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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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Save mindware/a1b2017bebc688263a0e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Ruby script to generate 4096 ssh key and display ansible commands to distribute the public key to all machines
puts "\nLet's help you generate the RSA keys and distribute it to your machines.\n\n"
print "Enter a secret passphrase to use for the key (save it well!): "
passphrase = gets.strip
print "Enter how many iterations (500 for security + performance, 1000 > for maximum security):"
iterations = gets.strip
print "Enter the name of the remote user: "
remote_user= gets.strip
print "Enter a comment to identify this key in the authorized_host (ie: [email protected]): "
comment= gets.strip
# Key variables:
print "Enter the file name for the private key (ie: id_rsa): "
private_key = gets.strip
path_to_key = File.expand_path("~/.ssh/#{private_key}.pub")
path_to_private_key = File.expand_path("~/.ssh/#{private_key}")
# Lets generate our Keys:
if(File.exist?(path_to_private_key) or File.exists?(path_to_key))
puts "The keys for '#{private_key}' already exist. "+
"Back them up and remove them, if you want to run this script."
puts "Now generating the private key: #{private_key} (this will take a little while)..."
command = "ssh-keygen -b 4096 -N #{passphrase} -f #{path_to_private_key} -o -a #{iterations} -C #{comment}"
puts "Running: #{command}"
result = `#{command}`
puts "Result: #{result}"
command = "chmod 0600 #{path_to_key}"
puts "Changing permissions: #{command}"
result = `#{command}`
puts "Result: #{result}"
command = "chmod 0600 #{path_to_private_key}"
puts "Changing permissions: #{command}"
result = `#{command}`
puts "Result: #{result}"
puts "Done.\n"
puts "\nNow copy paste this:\n"+
"ssh-agent bash\n"+
"ssh-add #{path_to_private_key}\n\n"+
"Then enter the passphrase:\n#{passphrase}\n\n"+
"Finally, after that you can run:\n"+
"ansible -i hosts -m authorized_key -a "+
"\"key='{{ lookup('file', '#{path_to_key}') }}' user=#{remote_user}\" "+
"-u #{remote_user} all -k\n"
# Output will be something similar to this:
# ansible -i hosts -m authorized_key -a
# "key='{{ lookup('file', '/home/vagrant/.ssh/') }}' user=vagrant"
# -u vagrant all -k
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