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mindplace / fisher_yates_shuffle.rb
Created February 17, 2017 22:53
Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm
def shuffle(array)
counter = array.length - 1
while counter > 0
# item selected from the unshuffled part of array
random_index = rand(counter)
# swap the items at those locations
array[counter], array[random_index] = array[random_index], array[counter]
mindplace /
Last active February 22, 2025 12:29
Pushing your first project to github

1. Make sure git is tracking your project locally

Do you need a refresher on git? Go through Codecademy's git course.

  1. Using your terminal/command line, get inside the folder where your project files are kept: cd /path/to/my/codebase. → You cannot do this simply by opening the folder normally, you must do this with the command line/terminal.
    → Do you need a refresher on using your command line/terminal? I've compiled my favorite resources here.

  2. Check if git is already initialized: git status

mindplace /
Created November 24, 2016 02:54 — forked from CristhianMotoche/
101 Template

My 101 for learning any language

The following lists will be implemented in any new language that I'd like learn. I'll apply TDD for everyone of these examples.


The following list:

  • Calculator
  • Sorting and Search algorithms
    • Bubble sort
    • Quick sort
  • Merge sort



  • Know how to use gets to read input.
  • Know why chomp is often used to clean input.
  • Know the difference between print and puts.
  • Know how to open a file
    • Know how to read a line from a file.
    • Know how to read in all the lines from a file.
class Array
def my_map(&prc)
new = []
self.my_each{|item| new <<}
def my_select(&prc)
selected = []
self.my_each{|item| selected << item if}
class Array
def my_each(&prc)
i = 0
while i < self.count[i])
i += 1
function newList() {
var listString = prompt("Welcome to GroceryListMaker!\n\n" +
"Enter items with quantities like so:\n"
+ "2 apples, 1 tomato, 3 pomegranates, 1 sugar");
var list = {};
listString = listString.split(", ");
for (var i=0; i < listString.length; i++) {
var quant = listString[i].split(" ")[0];
var item = listString[i].split(" ")[1];
function toBinaryNumber(number) {
var returning = new Array;
if (number % 2 != 0) {
returning[0] = 1;
number -= 1;
while (number > 0) {
i = 1;
while (Math.pow(2, i) <= number) {
def to_binary(number)
returning = []
if number.odd?
returning << 1
number -= 1
while number > 0
i = 1
function BinaryConverter(binNum) {
var numArray = binNum.toString().split("").reverse();
var number = 0;
for (var i=0; i < numArray.length; i++) {
var num = parseInt(numArray[i]);
var location = Math.pow(2, i);
number += num * location;
return number;