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Last active April 3, 2019 19:20
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Informal tests for augmented HostEnsureCanCompileStrings
// Run in the context of a HostEnsureCanCompileStrings callout that
// throws an EvalError (from the callee realm) for string values, and
// arrays.
const PASS = {}, FAIL = {};
function tryCompileAsFunctionBody(description, source, expectedStatus) {
let status = FAIL;
try {
new Function(source);
status = PASS;
} catch (ex) {
if (!(ex instanceof EvalError)) {
$ERROR(`Function host check failed with unexpected error type: ${ description }`);
if (status !== expectedStatus) {
expectedStatus === PASS
? `Function() host check should not have failed: ${ description }`
: `Function () host check should not have passed: ${ description }`
tryCompileAsFunctionBody('raw string value', '/*string*/', FAIL);
tryCompileAsFunctionBody('object', { toString() { return '/*object*/' } }, PASS);
tryCompileAsFunctionBody('array', '[ "/*array*/" ]', FAIL);
// TODO: call from another realm to test callee vs caller realms.
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