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Created July 15, 2015 00:56
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Asyn & Defer scripts
* Add possibility to asynchroniously load javascript files
* Filters all URL strings called in clean_url() for the #asyncload value
* and replaces said string with async='async'
* @param string $url The URL for the script resource.
* @returns string Modified script string
add_filter('clean_url', 'add_async_forscript', 11, 1);
function add_async_forscript( $url ){
if ( strpos( $url, '#asyncload' ) === false ){
return $url;
} elseif ( is_admin() ){
return str_replace( '#asyncload', '', $url );
} else {
return trim( str_replace( '#asyncload', '', $url ) ) . "' async='async";
* Add possibility to Defer load javascript files
* Filters all URL strings called in clean_url() for the #deferload value
* and replaces said string with defer='defer'
* @param string $url The URL for the script resource.
* @returns string Modified script string
add_filter('clean_url', 'add_defer_forscript', 11, 1);
function add_defer_forscript( $url ){
if ( strpos( $url, '#deferload' ) === false ){
return $url;
} elseif ( is_admin() ){
return str_replace( '#deferload', '', $url );
} else {
return trim( str_replace( '#deferload', '', $url ) ) . "' defer='defer";
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