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Last active May 15, 2020 20:03
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mkldnn integration plan, RFC draft

MKL-DNN Integration Plan

The purpose is to further improve PyTorch CPU performance on both imperative path and jit path. MKLDNN requires to reorder memory from plain layout to blocked layout to achieve optimal performance on CPU, e.g. from nchw to nChw16c, etc. At this moment on PyTorch, MKLDNN operators reuse CPU tensor, which means for each MKLDNN operator, it takes three steps to finish the computation:

input_reorder(plain_layout, blocked_layout)
output_reorder(blocked_layout, plain_layout)

These reorders takes about 50% of time on a typical ImageNet topology, e.g. ResNet50. Also MKLDNN chose different blocked format according to different input config from Convolution, with nn.Conv2d always output in plain layout, subsequent layers (BatchNorm, Pooling) would only execute on plain layout and this is the slow path for MKLDNN. With these problems solved, the CNN models would have 3~4x speedup v.s. current performance.

The general idea to solve these problems here is to expose MKLDNN blocked layout among MKLDNN operators. Which means, within MKLDNN domain, Tensor can be transfered in blocked layout. But wherever the Tensor is used outside MKLDNN domain, it should be reordered back to plain layout.

The final picture might be like: In case we have an model, user can transfer weights to mkldnn by model.mkldnn(), similar to model.cuda() and this would allow weight tensor to be in blocked layout to avoid unnecessary reorders. The transition can be automatic and explicit which means it is transparent for user and user can also choose to manually make the transition.

To achieve that, we can roughly take 3 steps:

1. MKLDNN Tensor

This means a separate TensorTypeId for mkldnn, e.g. MkldnnCPUTensorId. It can be implemented in two ways:

  • Opaque data handle under TensorImpl: Onging effort can be fould here, an Opaque data handle is registered under TensorImpl. This Opaque handle would be nullptr for CPUTensorId tensor and hold mkldnn::memory for MkldnnCPUTensorId.
  • Deriving TensorImpl: e.g. MKLDNNTensorImpl and underlying storage can be mkldnn::memory and memory descriptor.

Aside from the implementation details, it requires only two things here:

  • Python interface: mkldnn tensor and cpu tensor can be transfered from one to another:
  mkldnn_tensor = cpu_tensor.to_mkldnn()
  cpu_tensor = mkldnn_tensor.to_dense() # treate mkldnn as a layout for CPU
  • C++ inferface: mkldnn tensor can be reordered to in blocked layout
  // itensor is ideep::tensor which wraps mkldnn::memory
  // atensor is at::Tensor
  auto itensor = get_itensor_mkldnn(atensor)

2. Remove redundant weight reorder

This means to expose blocked layout for weights so as to remove redundant weight reorders. Generally idea is keep a list of MKLDNN supported operators, e.g. mkldnn_supported_ops and traverse model recursively and convert weight of supported operator to mkldnn.

  • Python interface: add mkldnn() method under, similar to cuda()
# prototype pseudo
# torch/backends/mkldnn/
mkldnn_supported_ops = {nn.Conv2d, nn.BatchNorm2d, nn.ReLU}
# torch/nn/modules/
def mkldnn():
    def convert_weight_to_mkldnn(m):
        if type(m) in mkldnn_supported_ops:
            if m.weight is not None:
    return self._apply(convert_weight_to_mkldnn)
  • Inference: weight will be reordered only once for first run and blocked layout will be used for subsequent runs.
  • Training: weight will be in blocked layout for the whole training process which means optimizer need to be able to ingest mkldnn tensor directly. We can register mkldnn_sgd_step and mkldnn_adam_step in native_functions.yaml to fulfill this.

Also with weight cache, mkldnn-rnn won't need to cache the transposed weights at Module level which is a much more decent way. And before saving model weights to disk, model needs to be reorder back to plain layout.

3. Remove redundant output/input reorder

This means to allow adjacent mkldnn supported operators to pass blocked layout in between so as to remove redundant reorders from output/input. The transition is transparent to end users which user always have full control to choose which layer to be computed by mkldnn.

  • Python inferface:
# prototype pseudo:
# provide two transition operators
def Dense2Mkldnn(input):
    return input if input.is_mkldnn() else input.to_mkldnn()
def Mkldnn2Dense(input):
    return input if not input.is_mkldnn() else input.to_dense()

Uesr can manually enable/disable mkldnn in model definition for debugging purposes:

Dense2Mkldnn() -> Conv2d() -> BatchNorm2d() -> Mkldnn2Dense()

The behavior of underlying implentations need to be changed as well, should allow to output a mkldnn tensor in case the input is mkldnn.

### for example: 
mkldnn_operator(dense_input) -> (dense_output)
mkldnn_operator(mkldnn_input) -> (mkldnn_output)

Also we can provide a method to transit the model both automatically and explicitly, this process is also transparent to users. For MKLDNN supported operators, OP -> Dense2Mkldnn() + OP; for MKLDNN non-supported operators, OP -> Mkldnn2Dense() + OP. We can also add a short parth for container (nn.Sequential), for example, we can transfer alexnet.features to

self.features = nn.Sequential(
    nn.Conv2d(3, 64, kernel_size=11, stride=4, padding=2),
    nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2),
    nn.Conv2d(64, 192, kernel_size=5, padding=2),
    nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2),
    nn.Conv2d(192, 384, kernel_size=3, padding=1),
    nn.Conv2d(384, 256, kernel_size=3, padding=1),
    nn.Conv2d(256, 256, kernel_size=3, padding=1),
    nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2),

In this way, supposing mkldnn supports all the operators above, blocked format will be used through the whole list. And reorders from output to input is actually not needed.

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