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Created July 31, 2015 21:02
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import urllib
import urllib2
import libxml2
import inspect
import sys
import zlib
import base64
import struct
BaseUri = '';
# panoid is the value from panorama metadata
# OR: supply lat/lon/radius to find the nearest pano to lat/lon within radius
def GetPanoramaMetadata(panoid = None, lat = None, lon = None, radius = 2000):
url = '%s?'
url += 'output=xml' # metadata output
url += '&v=4' # version
url += '&dm=1' # include depth map
url += '&pm=1' # include pano map
if panoid == None:
url += '&ll=%s,%s' # lat/lon to search at
url += '&radius=%s' # search radius
url = url % (BaseUri, lat, lon, radius)
url += '&panoid=%s' # panoid to retrieve
url = url % (BaseUri, panoid)
findpanoxml = GetUrlContents(url)
if not findpanoxml.find('data_properties'):
return None
return PanoramaMetadata(libxml2.parseDoc(findpanoxml))
# panoid is the value from the panorama metadata
# zoom range is 0->NumZoomLevels inclusively
# x/y range is 0->?
def GetPanoramaTile(panoid, zoom, x, y):
url = '%s?'
url += 'output=tile' # tile output
url += '&panoid=%s' # panoid to retrieve
url += '&zoom=%s' # zoom level of tile
url += '&x=%i' # x position of tile
url += '&y=%i' # y position of tile
url += '&fover=2' # ???
url += '&onerr=3' # ???
url += '&renderer=spherical' # standard speherical projection
url += '&v=4' # version
url = url % (BaseUri, panoid, zoom, x, y)
return GetUrlContents(url)
def GetUrlContents(url):
f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
data =
return data
class PanoramaMetadata:
def __init__(self, panodoc):
self.PanoDoc = panodoc
panoDocCtx = self.PanoDoc.xpathNewContext()
self.PanoId = panoDocCtx.xpathEval("/panorama/data_properties/@pano_id")[0].content
self.ImageWidth = panoDocCtx.xpathEval("/panorama/data_properties/@image_width")[0].content
self.ImageHeight = panoDocCtx.xpathEval("/panorama/data_properties/@image_height")[0].content
self.TileWidth = panoDocCtx.xpathEval("/panorama/data_properties/@tile_width")[0].content
self.TileHeight = panoDocCtx.xpathEval("/panorama/data_properties/@tile_height")[0].content
self.NumZoomLevels = panoDocCtx.xpathEval("/panorama/data_properties/@num_zoom_levels")[0].content
self.Lat = panoDocCtx.xpathEval("/panorama/data_properties/@lat")[0].content
self.Lon = panoDocCtx.xpathEval("/panorama/data_properties/@lng")[0].content
self.OriginalLat = panoDocCtx.xpathEval("/panorama/data_properties/@original_lat")[0].content
self.OriginalLon = panoDocCtx.xpathEval("/panorama/data_properties/@original_lng")[0].content
self.Copyright = panoDocCtx.xpathEval("/panorama/data_properties/copyright/text()")[0].content
self.Text = panoDocCtx.xpathEval("/panorama/data_properties/text/text()")[0].content
self.Region = panoDocCtx.xpathEval("/panorama/data_properties/region/text()")[0].content
self.Country = panoDocCtx.xpathEval("/panorama/data_properties/country/text()")[0].content
self.ProjectionType = panoDocCtx.xpathEval("/panorama/projection_properties/@projection_type")[0].content
self.ProjectionPanoYawDeg = panoDocCtx.xpathEval("/panorama/projection_properties/@pano_yaw_deg")[0].content
self.ProjectionTiltYawDeg = panoDocCtx.xpathEval("/panorama/projection_properties/@tilt_yaw_deg")[0].content
self.ProjectionTiltPitchDeg = panoDocCtx.xpathEval("/panorama/projection_properties/@tilt_pitch_deg")[0].content
self.AnnotationLinks = []
for cur in panoDocCtx.xpathEval("/panorama/annotation_properties/link"):
self.AnnotationLinks.append({ 'YawDeg': cur.xpathEval("@yaw_deg")[0].content,
'PanoId': cur.xpathEval("@pano_id")[0].content,
'RoadARGB': cur.xpathEval("@road_argb")[0].content,
'Text': cur.xpathEval("link_text/text()")[0].content,
tmp = panoDocCtx.xpathEval("/panorama/model/pano_map/text()")
if len(tmp) > 0:
tmp = tmp[0].content
tmp = zlib.decompress(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(tmp + self.MakePadding(tmp)))
tmp = panoDocCtx.xpathEval("/panorama/model/depth_map/text()")
if len(tmp) > 0:
tmp = tmp[0].content
tmp = zlib.decompress(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(tmp + self.MakePadding(tmp)))
def MakePadding(self, s):
return (4 - (len(s) % 4)) * '='
def DecodePanoMap(self, raw):
pos = 0
(headerSize, numPanos, panoWidth, panoHeight, panoIndicesOffset) = struct.unpack('<BHHHB', raw[0:8])
if headerSize != 8 or panoIndicesOffset != 8:
print "Invalid panomap data"
pos += headerSize
self.PanoMapIndices = [ord(x) for x in raw[panoIndicesOffset:panoIndicesOffset + (panoWidth * panoHeight)]]
pos += len(self.PanoMapIndices)
self.PanoMapPanos = []
for i in xrange(0, numPanos - 1):
self.PanoMapPanos.append({ 'panoid': raw[pos: pos+ 22]})
pos += 22
for i in xrange(0, numPanos - 1):
(x, y) = struct.unpack('<ff', raw[pos:pos+8])
self.PanoMapPanos[i]['x'] = x
self.PanoMapPanos[i]['y'] = y
def DecodeDepthMap(self, raw):
pos = 0
(headerSize, numPlanes, panoWidth, panoHeight, planeIndicesOffset) = struct.unpack('<BHHHB', raw[0:8])
if headerSize != 8 or planeIndicesOffset != 8:
print "Invalid depthmap data"
pos += headerSize
self.DepthMapIndices = [ord(x) for x in raw[planeIndicesOffset:planeIndicesOffset + (panoWidth * panoHeight)]]
pos += len(self.DepthMapIndices)
self.DepthMapPlanes = []
for i in xrange(0, numPlanes - 1):
(d, nx, ny, nz) = struct.unpack('<ffff', raw[pos:pos+16])
self.DepthMapPlanes.append({ 'd': d, 'nx': nx, 'ny': ny, 'nz': nz }) # nx/ny/nz = unit normal, d = distance from origin
pos += 16
def __str__(self):
tmp = ''
for x in inspect.getmembers(self):
if x[0].startswith("__") or inspect.ismethod(x[1]):
tmp += "%s: %s\n" % x
return tmp
pano = GetPanoramaMetadata(lat=27.683528, lon=-99.580078)
#print pano.PanoId
#print pano.PanoMapPanos
#print pano.DepthMapPlanes
print GetPanoramaTile(pano.PanoId, 2, 0, 0)
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148 (d, nx, ny, nz) = struct.unpack('<ffff', raw[pos:pos+16])
After my test, I think it should be (nx, ny, nz, d) = struct.unpack('<ffff', raw[pos:pos+16])

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