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Created December 2, 2011 01:28
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Enabled Root-based Category URLs in WordPress (Any bugs? Post comments below.)
* Plugin Name: Root-based Category URLs
* Description: Enables root-based Category URLs, i.e. Makes /category/my-category/ URLs route as /my-category/
* Author: Mike Schinkel
* Author URI:
* Plugin URI:
* Version: 0.1.1
* License: GPL 2+
class Rootbased_Category_URLs {
static function on_load() {
add_filter( 'request', array( __CLASS__, 'request' ) );
add_filter( 'category_link', array( __CLASS__, 'category_link' ) );
function request( $query_vars ) {
global $wp;
if ( preg_match( self::get_category_base() . '(.*)', $wp->request, $match ) ) {
wp_safe_redirect( self::category_link( $wp->request ), 301 );
$category_hash = array_flip( self::get_category_slugs() );
if ( isset( $category_hash[$wp->request] ) ) {
$query_vars = array( 'category_name' => $wp->request );
return $query_vars;
function get_category_base() {
$category_base = get_option('category_base');
if ( empty( $category_base ) )
$category_base = 'category';
return "/{$category_base}/";
function category_link( $category_link ) {
return str_replace( self::get_category_base(), '/', $category_link );
function get_category_slugs() {
$categories = get_categories();
foreach( $categories as $index => $category ) {
$categories[$index] = $category->slug;
return $categories;
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I just added "License: GPL 2+".

If you update it and want to share back with me I'll review it and update this?

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Mike, when I used your code I get this error.

Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Unknown modifier '(' in ... \wp-content\plugins\RemoveCategory\RemoveCategory.php on line 19

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@AverageJoe: What do you have your category base set to?

Screenshot showing Category Base option

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@AverageJoe: Alternately, do you have any other plugins that modify your URLs?

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Ciantic commented May 18, 2012

@AverageJoe: Try setting rewriting on. By clicking on that image "Month and name" for example. Basically the "default" does not allow anykind of rewriting, you must set anything else than that.

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jerzyk commented May 9, 2015

to avoid warnings such as:

preg_match(): Unknown modifier '(' 

change line 19 (add regexp delimiters, to avoid parsing "/" from get_category slugs as delimiters), to:

if ( preg_match( '#' . self::get_category_base() . '(.*)#', $wp->request, $match ) ) {

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