Another variable that needs some cleaning up is membership_status. Currently it should either be NA or contain some text that says "Select ... to register for this group". Recode this variable to say "Closed" if the current value is NA or "Open" otherwise. Save the resulting dataset with this new variables as clubs, i.e., overwrite the original data frame. Then, display the first 10 rows of the dataset, moving membership_status to the beginning of the dataset to make sure it appears in the output in your rendered document.
I'll help you clean up the membership_status variable. Let's break this down into steps:
# Recode membership_status to "Closed" if NA, "Open" otherwise
clubs$membership_status <- ifelse($membership_status), "Closed", "Open")
# Reorder columns to put membership_status first
clubs <- clubs[, c("membership_status", setdiff(names(clubs), "membership_status"))]