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<# | |
Script to Initialize my custom powershell setup. | |
Script uses scoop | |
.NOTES | |
**NOTE** Will configure the Execution Policy for the "CurrentUser" to Unrestricted. | |
Author: Mike Pruett | |
Date: October 18th, 2018 | |
Last Updated on August 4th, 2023 | |
#> | |
$VerbosePreference = "Continue" | |
function Install-ScoopApp { | |
param ( | |
[string]$Package | |
) | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Preparing to install $Package" | |
if (! (scoop info $Package).Installed ) { | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Installing $Package" | |
scoop install $Package | |
} else { | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Package $Package already installed! Skipping..." | |
} | |
} | |
function Install-WinGetApp { | |
param ( | |
[string]$PackageID | |
) | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Preparing to install $PackageID" | |
# Added accept options based on this issue - https://github.com/microsoft/winget-cli/issues/1559 | |
#$listApp = winget list --exact -q $PackageID --accept-source-agreements | |
#if (winget list --exact --id "$PackageID" --accept-source-agreements) { | |
# Write-Verbose -Message "Package $PackageID already installed! Skipping..." | |
#} else { | |
# Write-Verbose -Message "Installing $Package" | |
# winget install --silent --id "$PackageID" --accept-source-agreements --accept-package-agreements | |
#} | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Installing $Package" | |
winget install --silent --id "$PackageID" --accept-source-agreements --accept-package-agreements | |
} | |
function Install-ChocoApp { | |
param ( | |
[string]$Package | |
) | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Preparing to install $Package" | |
$listApp = choco list --local $Package | |
if ($listApp -like "0 packages installed.") { | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Installing $Package" | |
Start-Process -FilePath "PowerShell" -ArgumentList "choco","install","$Package","-y" -Verb RunAs -Wait | |
} else { | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Package $Package already installed! Skipping..." | |
} | |
} | |
function Extract-Download { | |
param ( | |
[string]$Folder, | |
[string]$File | |
) | |
if (!(Test-Path -Path "$Folder" -PathType Container)) { | |
Write-Error "$Folder does not exist!!!" | |
Break | |
} | |
if (Test-Path -Path "$File" -PathType Leaf) { | |
switch ($File.Split(".") | Select-Object -Last 1) { | |
"rar" { Start-Process -FilePath "UnRar.exe" -ArgumentList "x","-op'$Folder'","-y","$File" -WorkingDirectory "$Env:ProgramFiles\WinRAR\" -Wait | Out-Null } | |
"zip" { 7z x -o"$Folder" -y "$File" | Out-Null } | |
"7z" { 7z x -o"$Folder" -y "$File" | Out-Null } | |
"exe" { 7z x -o"$Folder" -y "$File" | Out-Null } | |
Default { Write-Error "No way to Extract $File !!!"; Break } | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
function Download-CustomApp { | |
param ( | |
[string]$Link, | |
[string]$Folder | |
) | |
if ((curl -sIL "$Link" | Select-String -Pattern "Content-Disposition") -ne $Null) { | |
$Package = $(curl -sIL "$Link" | Select-String -Pattern "filename=" | Split-String -Separator "=" | Select-Object -Last 1).Trim('"') | |
} else { | |
$Package = $Link.split("/") | Select-Object -Last 1 | |
} | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Preparing to download $Package" | |
aria2c --quiet --dir="$Folder" "$Link" | |
Return $Package | |
} | |
function Install-CustomApp { | |
param ( | |
[string]$URL, | |
[string]$Folder | |
) | |
$Package = Download-CustomApp -Link $URL -Folder "$Env:UserProfile\Downloads\" | |
if (Test-Path -Path "$Env:UserProfile\Downloads\$Package" -PathType Leaf) { | |
if (Test-Path Variable:Folder) { | |
if (!(Test-Path -Path "$Env:UserProfile\bin\$Folder")) { | |
New-Item -Path "$Env:UserProfile\bin\$Folder" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null | |
} | |
Extract-Download -Folder "$Env:UserProfile\bin\$Folder" -File "$Env:UserProfile\Downloads\$Package" | |
} else { | |
Extract-Download -Folder "$Env:UserProfile\bin\" -File "$Env:UserProfile\Downloads\$Package" | |
} | |
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:UserProfile\Downloads\$Package" | |
} | |
} | |
function Install-CustomPackage { | |
param ( | |
[string]$URL | |
) | |
$Package = Download-CustomApp -Link $URL | |
if (Test-Path -Path "$Env:UserProfile\Downloads\$Package" -PathType Leaf) { | |
Start-Process -FilePath ".\$Package" -ArgumentList "/S" -WorkingDirectory "${Env:UserProfile}\Downloads\" -Verb RunAs -Wait #-WindowStyle Hidden | |
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:UserProfile\Downloads\$Package" | |
} | |
} | |
function Remove-InstalledApp { | |
param ( | |
[string]$Package | |
) | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Uninstalling: $Package" | |
Start-Process -FilePath "PowerShell" -ArgumentList "Get-AppxPackage","-AllUsers","-Name","'$Package'" -Verb RunAs -WindowStyle Hidden | |
} | |
function Enable-Bucket { | |
param ( | |
[string]$Bucket | |
) | |
if (!($(scoop bucket list).Name -eq "$Bucket")) { | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Adding Bucket $Bucket to scoop..." | |
scoop bucket add $Bucket | |
} else { | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Bucket $Bucket already added! Skipping..." | |
} | |
} | |
# Configure ExecutionPolicy to Unrestricted for CurrentUser Scope | |
if ((Get-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser) -notcontains "Unrestricted") { | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Setting Execution Policy for Current User..." | |
Start-Process -FilePath "PowerShell" -ArgumentList "Set-ExecutionPolicy","-Scope","CurrentUser","-ExecutionPolicy","Unrestricted","-Force" -Verb RunAs -Wait | |
Write-Output "Restart/Re-Run script!!!" | |
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 | |
Break | |
} | |
# Install Scoop, if not already installed | |
#$scoopInstalled = Get-Command "scoop" | |
if ( !(Get-Command -Name "scoop" -CommandType Application -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null) ) { | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Installing Scoop..." | |
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://get.scoop.sh')) | |
} | |
# Install Chocolatey, if not already installed | |
#$chocoInstalled = Get-Command -Name "choco" -CommandType Application -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null | |
if (! (Get-Command -Name "choco" -CommandType Application -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null) ) { | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Installing Chocolatey..." | |
@' | |
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072 | |
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://community.chocolatey.org/install.ps1')) | |
'@ > $Env:Temp\choco.ps1 | |
Start-Process -FilePath "PowerShell" -ArgumentList "$Env:Temp\choco.ps1" -Verb RunAs -Wait | |
Remove-Item -Path $Env:Temp\choco.ps1 -Force | |
} | |
# Install WinGet, if not already installed | |
# From crutkas's gist - https://gist.github.com/crutkas/6c2096eae387e544bd05cde246f23901 | |
#$hasPackageManager = Get-AppPackage -name "Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller" | |
if (!(Get-AppPackage -name "Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller")) { | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Installing WinGet..." | |
@' | |
# Set URL and Enable TLSv12 | |
$releases_url = "https://api.github.com/repos/microsoft/winget-cli/releases/latest" | |
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 | |
# Dont Think We Need This!!! | |
#Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet | |
# Install Nuget as Package Source Provider | |
Register-PackageSource -Name Nuget -Location "http://www.nuget.org/api/v2" -ProviderName Nuget -Trusted | |
# Install Microsoft.UI.Xaml (This is not currently working!!!) | |
Install-Package Microsoft.UI.Xaml -RequiredVersion 2.7.1 | |
# Grab "Latest" release | |
$releases = Invoke-RestMethod -uri $releases_url | |
$latestRelease = $releases.assets | Where { $_.browser_download_url.EndsWith('msixbundle') } | Select -First 1 | |
# Install Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller Package | |
Add-AppxPackage -Path $latestRelease.browser_download_url | |
'@ > $Env:Temp\winget.ps1 | |
Start-Process -FilePath "PowerShell" -ArgumentList "$Env:Temp\winget.ps1" -Verb RunAs -Wait | |
Remove-Item -Path $Env:Temp\winget.ps1 -Force | |
} | |
# Only install OpenSSH Package, if not on Windows 10 | |
if ([Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major -lt 10) { | |
Install-ScoopApp -Package "openssh" | |
} | |
# Install OpenSSH.Client on Windows 10+ | |
@' | |
if ((Get-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Client*).State -ne "Installed") { | |
Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Client* | |
} | |
'@ > "${Env:Temp}\openssh.ps1" | |
Start-Process -FilePath "PowerShell" -ArgumentList "${Env:Temp}\openssh.ps1" -Verb RunAs -Wait -WindowStyle Hidden | |
Remove-Item -Path "${Env:Temp}\openssh.ps1" -Force | |
# Configure git | |
Install-WinGetApp -PackageID "Git.Git" | |
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 | |
refreshenv | |
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 | |
if (!$(git config --global credential.helper) -eq "manager-core") { | |
git config --global credential.helper manager-core | |
} | |
if (!($Env:GIT_SSH)) { | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Setting GIT_SSH User Environment Variable" | |
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('GIT_SSH', (Resolve-Path (scoop which ssh)), 'USER') | |
} | |
if ((Get-Service -Name ssh-agent).Status -ne "Running") { | |
Start-Process -FilePath "PowerShell" -ArgumentList "Set-Service","ssh-agent","-StartupType","Manual" -Verb RunAs -Wait -WindowStyle Hidden | |
} | |
# Configure Aria2 Download Manager | |
Install-ScoopApp -Package "aria2" | |
if (!$(scoop config aria2-enabled) -eq $True) { | |
scoop config aria2-enabled true | |
} | |
if (!$(scoop config aria2-warning-enabled) -eq $False) { | |
scoop config aria2-warning-enabled false | |
} | |
if (!(Get-ScheduledTaskInfo -TaskName "Aria2RPC" -ErrorAction Ignore)) { | |
@' | |
$Action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute $Env:UserProfile\scoop\apps\aria2\current\aria2c.exe -Argument "--enable-rpc --rpc-listen-all" -WorkingDirectory $Env:UserProfile\Downloads | |
$Trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -AtStartup | |
$Principal = New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -UserID "$Env:ComputerName\$Env:Username" -LogonType S4U | |
$Settings = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet -ExecutionTimeLimit 0 -AllowStartIfOnBatteries -DontStopIfGoingOnBatteries | |
Register-ScheduledTask -TaskName "Aria2RPC" -Action $Action -Trigger $Trigger -Principal $Principal -Settings $Settings | |
'@ > $Env:Temp\aria2.ps1 | |
Start-Process -FilePath "PowerShell" -ArgumentList "$Env:Temp\aria2.ps1" -Verb RunAs -Wait #-WindowStyle Hidden | |
Remove-Item -Path $Env:Temp\aria2.ps1 -Force | |
} | |
## Add Buckets | |
Enable-Bucket -Bucket "extras" | |
Enable-Bucket -Bucket "nerd-fonts" | |
Enable-Bucket -Bucket "java" | |
Enable-Bucket -Bucket "nirsoft" | |
scoop bucket add foosel https://github.com/foosel/scoop-bucket | |
# UNIX Tools | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Removing curl Alias..." | |
if (Get-Alias -Name curl -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { | |
Remove-Item alias:curl | |
} | |
if (!($Env:TERM)) { | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Setting TERM User Environment Variable" | |
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("TERM", "xterm-256color", "USER") | |
} | |
# Check if Home Workstation | |
if ($(Read-Host -Prompt "Is this a workstation for Home use (y/n)?") -eq "y") { | |
$HomeWorkstation = $True | |
} else { | |
$HomeWorkstation = $False | |
} | |
# Home Workstation Configurations | |
if ($HomeWorkstation) { | |
# Adding games bucket | |
Enable-Bucket -Bucket "games" | |
# Create $Env:UserProfile\bin, if not exist | |
if (!(Test-Path -Path $Env:UserProfile\bin)) { | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Creating bin directory in $Env:UserProfile" | |
New-Item -Path $Env:UserProfile\bin -ItemType Directory | Out-Null | |
#[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $Env:PATH + ";$Env:UserProfile\bin","USER") | |
} | |
} | |
# Install Scoop Packages | |
$Scoop = @( | |
"scoop-tray", | |
"concfg", | |
#"curl", | |
#"busybox", | |
#"fzf", | |
#"neovim", | |
"pshazz", | |
"cacert", | |
"colortool", | |
#"sudo", | |
#"openjdk", | |
"icedtea-web", | |
#"go", | |
#"python", | |
#"gpg", | |
#"imgburn", | |
#"paint.net", | |
#"putty", | |
#"winscp", | |
#"spacesniffer", | |
#"filebot", | |
#"rufus", | |
#"etcher", | |
#"cpu-z", | |
#"gpu-z", | |
"ssd-z", | |
#"hwmonitor", | |
#"crystaldiskmark", | |
"hotkeyslist", | |
"open-log-viewer", | |
"baretail", | |
#"bleachbit", | |
#"hosts-file-editor", | |
"minio-client", | |
"lessmsi", | |
#"mqtt-explorer", | |
"tftpd", | |
"restic", | |
"Hack-NF", | |
"driverstoreexplorer", | |
"sysinternals")#,"rktools2k3") | |
foreach ($item in $Scoop) { | |
Install-ScoopApp -Package "$item" | |
} | |
# Install Scoop Packages, if Home Workstation | |
if ($HomeWorkstation) { | |
Remove-Variable -Name "Scoop" | |
$Scoop = @( | |
"ffmpeg", | |
"mpv", | |
#"vlc", | |
"lame", | |
#"musicbee", | |
#"mp3tag", | |
#"mkvtoolnix", | |
#"obs-studio", | |
#"yt-dlp", | |
#"ocenaudio", | |
#"mediainfo", | |
#"mediainfo-gui", | |
"cdrtools", | |
"cuetools", | |
"betterjoy", | |
"schismtracker") | |
foreach ($item in $Scoop) { | |
Install-ScoopApp -Package "$item" | |
} | |
} | |
# Install WinGet Packages | |
$WinGet = @( | |
#"Microsoft.dotNetFramework", | |
"gerardog.gsudo", | |
"Microsoft.DotNet.DesktopRuntime.3_1", | |
"Microsoft.DotNet.DesktopRuntime.5", | |
"Microsoft.DotNet.DesktopRuntime.6", | |
"Microsoft.DotNet.DesktopRuntime.7", | |
"Microsoft.WindowsTerminal", | |
"Microsoft.PowerToys", | |
"frippery.busybox-w32", | |
"junegunn.fzf", | |
"Neovim.Neovim", | |
"Obsidian.Obsidian", | |
"Microsoft.OpenJDK.17", | |
"GoLang.Go.1.19", | |
"Python.Python.3.11", | |
"chrisant996.Clink", | |
"PuTTY.PuTTY", | |
"WinSCP.WinSCP", | |
"Balena.Etcher", | |
"CPUID.HWMonitor", | |
"CrystalDewWorld.CrystalDiskMark", | |
"BleachBit.BleachBit", | |
#"TeamViewer.TeamViewer", | |
"GnuPG.GnuPG", | |
"LIGHTNINGUK.ImgBurn", | |
"dotPDNLLC.paintdotnet", | |
"UderzoSoftware.SpaceSniffer", | |
"Rufus.Rufus", | |
"scottlerch.hosts-file-editor", | |
#"Minio.Client", | |
"thomasnordquist.MQTT-Explorer", | |
"jziolkowski.tdm", | |
"HDDGURU.HDDRawCopyTool", | |
"dnSpyEx.dnSpy", | |
"JLC.EasyEDA", | |
"Google.Chrome", | |
"Lexikos.AutoHotkey", | |
"SumatraPDF.SumatraPDF", | |
"ScooterSoftware.BeyondCompare4", | |
"Eassos.DiskGenius", | |
"RevoUninstaller.RevoUninstaller", | |
"ElaborateBytes.VirtualCloneDrive", | |
"RARLab.WinRAR", | |
"Piriform.Speccy", | |
"Piriform.Defraggler", | |
"Starship.Starship", | |
"OliverBetz.ExifTool" | |
) | |
foreach ($item in $WinGet) { | |
Install-WinGetApp -PackageID "$item" | |
} | |
# Add Directories to User Path | |
#[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $Env:PATH + ";$Env:ProgramFiles\WinRAR","USER") | |
# Install WinGet Packages, if Home Workstation | |
if ($HomeWorkstation) { | |
Remove-Variable -Name "WinGet" | |
$WinGet = @( | |
"Discord.Discord", | |
"HandBrake.HandBrake", | |
"AndreWiethoff.ExactAudioCopy", | |
"clsid2.mpc-hc", | |
"Plex.Plex", | |
"Plex.Plexamp", | |
"PointPlanck.FileBot", | |
"CPUID.CPU-Z", | |
"TechPowerUp.GPU-Z", | |
"VideoLAN.VLC", | |
"Mp3tag.Mp3tag", | |
"MusicBee.MusicBee", | |
"OBSProject.OBSStudio", | |
"yt-dlp.yt-dlp", | |
"MediaArea.MediaInfo", | |
"MediaArea.MediaInfo.GUI", | |
"MoritzBunkus.MKVToolNix", | |
"Ocenaudio.Ocenaudio", | |
"OpenMPT.OpenMPT", | |
"Romcenter.Romcenter", | |
"Valve.Steam" | |
) | |
foreach ($item in $WinGet) { | |
Install-WinGetApp -PackageID "$item" | |
} | |
} | |
# Custom WinGet install for VSCode | |
winget install Microsoft.VisualStudioCode --override '/SILENT /mergetasks="!runcode,addcontextmenufiles,addcontextmenufolders"' | |
# Install Chocolatey Packages | |
$Choco = @( | |
"syspin", | |
"sd-card-formatter", | |
"winimage", | |
"winsetupfromusb", | |
"fluidsynth" | |
) | |
foreach ($item in $Choco) { | |
Install-ChocoApp -Package "$item" | |
} | |
# Install Steam Applications | |
if ($HomeWorkstation) { | |
# Get Steam AppID's from https://steamdb.info/ | |
# https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Command_Line_Options#Steam_.28Windows.29 | |
$SteamDB = @( | |
"1026460" #Lossless Scaling Demo, | |
"431960" #Wallpaper Engine, | |
"388080" #Borderless Gaming, | |
"367670" #Controller Companion, | |
"227260" #DisplayFusion, | |
"274920" #FaceRig | |
) | |
# Collect installed Steam AppID's | |
$InstalledIDs = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() | |
foreach ($item in (Get-ChildItem -Path "${Env:Programfiles(x86)}\Steam\steamapps\common\" -Filter "steam_appid.txt" -Recurse).VersionInfo.FileName) { | |
[void]$InstalledIDs.Add((Get-Content -Path $item)) | |
} | |
# Install Steam AppID, if not already installed | |
foreach ($item in $SteamDB) { | |
if ($item -ne $InstalledIDs) { | |
Start-Process -FilePath ".\steam.exe" -ArgumentList "-applaunch","$item" -WorkingDirectory "${Env:Programfiles(x86)}\Steam\" -Wait | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
# Create Symbolic Links | |
## busybox.exe | |
sudo New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path "$(Split-Path -Path (Get-Command busybox*.exe).Source)\busybox.exe" -Target (Get-Command busybox*.exe).Source | |
## tdmgr.exe | |
sudo New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path "$(Split-Path -Path (Get-Command tdmgr*.exe).Source)\tdmgr.exe" -Target (Get-Command tdmgr*.exe).Source | |
# Install Custom Packages | |
# Instal RawWrite for Windows from Chrysocome | |
Install-CustomApp -URL "http://www.chrysocome.net/downloads/0d23e6a31f1d37850fc2040eec98e9f9/rawwritewin-0.7.zip" -Folder "RawWrite" | |
# Install Tasmota Device Manager from Github | |
#New-Item -Path "$Env:UserProfile\bin\TasmotaDM" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null | |
#Download-CustomApp -Link "https://github.com/jziolkowski/tdm/releases/download/v0.2.11/tdmgr_0.2.11.exe" -Folder "$Env:UserProfile\bin\TasmotaDM" | Out-Null | |
# Install HDD Raw Copy Tool from HDDGURU | |
#New-Item -Path "$Env:UserProfile\bin\HDDRawCopy" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null | |
#Download-CustomApp -Link "https://hddguru.com/software/HDD-Raw-Copy-Tool/HDDRawCopy1.10Portable.exe" -Folder "$Env:UserProfile\bin\HDDRawCopy" | Out-Null | |
# Install XVI32 from Christian Maas | |
Install-CustomApp -URL "http://www.handshake.de/user/chmaas/delphi/download/xvi32.zip" -Folder "XVI32" | |
# Install dnSpy from Github | |
#Install-CustomApp -URL "https://github.com/dnSpy/dnSpy/releases/download/v6.1.8/dnSpy-net-win64.zip" -Folder "dnSpy" | |
# Install ei.cfg Removal Utility from code.kliu.org | |
Install-CustomApp -URL "https://code.kliu.org/misc/winisoutils/eicfg_removal_utility.zip" -Folder "ei.cfg-removal-utility" | |
# Install HSFExplorer from SourceForge | |
Install-CustomPackage -URL "https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/catacombae/HFSExplorer/2021.10.9/hfsexplorer-2021.10.9-setup.exe" | |
# Install RipMe from Github | |
New-Item -Path "$Env:UserProfile\bin\RipMe" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null | |
Download-CustomApp -Link "https://github.com/RipMeApp/ripme/releases/download/1.7.95/ripme.jar" -Folder "$Env:UserProfile\bin\RipMe" | Out-Null | |
# Install EasyEDA Router from EasyEDA | |
Install-CustomApp -URL "https://image.easyeda.com/files/easyeda-router-windows-x64-v0.8.11.zip" | |
# Install Custom Packages for Home Workstations | |
if ($HomeWorkstation) { | |
# Install CDMage from Major Geeks | |
Install-CustomApp -URL "https://files1.majorgeeks.com/10afebdbffcd4742c81a3cb0f6ce4092156b4375/cddvd/CDmage1-01-5.exe" -Folder "CDMage" | |
# Install ACiD View from SourceForge | |
Install-CustomApp -URL "https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/acidview6-win32/acidview6-win32/6.10/avw-610.zip" -Folder "ACiDView" | |
# Install NohBoard from SourceForge | |
Install-CustomApp -URL "https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/nohboard/NohBoard-v0.17b.zip" | |
# Install PSX2PSP from PSX-Place | |
Install-CustomApp -URL "https://www.psx-place.com/resources/psx2psp.586/download?version=898" | |
# Install CLRMamePro from EMULab | |
Install-CustomPackage -URL "https://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/binaries/cmp4044c_64.exe" | |
# Install Soundfont Midi Player from Falcosoft | |
Install-CustomApp -URL "https://falcosoft.hu/midiplayer_60_x64.zip" | |
# Install SkraperUI fro Skraper | |
Install-CustomApp -URL "https://www.skraper.net/download/beta/Skraper-" -Folder "SkraperUI" | |
# Install WinHIIP from PSX-Place | |
Install-CustomApp -URL "https://www.psx-place.com/resources/obsolete-winhiip-by-gadgetfreak.666/download?version=1066" -Folder "WinHIIP" | |
# Install WinBin2Iso from Major Geeks | |
Install-CustomApp -URL "https://www.softwareok.com/Download/WinBin2Iso.zip" -Folder "WinBin2Iso" | |
# Install ArchiSteamFarm from Github | |
Install-CustomApp -URL "https://github.com/JustArchiNET/ArchiSteamFarm/releases/download/" -Folder "ArchiSteamFarm2" | |
# Install TwilightMenu++ Boxart Downloader from Github | |
Install-CustomApp -URL "https://github.com/KirovAir/TwilightBoxart/releases/download/0.7/TwilightBoxart-Windows-UX.zip" -Folder "TwilightMenuBoxArt" | |
# Install ISO Toolkit from Major Geeks | |
New-Item -Path "$Env:UserProfile\bin\ISOToolkit" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null | |
Download-CustomApp -Link "https://files1.majorgeeks.com/10afebdbffcd4742c81a3cb0f6ce4092156b4375/cddvd/ISOToolKit.exe" -Folder "$Env:UserProfile\bin\ISOToolkit" | Out-Null | |
# Install binmerge from Github | |
Install-CustomApp -URL "https://github.com/putnam/binmerge/releases/download/1.0.1/binmerge-1.0.1-win64.zip" | |
# Install PPF-o-Matic from PSX-Place | |
Install-CustomApp -URL "https://www.psx-place.com/resources/ppf-o-matic.507/download?version=717" -Folder "ppf-o-matic" | |
# Install MBCord from Github | |
Install-CustomApp -URL "https://github.com/oonqt/MBCord/releases/download/2.3.13/MBCord-win32-x64.zip" -Folder "MBCord" | |
# Install bchunk from Github | |
Install-CustomApp -URL "https://github.com/extramaster/bchunk/releases/download/v1.2.1_repub.1/bchunk.v1.2.1_repub.1.zip" | |
# Install CHDMan from MAMEDEV | |
$Package = Download-CustomApp -Link "https://github.com/mamedev/mame/releases/download/mame0242/mame0242b_64bit.exe" -Folder "$Env:UserProfile\Downloads\" | |
7z e -o"$Env:UserProfile\bin\" -y "$Env:UserProfile\Downloads\$Package" chdman.exe | Out-Null | |
Remove-Item -Path "$Env:UserProfile\Downloads\$Package" | |
# Install ExifTool from ExifTool.org | |
#Install-CustomApp -URL "https://www.exiftool.org/exiftool-12.41.zip" | |
#Move-Item -Path "$Env:UserProfile\bin\exiftool*.exe" -Destination "$Env:UserProfile\bin\exiftool.exe" | |
# Install OpenMPT123 from OpenMPT | |
Install-CustomApp -URL "https://lib.openmpt.org/files/libopenmpt/bin/libopenmpt-0.6.3+release.bin.windows.zip" -Folder "OpenMPT123" | |
# Install WildMIDI from Github | |
Install-CustomApp -URL "https://github.com/Mindwerks/wildmidi/releases/download/wildmidi-0.4.4/wildmidi-0.4.4-win64.zip" | |
Move-Item -Path "$Env:UserProfile\bin\wildmidi*\" -Destination "$Env:UserProfile\bin\WildMIDI\" | |
# Install Aaru from Github | |
Install-CustomApp -URL "https://github.com/aaru-dps/Aaru/releases/download/v5.3.1/aaru-5.3.1_windows_x64.zip" -Folder "Aaru" | |
} | |
# Create scoop-tray shortcut in shell:startup | |
if (!(Test-Path -Path "$Env:AppData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\scoop-tray.lnk" -PathType Leaf)) { | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Create scoop-tray shortcut in shell:startup..." | |
$WSHShell = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell | |
$Shortcut = $WSHShell.CreateShortcut("$Env:AppData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\scoop-tray.lnk") | |
$Shortcut.TargetPath = "$Env:UserProfile\scoop\apps\scoop-tray\current\scoop-tray.bat" | |
$Shortcut.WindowStyle = 7 | |
$Shortcut.IconLocation = "%USERPROFILE%\scoop\apps\scoop-tray\current\updates-available.ico" | |
$Shortcut.Description = "scoop-tray.bat" | |
$Shortcut.WorkingDirectory = Split-Path "$Env:UserProfile\scoop\apps\scoop-tray\current\scoop-tray.bat" -Resolve | |
$Shortcut.Save() | |
} | |
# Configure GO Environment | |
if (!(Test-Path -Path "$Env:UserProfile\go\" -PathType Container)) { | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Configuring GO Environment..." | |
New-Item -Path "${Env:UserProfile}\go" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null | |
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('GOPATH', "${Env:UserProfile}\go", 'USER') | |
} | |
# Customize DOS/PowerShell Environment | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Customize DOS/PowerShell Environment..." | |
if ((Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor").AutoRun -eq $Null) { | |
Start-Process -FilePath "cmd" -ArgumentList "/c","clink","autorun","install" -Wait -WindowStyle Hidden | |
} | |
Start-Process -FilePath "cmd" -ArgumentList "/c","concfg","import","solarized-dark" -Verb RunAs -Wait | |
# Install Visual Studio Code Integrations | |
#if (!(Get-Item -Path "HKCU:\Software\Classes\Directory\shell\Open with &Code" -ErrorAction Ignore)) { | |
# Write-Verbose -Message "Install Visual Studio Code Integrations..." | |
# Start-Process -FilePath "cmd" -ArgumentList "/c","reg","import","%UserProfile%\scoop\apps\vscode\current\install-context.reg" -Verb RunAs -Wait -WindowStyle Hidden | |
# Start-Process -FilePath "cmd" -ArgumentList "/c","reg","import","%UserProfile%\scoop\apps\vscode\current\nstall-associations.reg" -Verb RunAs -Wait -WindowStyle Hidden | |
#} | |
# Pin Run to Taskbar | |
#Start-Process -FilePath "PowerShell" -ArgumentList "syspin","'$Env:AppData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\System Tools\Run.lnk'","c:5386" -Wait -NoNewWindow | |
# Pin Google Chrome to Taskbar | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Pin Google Chrome to Taskbar..." | |
Start-Process -FilePath "PowerShell" -ArgumentList "syspin","'$Env:ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Google Chrome.lnk'","c:5386" -Wait -NoNewWindow | |
# Install my PowerShell dot files | |
if (!(Test-Path -Path "$Env:UserProfile\dotposh" -PathType Container)) { | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Install my PowerShell dot files..." | |
Start-Process -FilePath "PowerShell" -ArgumentList "git","clone","https://github.com/mikepruett3/dotposh.git","$Env:UserProfile\dotposh" -Wait -NoNewWindow | |
@' | |
New-Item -Path $Env:UserProfile\Documents\WindowsPowerShell -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction Ignore | |
Remove-Item -Path $Env:UserProfile\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 -Force | |
New-Item -Path $Env:UserProfile\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 -ItemType SymbolicLink -Target $Env:UserProfile\dotposh\profile.ps1 | |
'@ > $Env:Temp\dotposh.ps1 | |
Start-Process -FilePath "PowerShell" -ArgumentList "$Env:Temp\dotposh.ps1" -Verb RunAs -Wait -WindowStyle Hidden | |
Remove-Item -Path $Env:Temp\dotposh.ps1 -Force | |
@' | |
cd $Env:UserProfile\dotposh | |
git submodule init | |
git submodule update | |
'@ > $Env:Temp\submodule.ps1 | |
Start-Process -FilePath "PowerShell" -ArgumentList "$Env:Temp\submodule.ps1" -Wait -NoNewWindow | |
Remove-Item -Path $Env:Temp\submodule.ps1 -Force | |
} | |
# Pin PowerShell to Taskbar | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Pin PowerShell to Taskbar..." | |
Start-Process -FilePath "PowerShell" -ArgumentList "syspin","'$Env:AppData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Windows PowerShell\Windows PowerShell.lnk'","c:5386" -Wait -NoNewWindow | |
# Install PowerShell 7 | |
$PS7 = winget list --exact -q Microsoft.PowerShell | |
if (!$PS7) { | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Installing PowerShell 7..." | |
@' | |
iex "& { $(irm https://aka.ms/install-powershell.ps1) } -UseMSI -Quiet" | |
'@ > $Env:Temp\ps7.ps1 | |
Start-Process -FilePath "PowerShell" -ArgumentList "$Env:Temp\ps7.ps1" -Verb RunAs -Wait -WindowStyle Hidden | |
Remove-Item -Path $Env:Temp\ps7.ps1 -Force | |
} | |
# Pin PowerShell 7 to Taskbar | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Pin PowerShell 7 to Taskbar..." | |
Start-Process -FilePath "PowerShell" -ArgumentList "syspin","'$Env:ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\PowerShell\PowerShell 7 (x64).lnk'","c:5386" -Wait -NoNewWindow | |
# Remove unused Packages/Applications | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Removing Unused Applications..." | |
$RemoveApps = @( | |
"*3DPrint*", | |
"Microsoft.MixedReality.Portal") | |
foreach ($item in $RemoveApps) { | |
Remove-InstalledApp -Package $item | |
} | |
# Install Windows SubSystems for Linux | |
$wslInstalled = Get-Command "wsl" -CommandType Application -ErrorAction Ignore | |
if (!$wslInstalled) { | |
Write-Verbose -Message "Installing Windows SubSystems for Linux..." | |
Start-Process -FilePath "PowerShell" -ArgumentList "wsl","--install" -Verb RunAs -Wait -WindowStyle Hidden | |
} | |
Install-WinGetApp -PackageID Canonical.Ubuntu.2204 | |
Write-Output "Install complete! Please reboot your machine/worksation!" | |
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 |
Love the script, nice work.
That's the most sophisticated automated setup I've seen so far for win64... Kudos.
Very nice. Very nice indeed.
Good script for software installation automation.
Is there purpose behind which packages are installed from which package manager? I'd have assumed you're taking all from scoop and falling back to the others if scoop doesn't have them, but that doesn't seem to be the case as packages like starship,openjdk,chrome are available in scoop but installed from Winget instead.
This is an incredible resource to learn how to automate installations on Windows. Thanks a lot for sharing this, and Kudos!
Is there purpose behind which packages are installed from which package manager? I'd have assumed you're taking all from scoop and falling back to the others if scoop doesn't have them, but that doesn't seem to be the case as packages like starship,openjdk,chrome are available in scoop but installed from Winget instead.
So, when I originally made this script, most of the packages I used were from scoop or chocolatey. I did this because not everything I needed was in a scoop bucket. Since Microsoft made winget available, I have mostly been migrating any application installs to use that, over scoop and chocolatey.
So no, this script does not try one package installer first, and then go try the next for the same package. I am manually updating this gist with a curated collection of packages that I need/use over time. Hope that makes sense.
Thanks all. This gist started out as a bastardized tool for me to quickly provision my laptop or desktop after re-installing windows. (Especially my work laptop, as I keep getting a new one every year or so). Please feel free to use this as a start to your own setup script... as I am sure you probably do not need all of the packages that I use. Any improvements or suggestions are more than welcome! Thanks!
Hi Mike, I really really like the script you've created here, I've gone ahead and edited your script to have an JSON configurations, tests, and more settings. I was wondering if I could publish it to my own repository with your permission, of-course giving you credit on said repo for your original work.
Absolutely! Would love to have this be a lot more stable and easy to follow. I don't know what the License is for gists, but I am totally down with this being GPLv3 at least. Free as in beer for sure! Love to see what you come up with!
Question, did you reinstall/reset your pc over and over just to test this script? If yes, what's the quickest way to reset?
@ZYinMD : you might want to test it in a virtual machine that you snapshot before executing the script. You can then restore it easily and tweak your script until you get this right. Here are some info https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/virtualization/hyper-v-on-windows/user-guide/checkpoints
Question, did you reinstall/reset your pc over and over just to test this script? If yes, what's the quickest way to reset?
I have a few spare Windows Laptops lying around that I blow away the OS, and run the script on for testing. Honestly, a VM would probably be easier... but that's what I have been using for a while now.
Since Microsoft made winget available, I have mostly been migrating any application installs to use that
ExifTool is available via winget – although is there a reason you're locked at 12.41?
Since Microsoft made winget available, I have mostly been migrating any application installs to use that
ExifTool is available via winget – although is there a reason you're locked at 12.41?
Thanks for the heads up! Been a while since I have updated the script, but I have gone thru and switched out all of the scoop and custom install tasks with packages from winget.
Happy my own ultimately unsuccessful search for a way to winget Notepad++ without admin helped someone!
Happy my own ultimately unsuccessful search for a way to winget Notepad++ without admin helped someone!
I replaced the existing sudo command from scoop, with gsudo from gerardog recently. This works in other shells beside powershell. Not sure if that helps or not, but you can always put the gsudo
before the winget command.
You can get and run the entire script on a new machine by invoking the following command.
PowerShell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://gist.githubusercontent.com/mikepruett3/7ca6518051383ee14f9cf8ae63ba18a7/raw/shell-setup.ps1'))"
nice script :) do you run this as admin?
before the winget command
Many thanks for the idea, but sadly gsudo itself requires admin to install!
This looks really awesome. I haven't tried it myself yet, but one thing that could be really cool is a "manager" of package managers. This sounds overbloated, however I'd like my stuff to be maintable from one CLI tool. A script for searching packages over multiple sources and installing (or switching) between sources would be a nice addition in this regard.
Does something like this exist?
I usually just copy and paste the string into "run" from the start menu. I think on Windows 10 this automatically runs as Admin. I would try to run it that way.
Not to my knowledge. I use the scoop-tray tool from foosel for Updates to scoop packages and winget upgrade --recurse
to keep the packages updated.
Maybe if I have some free time I can try and come up with something that searches all three for a package. Shouldn't be that hard, just need the cycles! 😄
This looks sick, my current setup is to use as many portable apps as possible plus a detailed setup guide in one note but this looks very tempting. I don't think I can ever get rid of all portable apps like browsers because they have like 200 tabs spanned across tens of workspaces etc. If only all these tabs and stuff sync as well.
Your browser doesn't sync workspace tabs? Huh mine does just fine. 150 or so tabs open all the time synced across 6 computers all the time. Edge syncs it just fine what browser do you use?
Really love your script, mate! Gonna use some functions in my further work, thanks!
This looks sick, my current setup is to use as many portable apps as possible plus a detailed setup guide in one note but this looks very tempting. I don't think I can ever get rid of all portable apps like browsers because they have like 200 tabs spanned across tens of workspaces etc. If only all these tabs and stuff sync as well.
So this script does install regular versions of applications as well... (mainly the winget tasks). I was a long-time user of scoop, but I found that it broke more often with the apps that I was using. Moving most of the apps I use on the regular to winget.
Really love your script, mate! Gonna use some functions in my further work, thanks!
You can get and run the entire script on a new machine by invoking the following command.