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Last active September 10, 2022 03:06
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Save millermedeiros/4724047 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
execute multiple shell commands in series on node.js
// USAGE ------
// ============
var shell = require('./shellHelper');
// execute a single shell command
shell.exec('npm test --coverage', function(err){
console.log('executed test');
// execute multiple commands in series
'node build release'
'git add -A',
'git commit --verbose'
], function(err){
console.log('executed many commands in a row');
// spawn a child process and execute shell command
// borrowed from build script
// author Miller Medeiros
// released under MIT License
// version: 0.1.0 (2013/02/01)
// execute a single shell command where "cmd" is a string
exports.exec = function(cmd, cb){
// this would be way easier on a shell/bash script :P
var child_process = require('child_process');
var parts = cmd.split(/\s+/g);
var p = child_process.spawn(parts[0], parts.slice(1), {stdio: 'inherit'});
p.on('exit', function(code){
var err = null;
if (code) {
err = new Error('command "'+ cmd +'" exited with wrong status code "'+ code +'"');
err.code = code;
err.cmd = cmd;
if (cb) cb(err);
// execute multiple commands in series
// this could be replaced by any flow control lib
exports.series = function(cmds, cb){
var execNext = function(){
exports.exec(cmds.shift(), function(err){
if (err) {
} else {
if (cmds.length) execNext();
else cb(null);
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Loved this idea, going to implement something like thins on my default build system.
Found a good library to deal with shell commands, don't know if you already use it: shelljs

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shurane commented Nov 15, 2014

There's always async for control flow, too.

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Cool lib, if you want to exec all the commands over the same shell instance you could try this too:

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maybe you can use g3l.

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gsundin commented Apr 10, 2017

Is there a way to log the terminal output from running commands with this?

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cagcak commented Apr 22, 2017

the shell.series results that no way to pass a shell command containing whitespaces inside a string

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jay16 commented Nov 16, 2018


var chalk = require('chalk')
const { exec } = require('child_process');

var version = require('../version')
var type = process.argv[2],
    moduler = process.argv[3],
    message = process.argv.slice(4, process.argv.length).join(' '),
    commands = [
      "git add .",
      "git commit -m \"" + type + "@" + version.pro_version + "(" + moduler + "): " + message + "\"",
      "git push origin $(git symbolic-ref --short -q HEAD)"

var exec_commands = (commands) => {
  var command = commands.shift()
  exec(command, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
    console.log(chalk.gray("$ ") + chalk.yellow(command))
    if (error) {
    if(stdout) console.log(chalk.gray(stdout));
    if(stderr) console.log(chalk.gray(stderr));

    if(commands.length) exec_commands(commands)

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ParadeTo commented Sep 3, 2019

It cannot support this situation: cd to somewhere and then execute the command under that path

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It cannot support this situation: cd to somewhere and then execute the command under that path

you found a solution for this ?

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swick7 commented Jun 24, 2020

I would also like to see a solution that allows me to pipe the output from one command to the next, like any unix shell allows. For example: find . -name "*.js" | sort | uniq | wc -l

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can we pass env variables here like below?

cycle=312 node index.js

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rajiff commented Mar 9, 2021

I would also like to see a solution that allows me to pipe the output from one command to the next, like any unix shell allows. For example: find . -name "*.js" | sort | uniq | wc -l

you can use async.workflow (, that does exactly what you are hoping for

if that's not enough, please take a look at it does in style of streams

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