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Created May 19, 2015 08:24
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Code for the game "Arcus Coelestis"
* Author: Min Hoo Lee
* Date: March 20, 2015 - May 19, 2015 (start to end)
* Description:
* is the program containing the game "Arcus Coelestis".
* This game was created and designed for the Game-In-5-Weeks Project.
* It involves the user controlling a cannon to shoot colored balls
* (specified by HSV sliders) at randomly colored balls
* located in the top of the screen. If the ball hits a ball of the same color,
* the user scores a point. Otherwise, the user loses a life (one out of five).
* The user has 5 lives and every two points that the user scores,
* the amount of balls decreases by 4.
* should work: click on buttons, change values of sliders, mouse click
* should not work: keys typed, keys pressed, clicking outside of box
// import libraries
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
public class ColorShooter extends JFrame { // ColorShooter class header; holds the game 'Arcus Coelestis'
private CardHolder ch; // CardHolder panel
public static void main(String[]args) { // main method header, instantiate constructor
try {
new ColorShooter();
} catch (NullPointerException npe) { // catch null pointer exception meaning an error in nested classes
System.out.println("Error: " + npe);
public ColorShooter() { // constructor header that instantiates the JFrame
super("Arcus Coelestis");// title JFrame 'Arcus Coelestis'
setSize(1350, 700);// JFrame size = 1350 (w) by 700 (h)
setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); // respond to 'X' on JFrame
setLocation(30, 130); // set location on monitor to (30, 130)
setResizable(false); // cannot be resized
ch = new CardHolder(); // CardHolder panel holds the instructions panel and game panel
setVisible(true); // make JFrame show up
public class CardHolder extends JPanel { // CardHolder class header; panel that holds the instructions and game panels
private MainPanel main; // Main Panel
private InstructionsPanel1 instruct1; // Instructions Panel about gameplay (Part 1)
private InstructionsPanel2 instruct2; // Instructions Panel about gameplay (Part 2)
private InstructionsPanel3 instruct3; // Instructions Panel about HSV
private SeeMore1 more1; // see more about hue
private SeeMore2 more2; // see more about saturation
private SeeMore3 more3; // see more about value
private GameMode mode; // Panel for user to select game mode in
private GamePanel game; // Game Panel
private GameLose lose; // Panel to display if user wins or loses
private JButton instructButton; // button that redirects to first instructions panel
private JButton modeButton; // button that redirects to game mode panel
private JButton back; // back button
private CardLayout cards; // card layout
// create some colors to use for layout
private Color lightBlue = new Color(100, 255, 255); // light blue color for the backgrounds
private Color lighterBlue = new Color(200, 255, 255); // lighter blue for the box inside the backgrounds (border)
private Color lightGray = new Color (220, 220, 220); // light gray
private Color lightestGray = new Color(240, 240, 240); // lighter gray than light gray
private Color darkGray = new Color(100, 100, 100); // dark gray
private Color darkestGray = new Color(75, 75, 75); // darker gray; best gray shade for titles
private Color top = new Color(120, 120, 120); // same gray as one surrounding cannon (for top border)
private final int FAR_LEFT = 220; // furthest left that any graphics will go
private final int FAR_TOP = 150; // furthest top that any graphics will go (aside from title)
private final int TEXT_LEFT = 535; // furthest left that text instructions will go
private int topButton = 200; // highest place any button will go
private int topText = 220; // highest place any text will go
private boolean fromMain = false; // boolean that determines if skipped instructions and went to game mode panel (i.e. need to go back now)
// booleans for determining which game mode user selected
private boolean hueMode = true; // default mode is hueMode
private boolean satMode = false;
private boolean valMode = false;
private boolean allMode = false;
public CardHolder() {// constructor header
// set card layout
cards = new CardLayout();
// add the panels to the card layout
main = new MainPanel(); // landing panel for user to see name of game clearly
instruct1 = new InstructionsPanel1(); // instruct user how to play
instruct2 = new InstructionsPanel2(); // instruct user about how to play (cont.)
instruct3 = new InstructionsPanel3(); // instruct user about HSV
more1 = new SeeMore1(); // see more about hue
more2 = new SeeMore2(); // see more about saturation
more3 = new SeeMore3(); // see more about value
mode = new GameMode(); // user selects game mode first
game = new GamePanel(); // user actually plays game here
lose = new GameLose(); // depending on if user wins or loses, redirect to this panel
// add panels to card layout in order to swap
add(main, "main");
add(instruct1, "instruct1");
add(instruct2, "instruct2");
add(instruct3, "instruct3");
add(more1, "see more1");
add(more2, "see more2");
add(more3, "see more3");
add(mode, "mode");
add(game, "game");
add(lose, "lose");
public class MainPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener { // MainPanel class header, implements Action Listener; Landing page for user, contains title
public MainPanel() {
setLayout(null); // set the layout as null (need to draw two buttons, but have the background remain the picture)
modeButton = new JButton("Game Mode"); // JButton with predefined text
modeButton.addActionListener(this); // add action listener
modeButton.setSize(675, 30); // position sizes and location in the same way as a panel with two column gridlayout would be
modeButton.setLocation(0, 648);
add(modeButton); // add button to first column
instructButton = new JButton("How To Play"); // JButton that says "How To Play"
instructButton.addActionListener(this); // add action listener and button to panel (South)
instructButton.setSize(675, 30); // position sizes and location in the same way as a panel with two column gridlayout would be
instructButton.setLocation(0, 648);
instructButton.setLocation(675, 648);
add(instructButton); // add button to second column
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { // paintComponent header
setBackground(lightBlue); // set background color as light blue
Image blurredGame = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("background.png"); // import background image
g.drawImage(blurredGame, 0, 0, 1350, 700, this);
// title = Bolded, Italicized, Helvetica, 48, white
Font title = new Font("helvetica", Font.BOLD, 140);
g.drawString("ARCUS COELISTIS", 57, 337);
g.drawString("RAINBOW", 347, 487);
g.drawString("ARCUS COELISTIS", 50, 330);
g.drawString("RAINBOW", 340, 480);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // actionPerformed header
JButton source = (JButton) e.getSource(); // find source of the button being clicked
if (source == instructButton), "instruct1"); // show the instructions panel when button is pressed
else if (source == modeButton) {
fromMain = true;, "mode"); // show the game mode panel when button is pressed
public class InstructionsPanel1 extends JPanel { // instructions panel header; Teaches Gameplay Part 1
public InstructionsPanel1() { // constructor header
setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // set the layout as Border Layout
TwoButtonPanel buttons = new TwoButtonPanel("Back", "main", "How To Play (Part 2)", "instruct2"); // two buttons: one to move back, one to move on
add(buttons, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { // paintComponent header
setBackground(lightBlue); // set background color as light blue
// draw one big rectangle
g.fillRect(180, 98, 992, 532); // give 40 by 50 border in which no graphics exist (text will be inside, however)
Image background_text = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("background_text.png"); // import image of game screen with descriptions
// draw images
g.drawImage(background_text, 180, 100, 990, 530, this); // instruct how to score points
// title = Bolded, Palatino, 48, gray
Font title = new Font("palatino", Font.BOLD, 48);
g.drawString("How To Play", 535, 70);
public class InstructionsPanel2 extends JPanel { // instructions panel header; Teaches Gameplay Part 2
public InstructionsPanel2() { // constructor header
setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // set the layout as Border Layout
TwoButtonPanel buttons = new TwoButtonPanel("Back", "instruct1", "HSV Explanation", "instruct3"); // two buttons: one to move back, one to move on
add(buttons, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { // paintComponent header
setBackground(lightBlue); // set background color as light blue
// draw one big rectangle
g.fillRect(FAR_LEFT - 40, FAR_TOP - 50, 1350 - (2 * (FAR_LEFT - 40)), 530); // give 40 by 50 border in which no graphics exist (text will be inside, however)
// extract images
Image aim = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("screenshot_aim.png"); // import image of aiming screenshot
Image sliders = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("screenshot_sliders.png"); // import image of arrow
// draw images
g.drawImage(aim, FAR_LEFT, FAR_TOP + 55, 280, 230, this); // instruct how to score points
g.drawImage(sliders, 220, 470, 910, 130, this);
// draw 1 pixel sized borders around images
g.drawRect(FAR_LEFT - 1, FAR_TOP + 54, 282, 232);
g.drawRect(219, 469, 912, 132);
// title = Bolded, Palatino, 48
Font title = new Font("palatino", Font.BOLD, 48);
g.drawString("How To Play (Part 2)", 445, 70);
// subtitle = Bolded, Italicised, Serif, 14
Font subtitle = new Font("serif", Font.BOLD | Font.ITALIC, 24);
g.drawString("Game Elements:", FAR_LEFT, FAR_TOP + 10);
g.drawLine(FAR_LEFT, FAR_TOP + 15, FAR_LEFT + 166, FAR_TOP + 15); // hack way of underlining
// text instructions to right of pictures = unbolded, Sans Serif, 18
Font instruct = new Font("sansserif", Font.PLAIN, 18);
// basic summary of gameplay
g.drawString("In order to win, you must use your spectacular knowledge of HSV.", TEXT_LEFT, FAR_TOP + 100);
g.drawString("Control the HSV Sliders and use the shooter to fire away!", TEXT_LEFT, FAR_TOP + 140);
g.drawString("Hit a ball (same color) with your shooter ball, and your score will go up!", TEXT_LEFT, FAR_TOP + 180);
g.drawString("Score 300 points to move on until you hit the final round.", TEXT_LEFT, FAR_TOP + 220);
g.drawString("WARNING!! If you miss a shot, you will lose a life!", TEXT_LEFT, FAR_TOP + 260);
public class InstructionsPanel3 extends JPanel implements ActionListener { // InstructionsPanel3 class header, implements ActionListener; Teaches HSV
// see more buttons
private JButton seeMore1;
private JButton seeMore2;
private JButton seeMore3;
public InstructionsPanel3() { // constructor header
setLayout(null); // null layout
// create buttons that link to other panels
seeMore1 = new JButton("See More (Hue)");
seeMore2 = new JButton("See More (Saturation)");
seeMore3 = new JButton("See More (Value)");
// set sizes of buttons
int width = 270; // width and height of butttons
int height = 50;
seeMore1.setSize(width, height);
seeMore2.setSize(width, height);
seeMore3.setSize(width, height);
// set color of buttons to be transparent
Color transparent = new Color (200, 255, 255, 0); // alpha value (last param) is 0 = transparent
// do not color border
// set the font of the texts on the buttons as sansserif, plain, 18, white
Font instruct = new Font("sansserif", Font.PLAIN, 18);
// set locations of buttons
seeMore1.setLocation(TEXT_LEFT + 224, FAR_TOP + 320);
seeMore2.setLocation(TEXT_LEFT + 250, FAR_TOP + 355);
seeMore3.setLocation(TEXT_LEFT + 230, FAR_TOP + 390);
// add action listeners
// add buttons
setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // set the layout as Border Layout
TwoButtonPanel buttons = new TwoButtonPanel("Back", "instruct2", "Game Modes", "mode"); // two buttons: one to move back, one to move on
add(buttons, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { // paintComponent header
setBackground(lightBlue); // set background color as light blue
// draw one big rectangle
g.fillRect(180, 100, 990, 530); // give 40 by 50 border in which no graphics exist (text will be inside, however)
// draw rectangle around the buttons for visualization
Color lightRed = new Color (255, 150, 150);
g.fillRect(800, 460, 240, 140);
// extract images
Image flat_hsv = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("2D_hsv.gif"); // import image of aiming screenshot
Image cylinder_hsv = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("3D_hsv.png"); // import image of five hearts screenshot
// draw images
g.drawImage(flat_hsv, FAR_LEFT + 120, FAR_TOP + 35, 330, 220, this); // demonstrate how hsv looks in a 2-D shape
g.drawImage(cylinder_hsv, FAR_LEFT + 570, FAR_TOP + 35, 260, 220, this); // demonstrate how hsv looks in a 3-D shape
// draw 1 pixel sized borders around images
g.drawRect(FAR_LEFT + 119, FAR_TOP + 34, 332, 222); // border around flat_hsv
g.drawRect(FAR_LEFT + 569, FAR_TOP + 34, 262, 222); // border around cylinder_hsv
// subtitle = Bolded, Italicised, Serif, 14
Font subtitle = new Font("serif", Font.BOLD | Font.ITALIC, 24);
g.drawString("Hue, Saturation, Value:", FAR_LEFT + 60, FAR_TOP);
g.drawLine(FAR_LEFT + 60, FAR_TOP + 5, FAR_LEFT + 300, FAR_TOP + 5); // hack way of underlining
// text to explain what HSV means = bolded, Sans Serif, 18, black
Font define = new Font("sansserif", Font.BOLD, 18);
g.drawString("HSV stands for hue, saturation, and value.", FAR_LEFT + 60, FAR_TOP + 315); // HSV summary
// label above the buttons for identification
g.drawString("Click below for more information!", 765, 450);
// text for hue, Sat, Val summary pictures = unbolded, Sans Serif, 18
Font instruct = new Font("sansserif", Font.PLAIN, 18);
g.drawString("Hue refers to a pure color - one without tint or shade. ", FAR_LEFT + 60, FAR_TOP + 350); // 35 spacing apart
g.drawString("Saturation refers to how how tinted a color is (faded).", FAR_LEFT + 60, FAR_TOP + 385);
g.drawString("Value refers to how shaded a color is (dark).", FAR_LEFT + 60, FAR_TOP + 420);
// title = Bolded, Palatino, 48, gray
Font title = new Font("palatino", Font.BOLD, 48);
g.drawString("What is HSV?", 535, 70);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // actionPerformed header
JButton source = (JButton) e.getSource(); // find source of the button being clicked
if (source == seeMore1) {, "see more1");
} else if (source == seeMore2) {, "see more2");
} else if (source == seeMore3) {, "see more3");
public class SeeMore1 extends JPanel implements ActionListener { // SeeMore1 class header, implements Action Listener; See more for hue
private JButton back;
public SeeMore1() {
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
back = new JButton("Back"); // button to go back to previous panel
back.addActionListener(this); // add action listener
add(back, BorderLayout.SOUTH); // add button
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
setBackground(lightBlue); // set background color as light blue
// draw one big rectangle
g.fillRect(180, 100, 990, 530); // give 40 by 50 border in which no graphics exist (text will be inside, however)
// extract images
Image hue_sat = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("hue_sat.png"); // import chart that has hue as x axis and sat as y axis
Image hue_val = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("hue_val.png"); // import chart that has hue as x axis and val as y axis
Image flat_hsv = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("2D_hsv.gif"); // import image of aiming screenshot
Image cylinder_hsv = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("3D_hsv.png"); // import image of five hearts screenshot
// draw images
g.drawImage(hue_sat, FAR_LEFT + 10, FAR_TOP, 200, 200, this); // chart that has hue as x axis and sat as y axis
g.drawImage(hue_val, FAR_LEFT + 10, FAR_TOP + 230, 200, 200, this); // chart that has hue as x axis and val as y axis
g.drawImage(flat_hsv, FAR_LEFT + 260, FAR_TOP, 330, 220, this); // demonstrate how hsv looks in a 2-D shape
g.drawImage(cylinder_hsv, FAR_LEFT + 640, FAR_TOP, 260, 220, this); // demonstrate how hsv looks in a 3-D shape
// draw 1 pixel sized borders around images
g.drawRect(FAR_LEFT + 9, FAR_TOP - 1, 202, 202); // border around hue_sat
g.drawRect(FAR_LEFT + 9, FAR_TOP + 229, 202, 202); // border around hue_val
g.drawRect(FAR_LEFT + 259, FAR_TOP - 1, 332, 222); // border around flat_hsv
g.drawRect(FAR_LEFT + 639, FAR_TOP - 1, 262, 222); // border around cylinder_hsv
// text instructions to right of pictures = unbolded, Sans Serif, 18
Font instruct = new Font("sansserif", Font.PLAIN, 18);
int init_pos = FAR_LEFT + 245; // initial position of the line
g.drawString("There are 6 main hues:", init_pos, FAR_TOP + 270);
// shift between the colors of the words
g.drawString("'red, ", init_pos + 206, FAR_TOP + 270);
g.drawString("orange, ", init_pos + 250, FAR_TOP + 270);
g.drawString("yellow, ", init_pos + 325, FAR_TOP + 270);
g.drawString("green, ", init_pos + 390, FAR_TOP + 270);
g.drawString("blue, ", init_pos + 450, FAR_TOP + 270);
g.setColor(new Color(127, 0, 255)); // Violet Color
g.drawString("violet.'", init_pos + 498, FAR_TOP + 270);
g.drawString("Hue ranges from 0 - 360 because it is represented by a circle.", init_pos, FAR_TOP + 315); // 45 spacing
g.setColor(Color.RED); // important for gameplay
g.drawString("This means that red is approximately 0-20 and also 340-360!", init_pos, FAR_TOP + 360);
g.drawString("Hue is always referred to as 'hue'.", init_pos, FAR_TOP + 405);
// title = Bolded, Palatino, 48, gray
Font title = new Font("palatino", Font.BOLD, 48);
g.drawString("Hue", 625, 70);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // actionPerformed header, "instruct3"); // redirect to game after selecting choice
public class SeeMore2 extends JPanel implements ActionListener { // SeeMore2 class header, implements Action Listener; See more for Sat
private JButton back;
public SeeMore2() {
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
back = new JButton("Back"); // button to go back to previous panel
back.addActionListener(this); // add action listener
add(back, BorderLayout.SOUTH); // add button
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
setBackground(lightBlue); // set background color as light blue
// draw one big rectangle
g.fillRect(180, 100, 990, 530); // give 40 by 50 border in which no graphics exist (text will be inside, however)
// extract images
Image hue_sat = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("hue_sat.png"); // import chart that has hue as x axis and sat as y axis
Image sat_val = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("sat_val.png"); // import chart that has hue as x axis and val as y axis
Image flat_hsv = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("2D_hsv.gif"); // import image of aiming screenshot
Image cylinder_hsv = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("3D_hsv.png"); // import image of five hearts screenshot
// draw images
g.drawImage(hue_sat, FAR_LEFT + 10, FAR_TOP, 200, 200, this); // chart that has hue as x axis and sat as y axis
g.drawImage(sat_val, FAR_LEFT + 10, FAR_TOP + 230, 200, 200, this); // chart that has hue as x axis and val as y axis
g.drawImage(flat_hsv, FAR_LEFT + 260, FAR_TOP, 330, 220, this); // demonstrate how hsv looks in a 2-D shape
g.drawImage(cylinder_hsv, FAR_LEFT + 640, FAR_TOP, 260, 220, this); // demonstrate how hsv looks in a 3-D shape
// draw 1 pixel sized borders around images
g.drawRect(FAR_LEFT + 9, FAR_TOP - 1, 202, 202); // border around hue_sat
g.drawRect(FAR_LEFT + 9, FAR_TOP + 229, 202, 202); // border around hue_val
g.drawRect(FAR_LEFT + 259, FAR_TOP - 1, 332, 222); // border around flat_hsv
g.drawRect(FAR_LEFT + 639, FAR_TOP - 1, 262, 222); // border around cylinder_hsv
// text instructions to right of pictures = unbolded, Sans Serif, 18
Font instruct = new Font("sansserif", Font.PLAIN, 18);
int init_pos = FAR_LEFT + 245; // left most side of text
g.drawString("Saturation ranges from 0 - 100 because it is a percentage of the hue.", init_pos, FAR_TOP + 270); // 45 spacing
g.drawString("It goes from a shade of gray to the most pure form of the hue.", init_pos, FAR_TOP + 315);
g.setColor(Color.RED); // important for gameplay
g.drawString("When saturation is 0, the color is always 0 (for all hues)!", init_pos, FAR_TOP + 360);
g.drawString("Saturation is also referred to (not completely the same) as chroma.", init_pos, FAR_TOP + 405);
// title = Bolded, Palatino, 48, gray
Font title = new Font("palatino", Font.BOLD, 48);
g.drawString("Saturation", 560, 70);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // actionPerformed header, "instruct3"); // redirect to game after selecting choice
public class SeeMore3 extends JPanel implements ActionListener { // SeeMore3 class header, implements Action Listener; See more for Val
private JButton back;
public SeeMore3() {
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
back = new JButton("Back"); // button to go back to previous panel
back.addActionListener(this); // add action listener
add(back, BorderLayout.SOUTH); // add button
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
setBackground(lightBlue); // set background color as light blue
// draw one big rectangle
g.fillRect(180, 100, 990, 530); // give 40 by 50 border in which no graphics exist (text will be inside, however)
// extract images
Image hue_val = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("hue_val.png"); // import chart that has hue as x axis and sat as y axis
Image sat_val = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("sat_val.png"); // import chart that has hue as x axis and val as y axis
Image flat_hsv = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("2D_hsv.gif"); // import image of aiming screenshot
Image cylinder_hsv = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("3D_hsv.png"); // import image of five hearts screenshot
// draw images
g.drawImage(hue_val, FAR_LEFT + 10, FAR_TOP, 200, 200, this); // chart that has hue as x axis and sat as y axis
g.drawImage(sat_val, FAR_LEFT + 10, FAR_TOP + 230, 200, 200, this); // chart that has hue as x axis and val as y axis
g.drawImage(flat_hsv, FAR_LEFT + 260, FAR_TOP, 330, 220, this); // demonstrate how hsv looks in a 2-D shape
g.drawImage(cylinder_hsv, FAR_LEFT + 640, FAR_TOP, 260, 220, this); // demonstrate how hsv looks in a 3-D shape
// draw 1 pixel sized borders around images
g.drawRect(FAR_LEFT + 9, FAR_TOP - 1, 202, 202); // border around hue_sat
g.drawRect(FAR_LEFT + 9, FAR_TOP + 229, 202, 202); // border around hue_val
g.drawRect(FAR_LEFT + 259, FAR_TOP - 1, 332, 222); // border around flat_hsv
g.drawRect(FAR_LEFT + 639, FAR_TOP - 1, 262, 222); // border around cylinder_hsv
// text instructions to right of pictures = unbolded, Sans Serif, 18
Font instruct = new Font("sansserif", Font.PLAIN, 18);
int init_pos = FAR_LEFT + 245; // left most side of text
g.drawString("Value ranges from 0 - 100 because it is a percentage of the hue.", init_pos, FAR_TOP + 270); // 45 spacing
g.drawString("Value goes from black to the most saturated form of the hue.", init_pos, FAR_TOP + 315);
g.setColor(Color.RED); // important for gameplay
g.drawString("When sat is 0, the color is always black to white (for all hues)!", init_pos, FAR_TOP + 360);
g.drawString("Value is also referred to (although not completely the same) as: ", init_pos, FAR_TOP + 405);
g.drawString("'Lightness, Intensity, Luminance, or Brightness.'", init_pos, FAR_TOP + 450);
// title = Bolded, Palatino, 48, gray
Font title = new Font("palatino", Font.BOLD, 48);
g.drawString("Value", 613, 70);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // actionPerformed header, "instruct3"); // redirect to game after selecting choice
public class GameMode extends JPanel implements ActionListener { // GameModePanel header; panel that user arrives to and then selects game mode (after selecting, game mode just advances to next level)
// game mode buttons
private JButton hueButton;
private JButton satButton;
private JButton valButton;
private JButton allButton;
private int buttonWidth = 200; // dimensions of the button
private int buttonHeight = 70;
public GameMode() {
// create buttons that choose the game mode
hueButton = new JButton("Hue Mode (easy)");
satButton = new JButton("Saturation Mode (medium)");
valButton = new JButton("Value Mode (medium)");
allButton = new JButton("All Three Mode (hard)");
// set sizes of buttons
hueButton.setSize(buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
hueButton.setLocation(FAR_LEFT + 150, topButton);
satButton.setSize(buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
satButton.setLocation(FAR_LEFT + 150, topButton + 110);
valButton.setSize(buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
valButton.setLocation(FAR_LEFT + 150, topButton + 220);
allButton.setSize(buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
allButton.setLocation(FAR_LEFT + 150, topButton + 330);
// add action listeners
// add buttons
setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // switch from null to border layout
TwoButtonPanel buttons = new TwoButtonPanel("Back", "instruct3", "Continue (Hue Mode)", "game"); // two buttons: one to move back, one to move on
add(buttons, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
setBackground(lightBlue); // set background color as light blue
// draw one big rectangle
g.fillRect(180, 100, 990, 530); // give 40 by 50 border in which no graphics exist (text will be inside, however)
// title = Bolded, Palatino, 48, gray
Font title = new Font("palatino", Font.BOLD, 48);
g.drawString("Select Game Mode", 470, 70);
// text to describe modes = unbolded, Sans Serif, 18, black
Font instruct = new Font("sansserif", Font.PLAIN, 18);
g.drawString("In these game modes, the name of the mode is the only feature that is in the game.", 310, 140); // instruct to choose wisely
g.drawString("Choose wisely, you cannot go back!", 520, 165); // instruct to choose wisely
g.drawString("Hue Mode (easy): ", 650, topText); // instruct about hue only mode (i.e. what features it presents)
g.drawString("You can only use the hue slider!", 650, topText + 25);
g.drawString("Saturation Mode (medium): ", 650, topText + 110); // instruct about hue only mode (i.e. what features it presents)
g.drawString("You can only use the saturation slider!", 650, topText + 135);
g.drawString("Value Mode (medium): ", 650, topText + 220); // instruct about hue only mode (i.e. what features it presents)
g.drawString("You can only use the value slider!", 650, topText + 245);
g.drawString("All Mode (hard): ", 650, topText + 330); // instruct about hue only mode (i.e. what features it presents)
g.drawString("You can use all three sliders!", 650, topText + 355);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // actionPerformed header
JButton source = (JButton) e.getSource(); // find source of the button being clicked
if (source == hueButton) { // hue only mode
hueMode = true; // hue mode boolean
} else if (source == satButton) { // saturation only mode
hueMode = false; // set default false
satMode = true;
} else if (source == valButton) { // value only mode
hueMode = false; // set default false
valMode = true;
} else if (source == allButton) { // all three mode
hueMode = false; // set default false
allMode = true;
}, "game"); // redirect to game after selecting choice
if (source == back) { // overrides the previous card show
if (fromMain) {, "main");
fromMain = false; // reset boolean
} else, "instruct3"); // move back to previous panel
public class TwoButtonPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener { // TwoButtonPanel header; panel that holds two buttons side by side (button for going back and going forward in cards)
private JButton button1; // left button
private JButton button2; // right button
// panels to redirect to
private String panel1;
private String panel2;
public TwoButtonPanel(String buttonText1, String panelName1, String buttonText2, String panelName2) { // pass values of text displayed on buttons and also panels to redirect to
panel1 = panelName1; // panels to redirect to
panel2 = panelName2;
setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2)); // one row, two column layout
button1 = new JButton(buttonText1); // JButton with predefined text
button1.addActionListener(this); // add action listener
add(button1); // add button to first column
button2 = new JButton(buttonText2); // JButton with predefined text
button2.addActionListener(this); // add action listener
add(button2); // add button to second column
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
setBackground(lightBlue); // set background color as light blue
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // actionPerformed header
JButton source = (JButton) e.getSource(); // find source of the button being clicked
if (source == button1), panel1); // show the instructions panel when button is pressed
else if (source == button2), panel2); // show the instructions panel when button is pressed
public class GameLose extends JPanel implements ActionListener { // GameLose header, implements ActionListener; user has lost game, allow them to restart
private JButton restart; // restart button, redirects to main panel
public GameLose() {
setLayout(null); // set layout as null
restart = new JButton("Restart?");
restart.setBackground(Color.BLACK); // black colored button
restart.setBorderPainted(false); // do not color the border
restart.setOpaque(true); // show background color of button
restart.setForeground(Color.WHITE); // text is white
restart.setSize(100, 50);
restart.setLocation(625, 430);
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
setBackground(Color.BLACK); // set background color as black
// title = Bolded, Palatino, 48, gray
Font title = new Font("sansserif", Font.BOLD, 100);
g.drawString("GAME OVER", 370, 370);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){, "main");
public class GamePanel extends JPanel { // GamePanel header; holds the two game panels
private GameScreen screen; // Panel that user actually plays game in
private GameInput input; // Panel that user uses sliders to change ball colors
private float h = 0; // hue color param
private float s = 1; // sat color param
private float v = 1; // val color param
private Color shootColor = Color.getHSBColor(h, s, v); // color of the ball that is being shot by the user
private int presetHue = 0; // come up with a random value of hue (for satMode and valMode of red, blue, or yellow
private boolean fromInput = false; // screen repaint is called from the input panel
private boolean ballChanged = false; // boolean for determining whether shooting ball has changed color
private boolean firstTime = false; // boolean for whether repaint input panel once or not
public GamePanel() { // constructor header
setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // set layout as Border Layout
// two panels, one is GameScreen, other is GameInput
screen = new GameScreen();
input = new GameInput();
add(screen, BorderLayout.CENTER); // add GameScreen to Center
add(input, BorderLayout.SOUTH); // add GameInput panel to South
public class GameScreen extends JPanel implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener { // GameScreen panel header, implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener
private final int CENTER = 675; // center of the screen
private int roundNum = 0; // number of the round
private int mouse_x = 0; // x position of the mouse
private int mouse_y = 0; // y position of the mouse
private int start_x = CENTER - 25; // x-y starting positions of shooting ball
private int start_y = 455;
private int ball_x = CENTER - 25; // x-y position of shooting ball while moving
private int ball_y = 455;
private int cannon_x = CENTER; // point where the aiming line ends (nearest to cannon)
private int cannon_y = 475;
private int shoot_col = 0; // counter for the shooting ball method
private int ballNum = 17; // number of random balls
private int lifeNum = 5; // number of lives
private int randCount = 0; // counter for random ball coordinates and colors
private int correct = 0; // correct index after cycling through loop
private int score = 0; // number of points that user earned, factor of 100
private int presetFeedback = 0; // come up with a random value from 0-2 to decide what positive feedback to display after user scores a point
private double theta = 0; // angle is the angle between the mouse coordinates and a certain point (uses arctan)
private double angle = 0; // angle is the angle between the mouse coordinates and a certain point (uses arctan)
private double speed = 30.0; // speed shooting ball is moving at
private String currentMode; // displays current mode
private boolean ballMoving = false; // boolean for determining whether shooting ball is moving
private boolean cannonChanged = false; // boolean for determining whether cannon has rotated
private boolean ballHit = false; // boolean for determining whether the shooting ball has hit another ball
private boolean found = false; // boolean for determining if y coordinate of shooting ball matches one of random balls
private boolean stop = false; // boolean for determining if x coordinate of shooting ball hit left or right side
private boolean ballStop = false; // boolean for determining if ball has stopped, but cannon has moved
private boolean firstGen = true; // first time of generating presetHue
private boolean feedback = false; // user receives positive feedback
private int[][] ballCoord; // 2D array of random ball x-y coordinates
private int[][] shootingArr = new int[2][27]; // array containing x and y values of the shooting ball position
private float[] arrayHSV = new float[3]; // array containing the randomly generated HSV values for the top balls
private float[] randHSV = new float[3]; // check if HSV of random ball matches the shooter ball's HSV
private float[] shootHSV = new float[3];
private Color[] randomColor; // array holding color of random balls
public GameScreen() { // opened up for initializing statistics
shootHSV[0] = 0; // initialize so that the strings are not null
shootHSV[1] = 100;
shootHSV[2] = 100;
randHSV[0] = 0;
randHSV[1] = 0;
randHSV[2] = 0;
addMouseListener(this); // add listeners for mouse and mouse motion
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { // paintComponent header
setBackground(lightBlue); // background color is light blue
g.setColor(darkGray); // draw the boundary of where user can use mouse to change cannon angle
g.drawRect(300, 200, 750, 275);
// text to show color stats = unbolded, Sans Serif, 18, black
Font stats = new Font("sansserif", Font.PLAIN, 18);
g.drawString("Shooter Ball Hue:", 350, 365);
g.drawString("Shooter Ball Saturation: ", 350, 390);
g.drawString("Shooter Ball Value:", 350, 415);
g.drawString((int) shootHSV[0] + "", 580, 365);
g.drawString((int) shootHSV[1] + "", 580, 390);
g.drawString((int) shootHSV[2] + "", 580, 415);
g.drawString("Target Ball Hue:", 738, 365);
g.drawString("Target Ball Saturation:", 738, 390);
g.drawString("Target Ball Value:", 738, 415);
g.drawString((int) randHSV[0] + "", 968, 365);
g.drawString((int) randHSV[1] + "", 968, 390);
g.drawString((int) randHSV[2] + "", 968, 415);
g.setColor(top); // draw a solid rectangle around the randomly drawn circles at the top
g.fillRect(150, 0, 1050, 85);
cannon(cannon_x - 50, cannon_y - 55, g); // draw the cannon at a certain position (based on height/width of cannon)
lifeBar(lifeNum, g); // draw the lifebars with the number of rounds
scoreBoard(score, g); // draw the scoreboard
if (lifeNum == 0) { // user has lost the game, "lose");
lifeNum = 5; // reset for after user restarts
allMode = false;
hueMode = true;
score = 0;
// change modes based on score and reset score/round number each time
if (!fromInput) { // changing color doesn't change round
if (hueMode) { // hue only mode
currentMode = "Hue Mode";
roundNum = 6; // only have 5 balls
firstTime = true;
if (score == 3) { // user has scored 3 balls (300 points), next game mode
hueMode = false; // set current mode false
satMode = true; // set next mode true
score = 0; // reset score
firstGen = true; // first time generating presetHue for sat mode and val mode
input.repaint(); // repaint the labels and sliders
} else if (satMode) { // saturation only mode
currentMode = "Saturation Mode";
roundNum = 6; // only have 5 balls
firstTime = true;
if (score == 3) { // user has scored 3 balls (300 points), next game mode
satMode = false; // set current mode false
valMode = true; // set next mode true
score = 0; // reset score
firstGen = true; // first time generating presetHue for sat mode and val mode
input.repaint(); // repaint the labels and sliders
} else if (valMode) { // value only mode
currentMode = "Value Mode";
roundNum = 6; // only have 5 balls
firstTime = true;
if (score == 3) { // user has scored 3 balls (300 points), next game mode
valMode = false; // set current mode false
allMode = true; // set next mode true
score = 0; // reset score
roundNum = 0; // 17 balls
input.repaint(); // repaint the labels and sliders
} else if (allMode) { // all three modes
currentMode = "All Mode";
if (score >= 9) { // user has scored 9 balls (900 points)
g.drawString("YOU WIN! CONGRATULATIONS!", 484, 160);
roundNum = 0; // from now on, constantly 17 balls
fromInput = false; // if next time is from input, fromInput = true. Otherwise, fromInput = false
// display current game mode, font = Bolded, SansSerif, 24, gray
Font title = new Font("sansserif", Font.BOLD, 24);
g.drawString("Current Mode: ", 30, 160);
// change color to red and output the game mode
Color darkRed = new Color (200, 0, 0);
g.drawString(currentMode, 220, 160);
if (score == 0) // beginning of round
g.drawString("New Round", 604, 271); // alert user that round has changed
if (feedback) { // present positive feedback to user
if (presetFeedback == 0) // returns the greatest integer less than or greater than the random values from 0 (inclusive) - 3 (exclusive)
g.drawString("Nice Shot!", 614, 160); // give positive feedback to user
else if (presetFeedback == 1) // returns the greatest integer less than or greater than the random values from 0 (inclusive) - 3 (exclusive)
g.drawString("Amazing!", 614, 160); // give positive feedback to user
else if (presetFeedback == 2) // returns the greatest integer less than or greater than the random values from 0 (inclusive) - 3 (exclusive)
g.drawString("Wow! You are good!", 551, 160); // give positive feedback to user
} else
g.drawString("DO NOT CLICK OUTSIDE THE BOX", 465, 160); // alert user that they must click inside the box
g.setColor(shootColor); // set color of the shooting ball
if (ballMoving) { // ball has been shot
ballShoot(angle, g); // draw the shooting ball
redraw_randomBall(g); // redraw the random balls at the top
} else if ((ballChanged) || (cannonChanged && !ballStop)) { // color of ball is being changed or ball is moving and cannon is being changed
ballGenerate(g, start_x, start_y); // draw the shooting ball
redraw_randomBall(g); // redraw the random balls at the top
cannonChanged = false; // cannon is not being altered
ballChanged = false; // ball color is not being altered
} else { // first round, default conditions
ballStop = false; // necessary instead of ballMoving because needs to only happen once (i.e. right after ball has stopped, if cannon is moved, then it doesn't regenerate random balls)
ballGenerate(g, start_x, start_y); // draw the shooting ball
randomBall(roundNum, g); // draw the random balls at the top, round 0
* randomBall method
* parameters are the round number and graphics
* starts with 17, goes down by 4 every 2 points
* until 8 points is scored, and then stays at 1
public void randomBall(int roundNum, Graphics g) {
if (roundNum % 2 != 0) { // round number is odd
roundNum -= 1;
if (roundNum <= 8) { // round number until 8
ballNum = 17 - (roundNum * 2); // number of balls starts by 17 and goes down by 4 each round
} else {
ballNum = 1;
int x = 165 + (roundNum * 60); // starting x and y coordinates depends on round number
int y = 20;
ballCoord = new int[2][ballNum]; // array with 17 indexes for the 17 ball coordinates
randomColor = new Color[ballNum];
for (int col = 0; col < ballNum; col++) { // 17 columns
for (int row = 0; row < 2; row++) { // 2 rows
if (row == 0) { // x coordinates
ballCoord[0][col] = x;
x += 60; // width of the ball
} else if (row == 1) { // y coordinates
ballCoord[1][col] = y;
// generate random hsv colors and store them in an array
for (int index = 0; index < ballNum; index++) {
randomHSV(); // randomHSV generates random H, S, and V values and stores them in arrayHSV
Color randomBall = Color.getHSBColor(arrayHSV[0], arrayHSV[1], arrayHSV[2]); // generate a new color that is based on completely random RGB values
randomColor[index] = randomBall;
// draw the balls with the correct color and x-y positions
for (int counter = 0; counter < ballNum; counter++) {
x = ballCoord[0][counter]; // set the x and y coordinates of the balls so that they are placed in a line
y = ballCoord[1][counter];
ballGenerate(g, x, y); // draw the ball with the right colors and coordinates
* redraw_randomBall method
* parameters are the round number and Graphics
* necessary when ball is moving because the balls need to possess the same colors
public void redraw_randomBall(Graphics g) {
int redraw_x = 0;
int redraw_y = 0;
for (int col = 0; col < ballNum; col++) { // 17 columns
Color redrawColor;
redrawColor = randomColor[col]; // take the color of the ball from the array used to construct the colors
for (int row = 0; row < 2; row++) { // 2 rows
if (row == 0) {
redraw_x = ballCoord[0][col];
} else if (row == 1) {
redraw_y = ballCoord[1][col];
ballGenerate(g, redraw_x, redraw_y);
* randomHSV method
* no parameters
* generates an array of HSV values
* 0th index = hue, 1th index = saturation, 2th = value
public void randomHSV() {
if (satMode || valMode) { // only generate the hue if satMode or valMode
if (firstGen) { // only make presetHue once
firstGen = false;
// cycle through random ints 1 - 3 to determine if hue will be red, yellow, or blue
presetHue = (int) (Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)); // returns the greatest integer less than or greater than the random values from 0 (inclusive) - 3 (exclusive)
if (presetHue == 0)
arrayHSV[0] = 0; // hue value of red
else if (presetHue == 1)
arrayHSV[0] = (float)(60) / 360; // hue value of yellow
else if (presetHue == 2)
arrayHSV[0] = (float)(240) / 360; // hue value of blue
shootColor = Color.getHSBColor(arrayHSV[0], 1, 1); // repaint the shooter ball so that it has the correct hue values
repaint(); // repaint screen so that the shooter ball has correct color
if (hueMode) { // user can only change hue. sat and val = 1 (max)
arrayHSV[0] = (float)(Math.random()); // returns a random integer from 0 (inclusive) - 1 (exclusive)
arrayHSV[1] = 1; // saturation and value are constant (max)
arrayHSV[2] = 1;
} else if (satMode) { // user can only change sat. hue and val are constants
arrayHSV[1] = (float)(Math.random()); // returns a random integer from 0 (inclusive) - 1 (exclusive)
arrayHSV[2] = 1; // value is constant (max)
} else if (valMode) { // user can only change val. hue and sat are constants
arrayHSV[1] = 1; // saturation is constant (max)
arrayHSV[2] = (float)(Math.random()); // returns a random integer from 0 (inclusive) - 1 (exclusive)
} else if (allMode) { // user can change all three values
arrayHSV[0] = (float)(Math.random()); // returns a random integer from 0 (inclusive) - 1 (exclusive)
arrayHSV[1] = (float)(Math.random() * (1 - 0.15f) + 0.15f); // returns a random integer from 0.15 (inclusive) - 1 (exclusive). Necessary because 0-0.15 looks too white
arrayHSV[2] = (float)(Math.random() * (1 - 0.2f) + 0.2f); // returns a random integer from 0.2 (inclusive) - 1 (exclusive). Necessary because 0-0.2 looks too black
* ballShoot method
* parameters are angle, x, y starting coord, and Graphics
public void ballShoot(double angle, Graphics g) {
// put the x-y coordinates into an array
shootingArr[0][shoot_col] = ball_x;
shootingArr[1][shoot_col] = ball_y;
double shoot_width = speed * Math.sin(angle); // the x distance that the ball travels is cosine of the angle multiplied by the speed
double shoot_height = speed * Math.cos(angle); // the y distance that the ball travels is sine of the angle multiplied by the speed
if (angle > Math.PI / 2) { // mouse is in second quadrant
shoot_width = -1 * shoot_width; // in second quadrant, sine is positive, but should be negative
shoot_height = Math.abs(shoot_height); // in second quadrant, cosine is negative, but should be positive
// change the coordinates of the ball appropriately
ball_x += shoot_width;
ball_y -= shoot_height;
ballGenerate(g, ball_x, ball_y); // draw the ball
try { // slow down the rate that the balls move by 50 milliseconds
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
System.out.println("Error: " + ex);
if (shoot_col < 26) { // array (possible movement of ball) is only 50 spaces big
shoot_col++; // iterate through the 2D array
repaint(); // stops repainting when loop has ended
} else { // ball has stopped
ball_x = start_x; // reset shooting ball positions
ball_y = start_y;
ballCheck(g); // check if the shooting ball has hit a random ball
shoot_col = 0; // reset loop counter
ballMoving = false; // ball has stopped moving
ballStop = true; // ball has stopped
found = false; // ball has stopped, reset boolean that determines if ball hit top
stop = false; // ball has stopped, reset boolean that determines if ball has hit sides
ballHit = false; // set boolean to false for next shot
* ballGenerate method
* parameters are Graphics, and x-y positions
public void ballGenerate(Graphics g, int x, int y) {
g.fillOval(x, y, 50, 50); // draw the 50 by 50 ball
Color outline = new Color(150, 150, 150);
g.setColor(outline); // draw a gray outline
g.drawOval(x, y, 50, 50);
* ballCheck method
* parameter is Graphics
public void ballCheck(Graphics g) {
for (int col = 0; col < shoot_col; col++) { // all the coordinates of the shot ball
if ((shootingArr[1][col] > 0 && shootingArr[1][col] < 40) || (found)) { // y coordinate of shooting ball must match the random ball y coordinate (20)
if (!found) {
correct = col; // correct index is col
found = true; // found the index containing the correct y coordinate
for (randCount = 0; randCount < ballNum; randCount++) {
if ((shootingArr[0][correct] > ballCoord[0][randCount] - 25) && (shootingArr[0][correct] < ballCoord[0][randCount] + 25)) { // check if shooting ball matches x coordinates of each random ball
getHSVComponents(randomColor[randCount], randHSV); // get the HSV values of the shooting ball color and the random ball color
getHSVComponents(shootColor, shootHSV);
if ((randHSV[0] >= 340) && (randHSV[0] <= 360))
randHSV[0] = 360 - randHSV[0]; // scale of 20 - 0 from 340 - 360, necessary because 340-360 look same as 0-20
// check if ball that was hit and the shooting ball have similar colors (depends on mode)
if (hueMode) {
if (shootHSV[0] > randHSV[0] - 10 && shootHSV[0] < randHSV[0] + 10) { // hue threshold of plus or minus 10
ballHit = true;
} else if (satMode) {
if (shootHSV[1] > randHSV[1] - 10 && shootHSV[1] < randHSV[1] + 10) { // sat threshold of plus or minus 10
ballHit = true;
} else if (valMode) {
if (shootHSV[2] > randHSV[2] - 10 && shootHSV[2] < randHSV[2] + 10) { // val threshold of plus or minus 10
ballHit = true;
} else if (allMode) {
if (shootHSV[0] > randHSV[0] - 15 && shootHSV[0] < randHSV[0] + 15) { // hue threshold of plus or minus 15
if (shootHSV[1] > randHSV[1] - 25 && shootHSV[1] < randHSV[1] + 25) { // sat threshold of plus or minus 25
if (shootHSV[2] > randHSV[2] - 25 && shootHSV[2] < randHSV[2] + 25) { // val threshold of plus or minus 25
ballHit = true;
if (ballHit && (!stop)) { // ball has hit and has same color as the one it hit
stop = true; // stop checking if ball has missed
presetFeedback = (int) (Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)); // set the presetFeedback here
feedback = true; // user receives positive feedback
score++; // increase score
if (allMode) // other modes have constant number of balls
roundNum++; // increase the round to next round
if ((col == (shoot_col - 1)) && (!ballHit) && (!stop)) { // end of loop, shooting ball has not hit other balls
stop = true; // stop checking if ball has missed
lifeNum--; // decrease the amount of lives by one because user missed
* getHSVComponents method
* parameters are the color and the float array with 3 indices that will hold the hsv values
public void getHSVComponents(Color input, float[] array) {
int valueR;
int valueG;
int valueB;
valueR = input.getRed(); // get the RGB values of the random ball
valueG = input.getGreen();
valueB = input.getBlue();
Color.RGBtoHSB(valueR, valueG, valueB, array); // turn the RGB values into an array with HSV values
// scale them appropriately
array[0] *= 360; // hue: 0 to 360
array[1] *= 100; // sat: 0 to 100
array[2] *= 100; // val: 0 to 100
* cannon method
* parameters are x, y coordinates and Graphics
* includes the line of sight projecting from shooter
public void cannon(int can_x, int can_y, Graphics g) {
Image cannon = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("cannon_pointer.png"); // import image of cannon
// use AffineTransform to rotate images
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; // cast previous graphics into a new graphics
AffineTransform saveG = g2.getTransform();
AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(theta - Math.PI / 2, cannon_x, cannon_y); // last two parameters control position of anchor point
g2.setTransform(at); // set the graphic as the rotated instance
g2.drawImage(cannon, can_x, can_y, 1000, 100, this); // draw the cannon image at specified coordinates w:133, h:110 1.21 ratio
g2.setTransform(saveG); // reset the graphic as the one before rotating
* lifeBar method
* parameters are lifeNum (# of lives) and graphics
* lives do not replenish, user starts with 5
* loses 1 life per miss
public void lifeBar(int lifeNum, Graphics g) {
Image full = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("heart_full.png"); // import image of full heart
Image empty = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("heart_empty.png"); // import image of empty heart
lifeNum -= 5; // range of -5 to 0
int fullHeart = 0; // number of full hearts
for (int xpos = 812; xpos < 912 + lifeNum * 20; xpos += 20) { // 5 hearts, number of hearts goes down when lifeNum goes down
g.drawImage(full, xpos, 250, 20, 20, this); // draw the hearts to depict lifebars
for (int xpos = 892; xpos > 792 + fullHeart * 20; xpos -= 20) {
g.drawImage(empty, xpos, 250, 20, 20, this); // draw the hearts to depict lifebars
* scoreBoard method
* parameters are the score and graphics
public void scoreBoard(int score, Graphics g) {
score *= 100; // make score multiples of 100
// score font = Dialog, Bold, 24, gray
Font scoreFont = new Font("dialog", Font.BOLD, 24);
g.drawString("Score: " + score, 417, 271); // draw the score
if (score == 0) // score is default 0
g.drawRect(397, 240, 140, 45); // smaller rectangle otherwise it looks awkward
else if (score < 10000) // score is 3-4 digits
g.drawRect(397, 240, 185, 45);
else // score is 5 digits
g.drawRect(397, 240, 195, 45);
// mouse motion methods for when user controls the angle of the cannon
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { // allow user to shoot in mouse drag as well to make it faster
mouse_x = e.getX(); // get the mouse x-y coordinates
mouse_y = e.getY();
if (!ballMoving) { // ball should not be moving while clicking, otherwise ball will change direction
if ((mouse_x >= 300) && (mouse_x <= 1050)) { // do not do anything unless the mouse is inside these coordinates
if ((mouse_y >= 200) && (mouse_y <= 475)) {
double shoot_x = mouse_x - cannon_x; // x distance between mouse point and cannon rotating point
double shoot_y = cannon_y - mouse_y; // y distance between mouse point and cannon rotating point
angle = Math.atan(shoot_x / shoot_y); // find the angle needed for shooting the ball. Add 0.09 radians because cannon is always offset by that amount
if (angle < 0) {
angle += Math.PI; // add pi radians (180 deg) to make angle positive
ballMoving = true;
shoot_col = 0; // reset loop counter
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
mouse_x = e.getX(); // get the mouse x-y coordinates
mouse_y = e.getY();
if ((mouse_x >= 300) && (mouse_x <= 1050)) { // do not do anything unless the mouse is inside these coordinates
if ((mouse_y >= 200) && (mouse_y <= 475)) {
double shoot_x = mouse_x - cannon_x; // x distance between mouse point and cannon rotating point
double shoot_y = cannon_y - mouse_y; // y distance between mouse point and cannon rotating point
theta = Math.atan(shoot_x / shoot_y); // find the angle needed to rotate cannon.
cannonChanged = true;
// mouse() methods for when user clicks to shoot the ball
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {} // mousePressed method
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {} // mouseReleased method
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { // mouseClicked method
feedback = false; // make the positive feedback from the previous shot disappear
mouse_x = e.getX(); // get the mouse x-y coordinates
mouse_y = e.getY();
if (!ballMoving) { // ball should not be moving while clicking, otherwise ball will change direction
if ((mouse_x >= 300) && (mouse_x <= 1050)) { // do not do anything unless the mouse is inside these coordinates
if ((mouse_y >= 200) && (mouse_y <= 475)) {
double shoot_x = mouse_x - cannon_x; // x distance between mouse point and cannon rotating point
double shoot_y = cannon_y - mouse_y; // y distance between mouse point and cannon rotating point
angle = Math.atan(shoot_x / shoot_y); // find the angle needed for shooting the ball. Add 0.09 radians because cannon is always offset by that amount
if (angle < 0) {
angle += Math.PI; // add pi radians (180 deg) to make angle positive
ballMoving = true;
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {} // mouseEntered method
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {} // mouseExited method
public class GameInput extends JPanel implements ChangeListener { // GameInput panel header, implements ChangeListener
// three JSliders that user can use to change color (HSV)
private JSlider hue;
private JSlider sat;
private JSlider val;
// three JLabels so that user can identify which slider is which
private JLabel hueLabel;
private JLabel satLabel;
private JLabel valLabel;
// placeholder buttons that just color the backgrounds for the input section
private JButton labelPlaceH;
private JButton labelPlaceS;
private JButton labelPlaceV;
private JButton sliderPlaceH;
private JButton sliderPlaceS;
private JButton sliderPlaceV;
public GameInput() { // constructor header
setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 2, 0, 5)); // set layout as Grid Layout
// create 3 JSliders that control HSV input
hue = new JSlider(JSlider.HORIZONTAL, 0, 360, 0); // hue is scale 0-255
sat = new JSlider(JSlider.HORIZONTAL, 0, 100, 100); // sat is scale 0-100
val = new JSlider(JSlider.HORIZONTAL, 0, 100, 100); // val is scale 0-100
// sliders have big ticks and small ticks
hue.setMajorTickSpacing(25); // ticks are at multiples of 25
sat.setMajorTickSpacing(10); // ticks are at multiples of 10
hue.setMinorTickSpacing(5); // ticks are at multiples of 5
sat.setMinorTickSpacing(1); // ticks are at multiples of 1
// knob snaps to nearest tick
// paints the ticks onto the slider
// paints the number labels onto the slider
// create 6 placeholder buttons that color the backgrounds for the input section
labelPlaceH = new JButton();
labelPlaceS = new JButton();
labelPlaceV = new JButton();
sliderPlaceH = new JButton();
sliderPlaceS = new JButton();
sliderPlaceV = new JButton();
// do not paint the borders of the buttons
// set the colors of the buttons in order to make them look like placeholders
// set placeholders opaque so that the background colors are visible
// create 3 JLabels that label each slider
hueLabel = new JLabel("Hue: " + (int) h);
satLabel = new JLabel("Saturation: " + (int) s * 100);
valLabel = new JLabel("Value: " + (int) v * 100);
// set horizontal alignment for the 3 labels
// add sliders and labels to panel
// add change listeners to sliders
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { // paintComponent header
if (firstTime) {
firstTime = false;
if (hueMode) { // hue only mode, show hue label and slider in center
updateUI(); // need to update the UI before moving on
removeAll(); // remove all the components
// add the components
add(hueLabel); // ones that the user sees
} else if (satMode) { // saturation only mode, show sat label and slider in center
updateUI(); // need to update the UI before moving on
removeAll(); // remove all the components
// add the components
add(satLabel); // ones that the user sees
} else if (valMode) { // value only mode, show value label and slider in center
updateUI(); // need to update the UI before moving on
removeAll(); // remove all the component
// add the components
add(valLabel); // one that the user sees
} else if (allMode) { // show all three sliders and labels
updateUI(); // need to update the UI before moving on
removeAll(); // remove all the components
// add the components
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { // stateChanged header; change the color of the ball being shot in the cannon by using the three HSV sliders
ballChanged = true; // shooting ball is being changed
fromInput = true; // dont change the round if screen is being repainted from this class
JSlider source = (JSlider) e.getSource(); // find source of the slider being changed, change color based on source
if (source == hue) { // hue slider
h = hue.getValue(); // h is the value of hue slider
if (hueMode) { // if hue mode, set saturation and value to max (least influenced)
s = 1;
v = 1;
hueLabel.setText("hue: " + (int) h); // rewrite the label
h = h / 360; // h must be between 0-1 not 0-360
} else if (source == sat) { // sat slider
s = sat.getValue(); // s is the value of sat slider
if (satMode) { // if saturation mode, need to match the hue value to the ones of the random balls
if (presetHue == 0)
h = 0; // hue value of red
else if (presetHue == 1)
h = (float) (60) / 360; // hue value of yellow
else if (presetHue == 2)
h = (float) (240) / 360; // hue value of blue
satLabel.setText("Sat: " + (int) s); // rewrite the label
s = s / 100; // s must be between 0-1 not 0-100
} else if (source == val) { // val slider
v = val.getValue(); // v is the value of val slider
if (valMode) { // if value mode, need to match the hue value to the ones of the random balls
if (presetHue == 0)
h = 0; // hue value of red
else if (presetHue == 1)
h = (float)(60) / 360; // hue value of yellow
else if (presetHue == 2)
h = (float)(240) / 360; // hue value of blue
valLabel.setText("Val: " + (int) v); // rewrite the label
v = v / 100; // v must be between 0-1 not 0-100
shootColor = Color.getHSBColor(h, s, v); // change color of the ball based on sliders
screen.repaint(); // repaint the game screen in order to change color of the shooter ball
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