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<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"/>
<body style="height: 300vh">
<svg style="position: fixed; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%);"
width="655" height="209" viewBox="0 0 655 209" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M653 207V62C653 28.8629 626.228 2 593.091 2C519.318 2 391.639 2 292.675 2C270.583 2 252.717 19.9124 252.717 42.0038C252.717 63.5378 252.717 81.7221 252.717 81.7221C252.717 81.7221 252.717 81.7221 252.717 81.7221V167C252.717 189.091 234.808 207 212.717 207H2"
stroke="#EAECF0" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round"/>

Frameworks like React require that when you change the contents of an array or object you change it's reference. Or push another way that you don't change arrays but instead create new arrays with updated values (i.e. immutability).

There are older array methods that are incompatible with immutability because they alter the array in place and don't cghange the array reference. These are destructive methods.

Shown below are replacements for the array destructive methods (e.g. push, pop, splice, sort, etc.) that will create new array references with the updated data.

Solutions are provided using the spread operator and also the newer "change array by copy" methods (toSpliced, toSorted, toReversed and with).

Setting Value At Index

mikowl /
Created November 15, 2022 19:22 — forked from Iman/
Free up disk space on Ubuntu - clean log, cache, archive packages/apt archives, orphaned packages, old kernel and remove the trash
#Check the Drive Space Used by Cached Files
du -sh /var/cache/apt/archives
#Clean all the log file
#for logs in `find /var/log -type f`; do > $logs; done
logs=`find /var/log -type f`
for i in $logs
"colors": {
// An extra border around active elements to separate them from others for greater contrast.
"contrastActiveBorder": "",
// An extra border around elements to separate them from others for greater contrast.
"contrastBorder": "",
//Overall border color for focused elements. This color is only used if not overridden by a component.
"focusBorder": "",
//Overall foreground color. This color is only used if not overridden by a component.
mikowl / auto-animate.tsx
Created August 4, 2022 22:38 — forked from hwkr/auto-animate.tsx
Auto Animate Component
import { ElementType, HTMLAttributes } from "react";
import { useAutoAnimate } from "@formkit/auto-animate/react";
interface Props extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement> {
as?: ElementType;
export const AutoAnimate: React.FC<Props> = ({
as: Tag = "div",