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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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from theano import tensor as T
import theano
import numpy as np
floatX = 'float32'
num_blocks = 2
block_dims = 3
hidden_dims = 5
output_dims = 7
if __name__ == '__main__':
randm = lambda *dims: np.random.uniform(low=-0.01, high=0.01, size=dims)
E = [theano.shared(np.asarray(randm(100, block_dims), dtype=floatX))]
W0_values = np.asarray(randm(num_blocks, hidden_dims, block_dims), dtype=floatX)
W0 = theano.shared(W0_values, 'W0')
W1_values = np.asarray(randm(hidden_dims, output_dims), dtype=floatX)
W1 = theano.shared(W1_values, 'W1')
x = T.matrix('x', 'int64')
y_hat = T.matrix('y_hat', 'int64')
proj = T.stack(*[E[i][x[:,i]] for i in range(len(E))]) = 'proj'
hidden =, W0, [2, 2]), axis=0) = 'hidden'
y = T.nnet.softmax(, W1)) = 'y'
params = E + [W0, W1]
cost = T.mean(-T.log(y[T.arange(y_hat.shape[0]), y_hat[:,0]]))
grad = T.grad(cost, params)
theano.function([x, y_hat], grad)
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