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Last active January 11, 2025 22:50
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Custom Gerbera v1.12.1 Import Scripts
// NOTE: Scripts have not been updated for Gerbera 2.0+
// Helper to access first element of an array if it exists
function get(item, fallback) {
return (item && item[0]) || fallback;
// Custom audio import script
function addAudioCustom(obj) {
var title = get(obj.metaData[M_TITLE], obj.title);
var artist = get(obj.metaData[M_ARTIST], "Unknown");
var album = get(obj.metaData[M_ALBUM], "Unknown");
var date = get(obj.metaData[M_DATE]);
var decade = "Unknown";
if (/.*T.*/.test(date)) {
// Date appears to be a file modification time, ignore it
date = "Unknown"
else {
// Get year from full data
var year = getYear(date);
// Update metadata
obj.metaData[M_UPNP_DATE] = [year];
// Compute decade
decade = date.substring(0, 3) + "0s"
// Update object title
obj.title = title;
const chain = {
// Container for all artists
artists: { title: "Artists", objectType: OBJECT_TYPE_CONTAINER, upnpclass: UPNP_CLASS_CONTAINER },
// Container for each artist
artist: { searchable: true, title: artist, objectType: OBJECT_TYPE_CONTAINER, upnpclass: UPNP_CLASS_CONTAINER_MUSIC_ARTIST, metaData: {}, res: obj.res, aux: obj.aux, refID: },
// Container for all albums
albums: { title: "Albums", objectType: OBJECT_TYPE_CONTAINER, upnpclass: UPNP_CLASS_CONTAINER },
// Container for each album
album: { searchable: true, title: album, objectType: OBJECT_TYPE_CONTAINER, upnpclass: UPNP_CLASS_CONTAINER_MUSIC_ALBUM, metaData: {}, res: obj.res, aux: obj.aux, refID: },
// Root container for decades
decades: { title: "Decades", objectType: OBJECT_TYPE_CONTAINER, upnpclass: UPNP_CLASS_CONTAINER },
// Container for each decade
decade: { title: decade, objectType: OBJECT_TYPE_CONTAINER, upnpclass: UPNP_CLASS_CONTAINER },
allTracks: { title: "All Tracks", objectType: OBJECT_TYPE_CONTAINER, upnpclass: UPNP_CLASS_CONTAINER },
// Set metadata on the album container
chain.album.metaData[M_ARTIST] = [artist];
chain.album.metaData[M_CREATOR] = [artist];
chain.album.metaData[M_ALBUMARTIST] = [artist];
chain.album.metaData[M_DATE] = [date];
chain.album.metaData[M_ALBUM] = [album];
// Set metadata on the artist container
chain.artist.metaData[M_ARTIST] = [artist];
chain.artist.metaData[M_ALBUMARTIST] = [artist];
// Group by artist, then album
var container = addContainerTree([chain.artists, chain.artist, chain.album]);
addCdsObject(obj, container);
// Make the artist and album unsearchable so it only shows up once in results
chain.album.searchable = false;
chain.artist.searchable = false;
// Group by album
container = addContainerTree([chain.albums, chain.album]);
addCdsObject(obj, container);
// Group by decade, then album
container = addContainerTree([chain.decades, chain.decade, chain.album]);
addCdsObject(obj, container);
// All tracks
container = addContainerTree([chain.allTracks]);
addCdsObject(obj, container);
// NOTE: Scripts have not been updated for Gerbera 2.0+
// Custom Gerbera audio import script
if (getPlaylistType(orig.mimetype) === "") {
// Create a copy of the original object
var obj = orig;
// All virtual objects must reference an object in the PC-Directory
obj.refID =;
var mime = orig.mimetype.split("/")[0];
if (mime === "video" && obj.onlineservice === ONLINE_SERVICE_APPLE_TRAILERS) {
mime = "trailer";
} else if (orig.mimetype === "application/ogg") {
mime = (orig.theora === 1) ? "video" : "audio";
var audioLayout = config["/import/scripting/virtual-layout/attribute::audio-layout"] || "Default";
switch (mime) {
case "audio":
switch (audioLayout) {
case "Structured":
case "Custom":
print("Ignored " + obj.location + " of type " + orig.mimetype);
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Hi there. I appreciate you posting your custom scripts. This is exactly what I was looking for. However, I'm having trouble implementing the audio_custom.js. I might be adding the script location incorrectly in the config.xml file. Would you possibly be able to share yours?

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mill1000 commented Mar 8, 2022

This should be the relevant bit you need

<import hidden-files="no">
    <scripting script-charset="UTF-8">
      <virtual-layout type="js" audio-layout="Custom">

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TheDiscoPotato commented Mar 8, 2022

Much appreciated. Looks like the trick was adding audio-layout="Custom". Cheers!

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thebream commented Mar 23, 2022

Awesome example!

Just been playing with this, and found that to make the "searchable" attribute work as intended in the above audio_custom.js:

  // Make the artsit and album unsearchable so it only shows up once in results
  chain.album.searchable = false;
  chain.artist.searchable = false;

You need to add this to the SERVER section in your config.xml file
<upnp searchable-container-flag="yes" />

Otherwise, when you search for, say, an album called "Thriller" in your UPNP controller (e.g. BubbleUPnP), it will find it three times from:

  • Albums / Thriller
  • Artists / Michael Jackson / Thriller
  • Decades / 1980s / Thiller

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That's correct. Good catch. Perhaps I should add a snippet of my config.xml for future reference.

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