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Minh-Danh minhdanh

View GitHub Profile
Jul 26 00:52:17 192-168-45-10 nomad[2148]: http: Request /v1/agent/servers (67.036µs)
Jul 26 00:52:27 192-168-45-10 nomad[2148]: http: Request /v1/agent/servers (252.952µs)
Jul 26 00:52:37 192-168-45-10 nomad[2148]: http: Request /v1/agent/servers (265.374µs)
Jul 26 00:52:47 192-168-45-10 nomad[2148]: http: Request /v1/agent/servers (262.459µs)
Jul 26 00:52:57 192-168-45-10 nomad[2148]: http: Request /v1/agent/servers (65.531µs)
Jul 26 00:53:07 192-168-45-10 nomad[2148]: http: Request /v1/agent/servers (306.963µs)
Jul 26 00:53:10 192-168-45-10 nomad[2148]: client: updated allocations at index 23 (pulled 0) (filtered 0)
Jul 26 00:53:10 192-168-45-10 nomad[2148]: client: allocs: (added 0) (removed 0) (updated 0) (ignore 0)
Jul 26 00:53:10 192-168-45-10 nomad[2148]: client: updated allocations at index 26 (pulled 1) (filtered 0)
Jul 26 00:53:10 192-168-45-10 nomad[2148]: client: allocs: (added 1) (removed 0) (updated 0) (ignore 0)
minhdanh /
Created March 16, 2016 02:28 — forked from miguno/
A simple Ops helper script for Apache Kafka to generate a partition reassignment JSON snippet for moving partition leadership away from a given Kafka broker. Use cases include 1) safely restarting a broker while minimizing risk of data loss, 2) replacing a broker, 3) preparing a broker for maintenance.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# File:
# Description
# ===========
# Generates a Kafka partition reassignment JSON snippet to STDOUT to move the leadership
# of any replicas away from the provided "source" broker to different, randomly selected
# "target" brokers. Run this script with `-h` to show detailed usage instructions.
minhdanh / gist:14c379a31b71c5a85c02
Last active April 17, 2020 15:28
# Nodogsplash Configuration File
# Parameter: GatewayInterface
# Default: NONE
# GatewayInterface is not autodetected, has no default, and must be set here.
# Set GatewayInterface to the interface on your router
# that is to be managed by Nodogsplash.
minhdanh /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
Python script to register domain using DNSimple API
from dnsimple import DNSimple
import time
import daemon
import logging
dns = DNSimple(email="[email protected]", api_token="YOUR_API_TOKEN")
logger = logging.getLogger()
fh = logging.FileHandler("./your-desired-domain.log")
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
# This file configures the New Relic Agent. New Relic monitors
# Ruby, Java, .NET, PHP, and Python applications with deep visibility and low overhead.
# For more information, visit
# Generated April 28, 2014
# This configuration file is custom generated for SimpleIMS