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################################################### | |
## | |
## Alertmanager YAML configuration for routing. | |
## | |
## Will route alerts with a code_owner label to the slack-code-owners receiver | |
## configured above, but will continue processing them to send to both a | |
## central Slack channel (slack-monitoring) and PagerDuty receivers | |
## (pd-warning and pd-critical) | |
## | |
routes: | |
################################################### | |
## Duplicate code_owner routes to teams | |
## These will send alerts to team channels but continue | |
## processing through the rest of the tree to handled by on-call | |
- match_re: | |
code_owner: '.+' | |
routes: | |
- match: {severity: info|warning|critical} | |
continue: true | |
receiver: slack-code-owners | |
################################################### | |
## Standard on-call routes | |
- match_re: | |
severity: info|warning|critical | |
receiver: slack-monitoring | |
continue: true | |
################################################### | |
## Pagerduty routes | |
- match: {severity: warning} | |
routes: | |
- receiver: pd-warning | |
- match: {severity: critical} | |
routes: | |
- receiver: pd-critical |
receivers: | |
################################################### | |
## Slack Receivers | |
- name: slack-code-owners | |
slack_configs: | |
- channel: '#{{- template "slack.monzo.code_owner_channel" . -}}' | |
send_resolved: true | |
title: '{{ template "slack.monzo.title" . }}' | |
icon_emoji: '{{ template "slack.monzo.icon_emoji" . }}' | |
color: '{{ template "slack.monzo.color" . }}' | |
text: '{{ template "slack.monzo.text" . }}' | |
actions: | |
- type: button | |
text: 'Runbook :green_book:' | |
url: '{{ (index .Alerts 0).Annotations.runbook }}' | |
- type: button | |
text: 'Query :mag:' | |
url: '{{ (index .Alerts 0).GeneratorURL }}' | |
- type: button | |
text: 'Dashboard :grafana:' | |
url: '{{ (index .Alerts 0).Annotations.dashboard }}' | |
- type: button | |
text: 'Silence :no_bell:' | |
url: '{{ template "__alert_silence_link" . }}' | |
- type: button | |
text: '{{ template "slack.monzo.link_button_text" . }}' | |
url: '{{ .CommonAnnotations.link_url }}' |
# This builds the silence URL. We exclude the alertname in the range | |
# to avoid the issue of having trailing comma separator (%2C) at the end | |
# of the generated URL | |
{{ define "__alert_silence_link" -}} | |
{{ .ExternalURL }}/#/silences/new?filter=%7B | |
{{- range .CommonLabels.SortedPairs -}} | |
{{- if ne .Name "alertname" -}} | |
{{- .Name }}%3D"{{- .Value -}}"%2C%20 | |
{{- end -}} | |
{{- end -}} | |
alertname%3D"{{ .CommonLabels.alertname }}"%7D | |
{{- end }} | |
{{ define "__alert_severity_prefix" -}} | |
{{ if ne .Status "firing" -}} | |
:lgtm: | |
{{- else if eq .Labels.severity "critical" -}} | |
:fire: | |
{{- else if eq .Labels.severity "warning" -}} | |
:warning: | |
{{- else -}} | |
:question: | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{ define "__alert_severity_prefix_title" -}} | |
{{ if ne .Status "firing" -}} | |
:lgtm: | |
{{- else if eq .CommonLabels.severity "critical" -}} | |
:fire: | |
{{- else if eq .CommonLabels.severity "warning" -}} | |
:warning: | |
{{- else if eq .CommonLabels.severity "info" -}} | |
:information_source: | |
{{- else -}} | |
:question: | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{/* First line of Slack alerts */}} | |
{{ define "slack.monzo.title" -}} | |
[{{ .Status | toUpper -}} | |
{{ if eq .Status "firing" }}:{{ .Alerts.Firing | len }}{{- end -}} | |
] {{ template "__alert_severity_prefix_title" . }} {{ .CommonLabels.alertname }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{/* Color of Slack attachment (appears as line next to alert )*/}} | |
{{ define "slack.monzo.color" -}} | |
{{ if eq .Status "firing" -}} | |
{{ if eq .CommonLabels.severity "warning" -}} | |
warning | |
{{- else if eq .CommonLabels.severity "critical" -}} | |
danger | |
{{- else -}} | |
#439FE0 | |
{{- end -}} | |
{{ else -}} | |
good | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{/* Emoji to display as user icon (custom emoji supported!) */}} | |
{{ define "slack.monzo.icon_emoji" }}:prometheus:{{ end }} | |
{{/* The test to display in the alert */}} | |
{{ define "slack.monzo.text" -}} | |
{{ range .Alerts }} | |
{{- if .Annotations.message }} | |
{{ .Annotations.message }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- if .Annotations.description }} | |
{{ .Annotations.description }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- /* If none of the below matches, send to #monitoring-no-owner, and we | |
can then assign the expected code_owner to the alert or map the code_owner | |
to the correct channel */ -}} | |
{{ define "__get_channel_for_code_owner" -}} | |
{{- if eq . "platform-team" -}} | |
platform-alerts | |
{{- else if eq . "security-team" -}} | |
security-alerts | |
{{- else -}} | |
monitoring-no-owner | |
{{- end -}} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- /* Select the channel based on the code_owner. We only expect to get | |
into this template function if the code_owners label is present on an alert. | |
This is to defend against us accidentally breaking the routing logic. */ -}} | |
{{ define "slack.monzo.code_owner_channel" -}} | |
{{- if .CommonLabels.code_owner }} | |
{{ template "__get_channel_for_code_owner" .CommonLabels.code_owner }} | |
{{- else -}} | |
monitoring | |
{{- end }} | |
{{- end }} | |
{{ define "slack.monzo.link_button_text" -}} | |
{{- if .CommonAnnotations.link_text -}} | |
{{- .CommonAnnotations.link_text -}} | |
{{- else -}} | |
Link | |
{{- end }} :link: | |
{{- end }} |
Awesome thx, why second, third alert has indentation?
Awesome thx, why second, third alert has indentation?
It's not an indentation, it's censoring the name of their Prometheus instance
Anyone able to get the silence working? I have external URL defined but the buttons never come across. Not sure how to debug it. The Query button works and everything else but no Silence button.
Anyone able to get the silence working? I have external URL defined but the buttons never come across. Not sure how to debug it. The Query button works and everything else but no Silence button.
To make buttons visible you need to add:
value field:
- type: button
text: 'Text on the button :fire:'
value: 'text'
url: 'https://url.com'
Anyone able to get the silence working? I have external URL defined but the buttons never come across. Not sure how to debug it. The Query button works and everything else but no Silence button.
To make buttons visible you need to add: value field:
actions: - type: button text: 'Text on the button :fire:' value: 'text' url: 'https://url.com'
Nope... Are you using the automatically generated Silence function?
Nope... Are you using the automatically generated Silence function?
Sorry I misread your initial message. I thought you can't make buttons visible at all.
Hi, I can't get silence button visible on TargetMissing alert. How can I fix it?
How you get values in the slack message? Do I need to use specific labeling or annotations for each alert?
Title, severity and summary seems to work fine for me at this point.
I've had similar issues with the silence button, sometimes showing, sometimes not. It turned out, the request URL was malformed due to Spaces in the label values like job="Node Exporter"
(whoever that bright idea had).
{{ define "__alert_silence_link" -}}
{{ .ExternalURL }}/#/silences/new?filter=%7B
{{- range .CommonLabels.SortedPairs -}}
{{- if ne .Name "alertname" -}}
{{- .Name }}%3D"{{- reReplaceAll " +" "%20" .Value -}}"%2C%20
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
alertname%3D"{{- .CommonLabels.alertname -}}"%7D
{{- end }}
Not sure yet why slack still accepted and displayed the broken message, just without that silence button.
Did anyone happen find template examples of PagerDuty for AlertManager if there are any? (like pagerduty.tmpl ?)
Can somebody help me, please
I want to do words with hyperlink, how i can do it?
Hey @rs16w ,
Regarding your question, checkout this page - https://api.slack.com/legacy/interactive-message-field-guide#action_payload
You can create a type: "button" that will have a URL opened once clicked on as follows:
- name: custom-slack-config-name
- api_url: https://hooks.slack.com/services/YOUR-SLACK-CHANNEL
channel: '#channel-name'
send_resolved: true
title: like-in-main-example
icon_emoji: like-in-main-example
color: like-in-main-example
text: like-in-main-example
- type: button
text: 'Google Button :laughing:'
url: https:google.com
Or you may try using action like:
- type: interactive_message
- type: select
You should read about their structure also in the same link i have shared above
Hope it helped 😄
@milesbxf Thanks for your big values, I tried to apply this my way but I cannot see any icon or information about Dashboard URL. Runbook, Query, and Silent work well.
- type: button
text: "Dashboard :chart_with_upwards_trend:"
url: "{{ (index .Alerts 0).Annotations.dashboard_url }}"
Thank for the template, I managed to adjust it to our needs.
Is there any way to add a hostname or IP address to the alert?
I've been trying the following method, then use .Labels.ip
in the template but it doesn't work.
The above solution simply prints {{ $ip }}
as a text.
It'd be helpful if I could preview the full message payload that's being sent from Alert Manager, but seems like it's not possible.
Any ideas?
Can we get extra labels into the slack notification?
I am new to this templating language.
Template will help
Thank for the template.
If anybody has issue with "Silence" button on mobile devices (when press Silence on phone nothing happens, button doesn't open Alertmanager silence link), just change quotes (") to (%22) in __alert_silence_link template.
Hope this help.
Awesome thx, why second, third alert has indentation?
It's not an indentation, it's censoring the name of their Prometheus instance
Hi @dewey ! ,
I think there is not about censoring , but actually some indentation appears at second , third , x, item of a range .
My example :
SSL certificate expires in less than 30 days for instance A .
SSL certificate expires in less than 30 days for instance B.
SSL certificate expires in less than 30 days for instance C .
SSL certificate expires in less than 30 days for instance D.
No idea , how to get rid of it .
I changed the definition of text to take only description annotations in template but unfortunately it doesn't work .
{{/* The text to display in the alert */}}
{{ define "slack.monzo.text" -}}
{{ range .Alerts }}
{{- if .Annotations.description }}
{{ .Annotations.description }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
Have anyone ideas ?
@ioncoa Remove the indentation from the go template function. E.g.
{{/* The text to display in the alert */}}
{{ define "slack.monzo.text" -}}
{{ range .Alerts }}
{{- if .Annotations.description }}
{{ .Annotations.description }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
Addition for Grafana Alerting integration with AlertManager:
ℹ️ You have to set alertmanger.externalUrl
to your Grafana instance external URL
{{ define "__grafana_alert_silence_link" -}}
{{ .ExternalURL }}/alerting/silence/new?
{{- range .CommonLabels.SortedPairs -}}
matcher={{- .Name }}%3D{{- .Value | urlquery -}}&
{{- end -}}
{{- end }}
Addition for Grafana Alerting integration with AlertManager:
ℹ️ You have to set
to your Grafana instance external URL{{ define "__grafana_alert_silence_link" -}} {{ .ExternalURL }}/alerting/silence/new? {{- range .CommonLabels.SortedPairs -}} matcher={{- .Name }}%3D{{- .Value | urlquery -}}& {{- end -}} {{- end }}
Thanks @aorfanos
Have you also found a way to get the query button working towards Grafana? Alternatively, an external Prometheus?
Thanks for sharing :)
In case you have built in Grafana Alerting/silence but also using Alertmanager as an additional Data source you have to append alertmanager=Alertmanager at the end of the url .
{{ define "__grafana_alert_silence_link" -}}
{{ .ExternalURL }}/alerting/silence/new?
{{- range .CommonLabels.SortedPairs -}}
matcher={{- .Name }}%3D{{- .Value | urlquery -}}&
{{- end -}}
{{- end }}
P.S : tested on alertmanager 0.25 / grafana 9.1.6
Hey everyone,
I want to share some findings as i tried to implement what is written here and got some insights that might help you:
name field for slack button:
if you dont specify a name for a slack button, you will only have 1 slack button as they need it to diffrenciate between the buttons in the list. here is where i found it in their documents: https://api.slack.com/legacy/interactive-message-field-guide -
if your button links to a url it must contain
i had a button with:grafana.com
and it didn't work, only after i made ithttps://grafana.com
it worked. -
the advise by @80kk was crucial for the buttons, the
value: 'test'
field was mandatory for me to make it work.
so this is my configuration for working buttons:
- type: button
name: mutebutton
text: 'Mute :prometheus:'
value: 'text'
url: "https://{{ (index .Alerts 0).Labels.alertManagerUrl }}" # just a link for our internal alert manager, with added https://
- type: button
name: readmebutton
text: 'README :green_book:'
value: 'text'
url: "{{ (index .Alerts 0).Labels.readmeUrl }}" # just a link for our internal readme, it comes with https:// so no need to add
- type: button
name: grafana
text: 'Grafana :grafana:'
value: 'text'
url: 'https://{{ (index .Alerts 0).Labels.grafanaAlertUrl }}' # same as first button
and thanks everyone for all the comments here!
- type: button
text: 'README :green_book:'
url: '{{ (index .Alerts 0).Annotations.runbook_url }}'
- type: button
text: 'Query :mag:'
url: '{{ (index .Alerts 0).GeneratorURL }}'
- type: button
text: 'Dashboard :chart_with_upwards_trend:'
url: '{{ (index .Alerts 0).Annotations.dashboard_url }}'
- type: button
text: 'Silence :no_bell:'
url: '{{ template "__alert_silence_link" . }}'
I have my buttons set up like this and I can only get in Slack the "Runbook" one to be shown. Any idea why it's not showing the Query, Dashboard or Silence button as well?
I have tried the value: 'text' but it seems not to make a difference.
@stefaneacsu147 see my previous answer, you might need to add name:
field to each button.
hi guys how can use this? should you create docs dude
If someone has missing Silence button, then double check your alert name. If alert name has spaces, then your link is malformed.
You can use this template
{{ define "__alert_silence_link" -}}
{{ .ExternalURL }}/#/silences/new?filter=%7B
{{- range .CommonLabels.SortedPairs -}}
{{- if ne .Name "alertname" -}}
{{- .Name }}%3D"{{- .Value | urlquery -}}"%2C%20
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
alertname%3D"{{- .CommonLabels.alertname | urlquery -}}"%7D
{{- end }}
Notice .CommonLabels.alertname | urlquery
change in the end.
Buttons are going to disappear if you link is malformed (i.e. non-urlencoded spaces or other chars). The best way to check it is to add the same link to message text and check the result:
- name: slack-receiver
- channel: "#alerts" # slack channel for notrifications
send_resolved: true
color: '{{ template "slack.monzo.color" . }}'
title: '{{ template "slack.monzo.title" . }}'
text: '{{ template "slack.monzo.text" . }} LINK: `{{ template "__alert_silence_link" . }}` '
Hope this will help!
My case is there are too many labels value with a space " ",
this is how i solved it.
{{ define "__alert_silence_link" -}}
{{ .ExternalURL }}/#/silences/new?filter=%7B
{{- range .CommonLabels.SortedPairs -}}
{{- if ne .Name "alertname" -}}
{{- .Name }}%3D"{{- urlquery .Value | reReplaceAll "\\+" "%20" -}}"%2C%20
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
alertname%3D"{{- urlquery .CommonLabels.alertname | reReplaceAll "\\+" "%20" -}}"%7D
{{- end }}
Hope this will help solving the same case
I used some snippets for our own! Thank you very much.
We also ran into an issue that I just solved, and I would like to share my solution with you so that you can fix it upstream.
Some of our label values had
marks in them. Because of this, Alertmanager was unable to parse the filter in the URL.Fixed by url encoding the label value: