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Created August 23, 2019 21:43
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public boolean isValidTx(Transaction tx) {
boolean areInputsInUTXOPool = !tx.getInputs().stream()
.filter(i -> !utxoPool.contains(new UTXO(i.prevTxHash, i.outputIndex)))
boolean areOutputValuesNonNegative = !tx.getOutputs().stream()
.filter(o -> o.value < 0)
double inputsValue = tx.getInputs().stream()
.map(i -> utxoPool.getTxOutput(new UTXO(i.prevTxHash, i.outputIndex)))
.map(o -> o.value)
.reduce(0.0, (x, y) -> x + y);
double outputsValue = tx.getOutputs().stream()
.map(o -> o.value)
.reduce(0.0, (x, y) -> x + y);
boolean areUTXOClaimedOnlyOnce = !tx.getInputs().stream()
.map(i -> new UTXO(i.prevTxHash, i.outputIndex))
.filter(x -> x.getValue().size() > 1)
boolean areAllInputSignaturesValid = !tx.getInputs().stream()
.filter(i -> {
Optional<Transaction.Output> output = Optional.ofNullable(utxoPool.getTxOutput(new UTXO(i.prevTxHash, i.outputIndex)));
if (output.isPresent())
return !Crypto.verifySignature(output.get().address, tx.getRawDataToSign(i.outputIndex), i.signature);
return false;
if (!areInputsInUTXOPool || !areOutputValuesNonNegative || outputsValue > inputsValue || !areUTXOClaimedOnlyOnce || !areAllInputSignaturesValid)
return false;
return true;
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