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Created July 15, 2017 07:41
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Use this code to count events in OntoNotes 5.0
import os
import re
from collections import defaultdict
import sys
import ptb
ontonotes_root = '/Users/cumeo/corpora/ontonotes-release-5.0'
ontonotes_en = os.path.join(ontonotes_root, 'data/files/data/english/annotations')
assert os.path.exists(ontonotes_root), 'please link/put ontonotes into data directory'
def load_coref(content):
chains = defaultdict(list)
sent = 0
for line in content.split('\n'):
if line.strip() and not re.match(r'</?DOC|</?TEXT', line):
last_tokens = []
brackets = []
curr_index = 0
parts = re.findall(r'<COREF\s[^>]+>|</COREF\s*>|[^\s<>]+', line)
for s in parts:
m = re.match(r'<COREF\s+ID="([^"]+)"', s)
if m: # open bracket
brackets.append((, curr_index))
last_tokens = []
elif re.match(r'</COREF', s):
refid, start_index = brackets.pop()
chains[refid].append((sent, start_index, curr_index, tuple(last_tokens)))
s = (s.replace('-AMP-', '&').replace('-LAB-', '<')
.replace('-RAB-', '>').replace(r'\*', '*'))
curr_index += 1
# print(sent, ' --> ', tokens)
# print(sent, len(dep_content), line)
sent += 1
return chains
class OntonotesDocument:
def __init__(self, base_path):
self.base_path = base_path
self._chains = {}
coref_path = self.base_path + '.coref'
if os.path.exists(coref_path):
self._trees = ptb.load_trees(self.base_path + '.parse')
# print(coref_path)
with open(coref_path) as f:
self._chains = load_coref(
sys.stderr.write('Error at document: %s. Ignored.\n' %coref_path)
self._chains, self._coref = {}, {}
def iter_docs(dir_path=ontonotes_en):
for root, _, fnames in os.walk(dir_path):
for fname in fnames:
if'\.parse', fname):
yield OntonotesDocument(os.path.join(root, fname[:-6]))
if __name__ == '__main__':
doc_count = 0
event_doc_count = 0
event_count = 0
all_chain_count = 0
event_chain_count = 0
for doc in iter_docs():
if os.path.exists(doc.base_path + '.coref'):
event_found_in_doc = False
for chain in doc._chains.values():
event_found_in_chain = False
for sent, start_index, end_index, tokens in chain:
#print(start_index, end_index, ' '.join(tokens))
pos = doc._trees[sent].terminals[start_index].label()
if start_index+1 == end_index and pos[0] == 'V':
assert (doc._trees[sent].terminals[start_index][0],) == tokens
event_found_in_chain = True
event_found_in_doc = True
event_count += 1
if event_found_in_chain: event_chain_count += 1
all_chain_count += 1
if event_found_in_doc: event_doc_count += 1
doc_count += 1
print('#documents with coreference annotation: %d' %doc_count)
print('#documents with events: %d' %event_doc_count)
print('#events: %d' %event_count)
print('#all chains: %d' %all_chain_count)
print('#chains with events: %d' %event_chain_count)
from nltk.tree import ParentedTree
import os
root_dir = 'data/ptb'
# assert os.path.exists(root_dir), 'please link/put PENN TreeBank into data directory'
def _assign_token_ids(root, n):
assert not isinstance(root, str)
if len(root) == 1 and isinstance(root[0], str):
if root.label() == '-NONE-':
root.token_id = None
root.token_id = n
n += 1
for child in root:
n = _assign_token_ids(child, n)
return n
def _find_terminals(root):
assert not isinstance(root, str)
target_list = []
if len(root) == 1 and isinstance(root[0], str):
for child in root:
root.terminals = target_list
return target_list
def _tree_from_string(s):
root = ParentedTree.fromstring(s)
_assign_token_ids(root, 0)
return root
def _iter_syntax_trees(path):
with open(path, 'rt') as f:
parenthese_count = 0
buf = []
line = f.readline()
while line != '':
if parenthese_count == 0:
s = ' '.join(buf).strip()
if s: yield s
del buf[:]
parenthese_count += sum(1 for c in line if c == '(')
parenthese_count -= sum(1 for c in line if c == ')')
line = f.readline()
s = ' '.join(buf).strip()
if s: yield s
def load_trees(path):
trees = []
for s in _iter_syntax_trees(path):
root = _tree_from_string(s)
return trees
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