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Created November 29, 2016 05:17
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# NOTE: required for the following to work:
# !pip install pymysql\n",
# !git clone\n",
# !cd mediawiki-config && git pull origin master"
import pymysql
import ipaddress
import os
connection = pymysql.connect(
for net in ['', '', '', '']
-- NOTE: couldn't get this python to run because I can't install pymysql without pip on stat1003
-- So here's the alternative SQL:
set @start = '20161001000000';
set @end = '20161001000100';
select count(*) as total_edits,
inet_aton(cuc_ip) between inet_aton('') and inet_aton('')
or inet_aton(cuc_ip) between inet_aton('') and inet_aton('')
or inet_aton(cuc_ip) between inet_aton('') and inet_aton('')
or inet_aton(cuc_ip) between inet_aton('') and inet_aton('')
or inet_aton(cuc_ip) between inet_aton('') and inet_aton('')
or inet_aton(cuc_ip) between inet_aton('') and inet_aton('')
, 1, 0)) as labs_edits
from enwiki.cu_changes
where cuc_timestamp > @start and cuc_timestamp < @end
def get_edit_counts(dbname, startts, endts):
Returns number of labs edits (and total edits) for given date range in given db
labs_edits = 0
total_edits = 0
with connection.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute("USE %s" % dbname)
SELECT cuc_ip FROM cu_changes
WHERE cuc_timestamp > %s AND cuc_timestamp < %s
""", (startts, endts))
for row in cur:
total_edits += 1
#if total_edits % 1000000 == 0:
#print('processed %s edits so far' % total_edits)
ip = ipaddress.IPv4Address(row['cuc_ip'].decode('utf-8'))
except ipaddress.AddressValueError:
# IPV4 address
for network in LABS_NETWORKS:
if ip in network:
labs_edits += 1
def get_public_open_wikis():
Return list of dbnames of public, non-closed wikis.
Requires a mediawiki-config git clone in current directory
def get_dblist(name):
Returns a set containing dbs in a given dblist
path = os.path.join('mediawiki-config', 'dblists', name + '.dblist')
with open(path, encoding='utf-8') as f:
return set([l.strip() for l in f])
return get_dblist('all') - get_dblist('closed') - get_dblist('private')
def calc_labs_edits(starttime, endttime):
Calculate the number of all / labs edits for all open wikis in a given time period
Return a dict of 'dbname' => { 'all': <all-edits-count>, 'labs': <labs-edit-count>}
stats = {}
for dbname in get_public_open_wikis():
stats[dbname] = get_edit_counts(dbname, starttime, endttime)
except pymysql.InternalError as e:
print('skipping %s' % (dbname))
return stats
calc_labs_edits('20161001000000', '20161001000100')
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