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Last active July 17, 2017 07:48
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Testing the validity of sanity check proposed in Batchkarov et al. (2016)
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import spearmanr, pearsonr
from matplotlib import pyplot as pl
import sys
if __name__ == '__main__':
repeats = int(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv) >= 2 else 5 # change this and see what happens
dim = 50
#sizes = {'simlex': 999, 'men': 3000, 'mc': 30, 'rg': 65, 'ws353': 353}
sizes = {'men': (3000, '#0066ff', '#4d94ff'), 'mc': (30, '#ff3300', '#ffd6cc80'), 'rg': (65, '#00ff00', '#ccffcc80')}
for name, (size, line_color, shade_color) in sizes.items():
gold_pairs = np.random.rand(2, size, dim)*2-1
gold_scores = (gold_pairs[0]*gold_pairs[1]).sum(axis=1)
sys_pairs = 0.5*(gold_pairs + np.random.rand(2, size, dim)*1.2-0.6)
print('Mean norm of system vectors: %.2f' %np.linalg.norm(sys_pairs, axis=2).ravel().mean())
n_vals = np.linspace(0, 3, 15)
rho_means = np.zeros(15)
rho_stds = np.zeros(15)
for i, n in enumerate(n_vals):
rhos = []
perturbed_pairs = sys_pairs[:,np.newaxis,:,:] + np.random.rand(2, repeats, size, dim)*n*2-n
perturbed_scores = (perturbed_pairs[0]*perturbed_pairs[1]).sum(axis=2)
for j in range(repeats):
rhos.append(spearmanr(gold_scores, perturbed_scores[j])[0])
rho_means[i] = np.mean(rhos)
rho_stds[i] = np.std(rhos)
pl.plot(n_vals, rho_means, 'k-', label=name, color=line_color)
pl.fill_between(n_vals, rho_means-rho_stds, rho_means+rho_stds, color=shade_color)
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