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Created July 1, 2011 05:17
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Save millermedeiros/1057913 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
RequireJS plugin for loading files without adding the JS extension
//set location of "noext!" plugin
//(this setting should be on the top-level of your app, inside your "main.js" or HTML file)
//you could also omit this setting and just place the "ext.js" file in the `baseUrl` folder.
paths : {
noext : 'path_to_plugin/noext'
//load file without appending ".js" extension
require('noext!', noext!other_script', function(awsum, other){
* RequireJS plugin for loading files without adding the JS extension, useful for
* JSONP services and any other kind of resource that already contain a file
* extension or that shouldn't have one (like dynamic scripts).
* @author Miller Medeiros
* @version 0.3.0 (2011/10/26)
* Released under the WTFPL <>
var QUERY_PARAM = 'noext';
return {
load : function(name, req, onLoad, config){
var url = req.toUrl(name).replace(/\.js$/, '');
req([url], function(mod){
normalize : function(name, norm){
//append query string to avoid adding .js extension
name += (name.indexOf('?') < 0)? '?' : '&';
return name + QUERY_PARAM +'=1';
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this plugin is related with issue 18 of RequireJS.

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moved all my plugins to a new repository:

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