This gist is to remind me (and anyone else who it helps) how to quickly disable and re-enable Notification Center.
Open your terminal (<⌘ + ␣ (spacebar)>, then type "terminal", then press <↩ (enter)>).
Paste and run the following command:
echo >> ~/.profile && echo >> ~/.profile && echo '# Disable/enable notification center' >> ~/.profile && echo 'alias disableNotificationCenter="launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/ && killall NotificationCenter"' >> ~/.profile && echo 'alias enableNotificationCenter="launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/ && open /System/Library/CoreServices/"' >> ~/.profile && source ~/.profile
To disable notification center:
To re-enable notification center:
Disable MacOS X's Notification Center entirely. But make it easy to turn it back on and disable again as needed.
I'm tired of seeing notifications that I can't dismiss, and there's no easy way to do this selectively (e.g. MacOS notifications always come through)
launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/
killall NotificationCenter
launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/
open /System/Library/CoreServices/
This approach is a command-line-only version of the solution proposed in a great article on
Is it possible to disable SIP, then disable notification center then re-enable SIP? I work in production and my macbook has one very specific use case, to run a program for production video, so I don't need notifications, however, I sometimes use this computer to browse the internet. Just wondering what the best solution is to disable notification center. I've already disabled each app.