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Created June 29, 2012 04:51
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Munin plugin to log in to ING Direct (Australia) account and extract account balances
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- python -*-
# Plugin to track account balances on, using selenium gymnastics to log in
# E.g.
# ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/ /etc/munin/plugins/ingdirect
# Needs (hint: pip install):
# selenium
# pyvirtualdisplay (also sudo apt-get install xvfb)
# simplejson
# Needs following minimal configuration in plugin-conf.d/munin-node:
# [ingdirect]
# client 9876
# pin 1234
# refresh 360 # optional refresh rate in minutes
# Author: Roger Barnes <[email protected]>
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException
from simplejson.decoder import JSONDecodeError
from PIL import Image
import StringIO
import re
import hashlib
import base64
import sys
import os
import simplejson
import time
def verboselog(s):
global plugin_name
sys.stderr.write(plugin_name+': '+s+'\n')
if not verbose :
verboselog = lambda s: None
def splat(type, value, tb):
"""Exception hook to fire up pdb if we have a tty"""
if hasattr(sys, 'ps1') or not sys.stderr.isatty():
# we are in interactive mode or we don't have a tty-like
# device, so we call the default hook
sys.__excepthook__(type, value, tb)
import traceback, pdb
# we are NOT in interactive mode, print the exception...
traceback.print_exception(type, value, tb)
# ...then start the debugger in post-mortem mode.
sys.excepthook = splat
def getcropbox(button):
"""Given a selenium WebElement, return a PIL friendly
(left, top, right, bottom) crop box
including the top frame and padding offsets"""
topframe = 95
padding = 6
xoffset = padding
yoffset = topframe + padding
return (
xoffset + button.location['x'],
yoffset + button.location['y'],
xoffset + button.location['x'] + button.size['width'],
yoffset + button.location['y'] + button.size['height']
def get_balances(driver, path):
"""Given an xpath, extract the account rows and return
a list of tuples (account name, balance)"""
table = driver.find_element_by_xpath(path)
all_rows = table.find_elements_by_xpath("tbody/tr")
balances = []
for row in all_rows[1:-1]:
cells = row.find_elements_by_tag_name('td')
float(re.findall(r'[0-9.,]+', cells[6].text)[0].replace(',', ''))
return balances
class INGDirect(object):
# Mapping of PIN digits to md5sums of button images
nums = {
'0': '9b1e2f2424bed4698e628bc8efc4d917',
'1': '4732bbdd77938edc99bf29b8b9f95ca1',
'2': '90d0aa87be7fc3b06250acb1364301e6',
'3': 'a4c8204ec0b17e0840cd3c493bfd46b6',
'4': '4b5a21179a172e3d0eb631349d1df4d9',
'5': '99167e3c333f1d3b6fe78dedb6dd72a0',
'6': 'f1f669791224037c38b8239d88528b72',
'7': '4374e88a64088bdc988a95dc0abeed76',
'8': '9282c5583088f880cda228225b3cf4be',
'9': 'a502640945909a81c031caa334febc28',
'cancel': '5285990feb6cc21055aae02230ff9d64',
'clear': 'f7b4cfdcc435dac1213372c511c6f759',
def __init__(self, client, pin, visible=0):
# Virtual display setup
from pyvirtualdisplay import Display
self.display = Display(visible=visible, size=(800, 800))
# Selenium setup
self.driver = webdriver.Firefox()
self.base_url = ""
self.verificationErrors = []
# Login params
self.client = client = pin
def get_balances(self):
"""Main workload, logs in and gets balances"""
driver = self.driver
driver.get(self.base_url + "/client/index.aspx")
# Type in client number
# Get screenshot for extraction of button images
im =
barr = {}
table = driver.find_element_by_xpath("""//*[@id="objKeypad_divShowAll"]/table""")
all_buttons = table.find_elements_by_tag_name("input")
# Determine md5sum of each button by cropping the screenshot based on element positions
for button in all_buttons:
#print "Value is: %s %s %s %s" % (
# button.get_attribute("id"), button.get_attribute("src"), button.location, button.size)
bim = im.crop(getcropbox(button))
hexid = hashlib.md5(bim.tostring()).hexdigest()"/tmp/%s-%s.png" % (hexid, button.get_attribute("id")))
barr[hexid] = button.get_attribute("id")
#print barr
# Now we know which button is which, enter the PIN
for char in
#print barr[nums[char]]
# We're in! Grab the balances from the Transaction and Savings account sections
balances = get_balances(driver, """//*[@id="asTrans_gvAccountSummary"]""") + \
get_balances(driver, """//*[@id="asSavings_gvAccountSummary"]""")
return balances
def is_element_present(self, how, what):
try: self.driver.find_element(by=how, value=what)
except NoSuchElementException, e: return False
return True
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
to_key = lambda s: re.sub('[()]', '', s).replace(' ', '_').lower()
def print_config(state):
"""Munin config based on current state"""
verboselog('Printing configuration')
print('graph_title ING Direct account balances')
print('graph_vlabel balance')
print('graph_args --logarithmic --base 1000 --lower-limit 100')
print('graph_category personal')
print('graph_info This graph shows the balance of all ING Direct accounts')
print('graph_total total')
attributes=[b[0] for b in state['balances']]
for key in attributes :
print(to_key(key) + '.label ' + key)
print(to_key(key) + '.type GAUGE')
if __name__ == "__main__":
verboselog('plugins\' UID: '+str(os.geteuid())+' / plugins\' GID: '+str(os.getegid()))
# read state (JSON)
state = {}
statepath = os.getenv('MUNIN_STATEFILE', '/tmp/ingdirect-')
with open(statepath,'r') as statefile:
state = simplejson.load(statefile)
except (IOError, JSONDecodeError):
# Only get fresh balances every 6 hours (or as configured in munin-node)
if not 'lastupdate' in state or state['lastupdate'] < time.time() - (os.getenv('refresh', 360) * 60):
with INGDirect(client=os.getenv('client'), pin=os.getenv('pin')) as client:
state['lastupdate'] = time.time()
state['balances'] = client.get_balances()
with open(statepath,'w') as statefile:
simplejson.dump(state, statefile)
# Parse arguments
if len(sys.argv)>1 and sys.argv[1]=="config":
# Results for munin
for account, balance in state['balances']:
print("%s.value %f" % (to_key(account), balance))
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