name: drupal-test |
recipe: drupal9 |
config: |
webroot: . |
php: 8.1 |
services: |
appserver: |
build_as_root: |
# Install nodejs and yarn in the main container. They have to live here |
# because PHP is required for the site installation and other ops in |
# nightwatch tests. |
# Following lines don't contain anything specific to Lando. Change them |
# only according to the official docs of nodejs and yarn. |
- curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_16.x | bash - |
- curl -sS https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | apt-key add - |
- echo "deb https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/ stable main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list |
- apt-get update > /dev/null && apt-get install -y build-essential nodejs yarn |
build: |
- mkdir -p ${LANDO_WEBROOT}/sites/simpletest/browser_output |
- cd ${LANDO_WEBROOT}/core && yarn install |
overrides: |
environment: |
# These env vars can be placed in the web/core/.env file, which can be |
# lost on core updates. So they are here instead. Their docs are in |
# web/core/.env.example file. |
# Replace the project name in the base url. |
# The DB url needs to point to an existing DB, tests will create and |
# drop prefixed tables in it. |
# Change the nightwatch output dir if needed. |
# `lando rebuild` after changes. |
DRUPAL_TEST_BASE_URL: https://drupal-test.lndo.site |
DRUPAL_TEST_DB_URL: mysql://drupal9:drupal9@database/drupal9 |
DRUPAL_TEST_WEBDRIVER_CHROME_ARGS: --disable-gpu --headless --no-sandbox |
DRUPAL_NIGHTWATCH_OUTPUT: ../sites/nightwatch |
DRUPAL_NIGHTWATCH_IGNORE_DIRECTORIES: node_modules,vendor,.*,sites/*/files,sites/*/private,sites/simpletest |
# PhpUnit vars. |
SIMPLETEST_BASE_URL: https://drupal-test.lndo.site |
SIMPLETEST_DB: mysql://drupal9:drupal9@database/drupal9 |
BROWSERTEST_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY: /app/sites/simpletest/browser_output |
MINK_DRIVER_ARGS_WEBDRIVER: '["chrome", { "chromeOptions": { "args": [ "disable-gpu", "headless", "no-sandbox" ] } }, "http://chromedriver:9515"]' |
chromedriver: |
type: compose |
services: |
image: drupalci/chromedriver:production |
# This is the ENTRYPOINT + CMD from the Dockerfile. Empty whitelisted-ips |
# param opens the chromedriver port for other hosts. |
command: chromedriver --log-path=/tmp/chromedriver.log --verbose --whitelisted-ips= |
tooling: |
drush: |
service: appserver |
env: |
DRUSH_OPTIONS_URI: "https://drupal-test.lndo.site" |
nightwatch: |
service: appserver |
cmd: cd ${LANDO_WEBROOT}/core && yarn test:nightwatch |
phpunit: |
service: appserver |
cmd: phpunit -c /app/core/phpunit.xml.dist --bootstrap /app/core/tests/bootstrap.php --printer "\Drupal\Tests\Listeners\HtmlOutputPrinter" |
A fresh working example (for a specific drupal contrib project) is here.