asdf
>>> constr (,,,,,,) asdf
>>> constr Tag test
Tag 0 "asdf"

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