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Mike Samuel mikesamuel

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mikesamuel / hashable-json.js
Last active February 21, 2019 05:43
A canonicalizing function to make it easy to hash JSON
"use strict";
// Prompted by
// Given a string of JSON produces a string of JSON without unnecessary
// degrees of freedom like whitespace, optional escape sequences, and
// unnecessary variance in number representation.
function hashable(json) {
const strs = [] // Side table to collect string bodies
return reorderProperties(
mikesamuel /
Last active February 28, 2018 16:29
Frenemies: Mutual suspicion in Node.js
mikesamuel /
Last active October 30, 2017 16:20
API for building URL classifiers

URL Classifier Builder

This is now implemented:


Matching URLs with regular expressions is hard. Even experienced programmers who are familiar with the URL spec produce code like /http:\/\/ which spuriously matches unintended URLs like

mikesamuel /
Last active June 19, 2021 04:08
Golang header safe defaults library proposal
daicham / .gitlab-ci.yml
Last active November 13, 2024 07:47
A sample of .gitlab-ci.yml for a gradle project
image: java:8-jdk
- build
- test
- deploy
# - echo `pwd` # debug
domenic / escape-vm.js
Created August 17, 2015 20:20
Escaping the vm sandbox
"use strict";
const vm = require("vm");
const sandbox = { anObject: {} };
const whatIsThis = vm.runInNewContext(`
const ForeignObject = anObject.constructor;
const ForeignFunction = ForeignObject.constructor;
const process = ForeignFunction("return process")();
const require = process.mainModule.require;
CristinaSolana / gist:1885435
Created February 22, 2012 14:56
Keeping a fork up to date

1. Clone your fork:

git clone [email protected]:YOUR-USERNAME/YOUR-FORKED-REPO.git

2. Add remote from original repository in your forked repository:

cd into/cloned/fork-repo
git remote add upstream git://
git fetch upstream