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Last active September 6, 2020 00:59
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"response": "success",
"id": "1",
"name": "A-Bomb",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "38",
"strength": "100",
"speed": "17",
"durability": "80",
"power": "24",
"combat": "64"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Richard Milhouse Jones",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Rick Jones"
"place-of-birth": "Scarsdale, Arizona",
"first-appearance": "Hulk Vol 2 #2 (April, 2008) (as A-Bomb)",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"203 cm"
"weight": [
"980 lb",
"441 kg"
"eye-color": "Yellow",
"hair-color": "No Hair"
"work": {
"occupation": "Musician, adventurer, author; formerly talk show host",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Hulk Family; Excelsior (sponsor), Avengers (honorary member); formerly partner of the Hulk, Captain America and Captain Marvel; Teen Brigade; ally of Rom",
"relatives": "Marlo Chandler-Jones (wife); Polly (aunt); Mrs. Chandler (mother-in-law); Keith Chandler, Ray Chandler, three unidentified others (brothers-in-law); unidentified father (deceased); Jackie Shorr (alleged mother; unconfirmed)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "2",
"name": "Abe Sapien",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "88",
"strength": "28",
"speed": "35",
"durability": "65",
"power": "100",
"combat": "85"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Abraham Sapien",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Langdon Everett Caul",
"Abraham Sapien",
"Langdon Caul"
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "Hellboy: Seed of Destruction (1993)",
"publisher": "Dark Horse Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Icthyo Sapien",
"height": [
"191 cm"
"weight": [
"145 lb",
"65 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "No Hair"
"work": {
"occupation": "Paranormal Investigator",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense",
"relatives": "Edith Howard (wife, deceased)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "3",
"name": "Abin Sur",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "50",
"strength": "90",
"speed": "53",
"durability": "64",
"power": "99",
"combat": "65"
"biography": {
"full-name": "",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "Ungara",
"first-appearance": "Showcase #22 (October, 1959)",
"publisher": "DC Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Ungaran",
"height": [
"185 cm"
"weight": [
"200 lb",
"90 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "No Hair"
"work": {
"occupation": "Green Lantern, former history professor",
"base": "Oa"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Green Lantern Corps, Black Lantern Corps",
"relatives": "Amon Sur (son), Arin Sur (sister), Thaal Sinestro (brother-in-law), Soranik Natu (niece)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "4",
"name": "Abomination",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "63",
"strength": "80",
"speed": "53",
"durability": "90",
"power": "62",
"combat": "95"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Emil Blonsky",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Agent R-7",
"Ravager of Worlds"
"place-of-birth": "Zagreb, Yugoslavia",
"first-appearance": "Tales to Astonish #90",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Human / Radiation",
"height": [
"203 cm"
"weight": [
"980 lb",
"441 kg"
"eye-color": "Green",
"hair-color": "No Hair"
"work": {
"occupation": "Ex-Spy",
"base": "Mobile"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "former member of the crew of the Andromeda Starship, ally of the Abominations and Forgotten",
"relatives": "Nadia Dornova Blonsky (wife, separated)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "5",
"name": "Abraxas",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "88",
"strength": "63",
"speed": "83",
"durability": "100",
"power": "100",
"combat": "55"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Abraxas",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "Within Eternity",
"first-appearance": "Fantastic Four Annual #2001",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Cosmic Entity",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "Black"
"work": {
"occupation": "Dimensional destroyer",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Cosmic Beings",
"relatives": "Eternity (\"Father\")"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "60",
"name": "Bane",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "88",
"strength": "38",
"speed": "23",
"durability": "56",
"power": "51",
"combat": "95"
"biography": {
"full-name": "",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "Batman: Vengeance of Bane #1 (January, 1993)",
"publisher": "DC Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"203 cm"
"weight": [
"400 lb",
"180 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "-"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "Santa Prisca"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Suicide Squad, The Secret Society of Super Villains",
"relatives": "King Snake (father)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "61",
"name": "Banshee",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "50",
"strength": "10",
"speed": "58",
"durability": "40",
"power": "63",
"combat": "70"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Sean Cassidy",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "Cassidy Keep, Ireland",
"first-appearance": "X-Men #28 (January, 1967)",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"183 cm"
"weight": [
"170 lb",
"77 kg"
"eye-color": "Green",
"hair-color": "Strawberry Blond"
"work": {
"occupation": "Currently founder and director of operation for X-Corps, formerly Adventurer and Headmaster at the Massachusetts Academy, in charge of Generation X, Interpol Inspector and Agent, freelance detective, professional criminal, involuntary operative for Factor",
"base": "Muir Island, off the coast of Scotland. formerly Massachusetts Academy; Xavier Institute"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Currently X-Corps, formerly Generation X, Factor Three, X-Men",
"relatives": "Maeve Rourke Cassidy (wife, deceased), Thomas (Black Tom, cousin), Theresa Rourke (Siryn, daughter)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "62",
"name": "Bantam",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "25",
"strength": "53",
"speed": "23",
"durability": "54",
"power": "21",
"combat": "56"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Roberto Velasquez",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "Civil War: Front Line #3 (September, 2006)",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"165 cm"
"weight": [
"119 lb",
"54 kg"
"eye-color": "Brown",
"hair-color": "Black"
"work": {
"occupation": "Adventurer, boxing trainer, former boxer",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Captain America, Pro-Registration forces",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "63",
"name": "Batgirl",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "88",
"strength": "11",
"speed": "33",
"durability": "40",
"power": "34",
"combat": "90"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Barbara Gordon",
"alter-egos": "Oracle",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "Detective Comics #359",
"publisher": "Oracle",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Female",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"170 cm"
"weight": [
"126 lb",
"57 kg"
"eye-color": "Green",
"hair-color": "Red"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "Gotham City, formerly Metropolis, Platinum Flats"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "James Gordon (father) \ufffd Barbara Eileen (mother) \ufffd James Gordon, Jr. (brother)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "64",
"name": "Batgirl",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "null",
"strength": "27",
"speed": "null",
"durability": "null",
"power": "null",
"combat": "null"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Mary Elizabeth Kane",
"alter-egos": "Hawkfire",
"aliases": [
"Bette Kane",
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "Batman #139",
"publisher": "Hawkfire",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Female",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "-"
"work": {
"occupation": "Crime-fighter",
"base": "Gotham City"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Former associated partner of Batman and Robin of Earth-One; Partner of Katherine Kane",
"relatives": "Katherine Kane (Batwoman I, Aunt)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "145",
"name": "Cable",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "88",
"strength": "48",
"speed": "23",
"durability": "56",
"power": "100",
"combat": "80"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Nathan Summers",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Chosen One",
"Soldier X",
"Nathan Dayspring",
"Nathan Dayspring Summers",
"Nathan Winters",
"The Traveller",
"The Saviour"
"place-of-birth": "Unrevealed location in the 20th Century United States",
"first-appearance": "New Mutants #86 (as Cable)",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Mutant",
"height": [
"203 cm"
"weight": [
"350 lb",
"158 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "White"
"work": {
"occupation": "(current) Adventurer, (former) freedom fighter, United States government agent, mercenary, combat instructor for X-Force",
"base": "The Xavier Institute, Salem Center, Westchester County, New York"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "X-Force, (former) X-Men, Clan Askani, Clan Chosen, Six Pack (formerly Wild Pack II)",
"relatives": "Scott Summers (Cyclops, father), Madelyne Pryor-Summers (Goblin Queen, mother, deceased), Jean Grey (Phoenix, stepmother), Alexander Summers (Havok, uncle), Christopher Summers (Corsair, paternal grandfather), Katherine Anne Summers (paternal grandmother, deceased), Philip Summers (great-grandfather), Deborah Summers (great-grandmother), Jenskot (Aliya, wife, deceased), Tyler (Genesis, son, deceased), Stryfe (clone, deceased), Gabriel Summers (Vulcan, uncle)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "146",
"name": "Callisto",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "63",
"strength": "53",
"speed": "23",
"durability": "42",
"power": "52",
"combat": "85"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Callisto",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "X-MEN (first series) #169",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Female",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"175 cm"
"weight": [
"165 lb",
"74 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "Black"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "The Xavier Institute, Salem Center, Westchester County, New York State, (former) The Alley (beneath Manhattan's surface), X-Factor I's sentient starship"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Excalibur, Morlocks, Gene Nation",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "147",
"name": "Cameron Hicks",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "50",
"strength": "10",
"speed": "23",
"durability": "28",
"power": "51",
"combat": "70"
"biography": {
"full-name": "",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "-",
"publisher": "SyFy",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Alpha",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "-"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Alphas",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "148",
"name": "Cannonball",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "50",
"strength": "28",
"speed": "67",
"durability": "99",
"power": "94",
"combat": "56"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Samuel Zachery Guthrie",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Formerly Samson Guthry",
"Sam Guthrie",
"place-of-birth": "Cumberland County, Kentucky",
"first-appearance": "Marvel Graphic Novel #4 (1982)",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"183 cm"
"weight": [
"181 lb",
"81 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "Blond"
"work": {
"occupation": "Adventurer, peacekeeper, former student, mercenary, miner",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "X-Men, formerly X.S.E., Mutant Liberation Front, X-Treme X-Men, X-Corporation, X-Force, New Mutants, Hellions, Hellfire Club",
"relatives": "Thomas Zebulon (father, deceased), Lucinda (mother), Lucas Bartholemew (uncle), Paige (Husk, sister), Joshua \"Jay\" (Icarus, brother, deceased), Joelle (sister), Elizabeth (sister), Melody (Aero, sister), Jebediah (brother), Lewis (brother), two other unnamed siblings, Ray Jr. (adopted brother)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "149",
"name": "Captain America",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "69",
"strength": "19",
"speed": "38",
"durability": "55",
"power": "60",
"combat": "100"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Steve Rogers",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"The Captain"
"place-of-birth": "Manhattan, New York City, New York",
"first-appearance": "Captain America Comics #1 (March 1941)",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"188 cm"
"weight": [
"240 lb",
"108 kg"
"eye-color": "blue",
"hair-color": "blond"
"work": {
"occupation": "Adventurer, federal official, intelligence operative; former soldier, Hydra agent, liaison between S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers, police officer, teacher, sparring partner.",
"base": "New York City"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Secret Avengers (Black OPS Unit Formerly,The Avengers, Secret Avengers (Civil War), New Avengers, formerly The Invaders, Secret Defenders The Redeemers; formerly partner of Bucky, Golden Girl, Rick Jones, Falcon, Demolition-Man and Nomad (Jack Monroe)",
"relatives": "Joseph (father, deceased), Sara (mother, deceased), Ian Zola (Nomad) (adopted son)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "198",
"name": "Dagger",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "63",
"strength": "10",
"speed": "35",
"durability": "42",
"power": "52",
"combat": "70"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Tandy Bowen",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Lady Light"
"place-of-birth": "Shaker Heights, Ohio",
"first-appearance": "Spectacular Spiderman #64",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Female",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"Shaker Heights, Ohio"
"weight": [
"116 lb",
"52 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "Blond"
"work": {
"occupation": "Vigilante",
"base": "Holy Ghost Church, 42nd Street, New York City"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Cloak and Dagger, Defenders, League of Losers, Marvel Knights, New Warriors, Secret Avengers",
"relatives": "Melissa Bowen (mother), unnamed father, Phillip Carlisle (stepfather), Father Michael Bowen (uncle)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "199",
"name": "Danny Cooper",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "null",
"strength": "null",
"speed": "null",
"durability": "null",
"power": "null",
"combat": "null"
"biography": {
"full-name": "",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "-",
"publisher": "HarperCollins",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "Brown",
"hair-color": "Blond"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "200",
"name": "Daphne Powell",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "38",
"strength": "10",
"speed": "8",
"durability": "10",
"power": "56",
"combat": "10"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Daphne Powell",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "No Ordinary Family S01E01 (2010)",
"publisher": "ABC Studios",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Female",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "-"
"work": {
"occupation": "Student",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "Jim Powell and Stephanie Powell (parents), JJ Powell (brother)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "201",
"name": "Daredevil",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "75",
"strength": "13",
"speed": "25",
"durability": "35",
"power": "61",
"combat": "100"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Matt Murdock",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Jack Batlin",
"Kingpin of Crime",
"Laurent LeVasseur",
"Michael \"Mike\" Murdock",
"Scarlet Swashbuckler",
"Nameless One",
"Kingpin of Hell's Kitchen",
"The Man Without Fear",
"The Guardian Devil",
"Cooper Peyton",
"Captain Universe"
"place-of-birth": "New York City, New York",
"first-appearance": "Daredevil #1 (April, 1964)",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"183 cm"
"weight": [
"200 lb",
"90 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "Red"
"work": {
"occupation": "Adventurer, vigilante, Attorney at Law",
"base": "Hell's Kitchen, New York, New York, Shadowland (formerly)"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "none; Formerly: partner of Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff), Defenders, S.H.I.E.L.D., Marvel Knights, Secret Avengers (Civil War), Hand leader.",
"relatives": "Jonathan \"Battling Jack\" Murdock (Father, deceased), Maggie Murdock (aka Sister Maggie, Mother), Milla Donovan (ex-wife)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "202",
"name": "Darkhawk",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "50",
"strength": "32",
"speed": "33",
"durability": "70",
"power": "74",
"combat": "64"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Christopher Powell",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "Queens, New York",
"first-appearance": "Darkhawk #1 (March, 1991)",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"185 cm"
"weight": [
"180 lb",
"81 kg"
"eye-color": "Brown",
"hair-color": "Brown"
"work": {
"occupation": "Retired Superhero",
"base": "Los Angeles, California; formerly New York City and Avengers Compound"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "formerly Loners, New Warriors, Avengers West Coast (reservist), Secret Defenders (founder)",
"relatives": "Michael Powell (father), Grace Powell (mother), Jonathon and Jason Powell (brothers)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "235",
"name": "Ego",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "88",
"strength": "80",
"speed": "83",
"durability": "99",
"power": "71",
"combat": "28"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Ego",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"The Living Planet"
"place-of-birth": "The Black Galaxy",
"first-appearance": "THOR #132",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "-",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "-"
"work": {
"occupation": "Inapplicable",
"base": "Mobile"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "Inapplicable"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "236",
"name": "Elastigirl",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "63",
"strength": "32",
"speed": "33",
"durability": "95",
"power": "52",
"combat": "70"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Helen Parr",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Mrs Incredible"
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "The Incredibles (Movies, 2004)",
"publisher": "Dark Horse Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Female",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"168 cm"
"weight": [
"125 lb",
"56 kg"
"eye-color": "Brown",
"hair-color": "Brown"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Incredible Family (co-leader), National Supers Agency (ties), Edna Mode (receives costumes and gadgets from her), Frozone (long-time friend), Mirage (ally), Snug Porter (receives aircraft from him)",
"relatives": "Robert Parr(Mr Incredible, husband), Violet Parr(Violet, daughter), Dashiell Parr (Dash, son), Jack-jack (son)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "237",
"name": "Electro",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "69",
"strength": "10",
"speed": "50",
"durability": "56",
"power": "67",
"combat": "64"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Maxwell Dillon",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "Amazing Spider-Man #9 (1964)",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"180 cm"
"weight": [
"165 lb",
"74 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "Auburn"
"work": {
"occupation": "Professional criminal",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Sinister Six formerly Emissaries of Evil, Frightful Four and Sinister Twelve",
"relatives": "Norma Lynn Dillon (ex-wife), Jonathan Dillon (father, deceased), Anita Dillon (mother, deceased)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "238",
"name": "Elektra",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "63",
"strength": "11",
"speed": "30",
"durability": "28",
"power": "59",
"combat": "100"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Elektra Natchios",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Erynys (evil self)"
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "Daredevil #168",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Female",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"175 cm"
"weight": [
"130 lb",
"59 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "Black"
"work": {
"occupation": "Assassin, adventurer, mercenary, former student, dancer",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "S.H.I.E.L.D.; formerly Thunderbolts, Hand, Chaste, Heroes For Hire, Code Red, partner of Daredevil and Deadpool",
"relatives": "Hugo Kostas Natchios (father, deceased), Christina Natchios (mother, deceased), Orestez Natchios (older brother), Demetrios Natchios (Uncle), Alexia Natchios (Aunt)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "239",
"name": "Elle Bishop",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "50",
"strength": "8",
"speed": "12",
"durability": "42",
"power": "63",
"combat": "42"
"biography": {
"full-name": "",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "Heroes S02E05 - Fight or Flight",
"publisher": "NBC - Heroes",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Female",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "Blond"
"work": {
"occupation": "Agent of the Company",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "Bob Bishop (Father)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "250",
"name": "Fabian Cortez",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "null",
"strength": "null",
"speed": "null",
"durability": "null",
"power": "null",
"combat": "null"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Fabian Cortez",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "Place of birth unknown",
"first-appearance": "X-Men (Vol. 2) #1",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "-",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"196 cm"
"weight": [
"214 lb",
"96 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "Brown"
"work": {
"occupation": "Unknown",
"base": "Genosha at time of death; Formerly Asteroid M"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Acolytes at time of death; Formerly Upstarts",
"relatives": "Annemarie Cortez (sister, deceased)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "251",
"name": "Falcon",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "38",
"strength": "13",
"speed": "50",
"durability": "28",
"power": "22",
"combat": "64"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Sam Wilson",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Sam Wilson",
"(formerly) Captain America",
"Brother Superhero"
"place-of-birth": "New York, New York",
"first-appearance": "Captain America #117 (September, 1969)",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"188 cm"
"weight": [
"240 lb",
"108 kg"
"eye-color": "Brown",
"hair-color": "Black"
"work": {
"occupation": "Crimefighter, (former) freelance artist",
"base": "New York, New York; formerly Avengers Mansion, New York City, New York; S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier."
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Mighty Avengers, Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D.; partner of Redwing; formerly Heroes For Hire, partner of Captain America, Secret Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D. Super-Agents (leader), Defenders, ally of Secret Warriors , Defenders for a Day",
"relatives": "Paul Wilson (father, deceased); Darlene Wilson (mother, deceased); Sarah Wilson (sister), Gideon Wilson (brother); Jim Wilson (nephew, deceased); Jody Casper (nephew)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "252",
"name": "Fallen One II",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "88",
"strength": "85",
"speed": "83",
"durability": "100",
"power": "100",
"combat": "56"
"biography": {
"full-name": "",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "-",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "Black",
"hair-color": "Blue"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Heralds of Galactus",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "253",
"name": "Faora",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "88",
"strength": "95",
"speed": "75",
"durability": "100",
"power": "98",
"combat": "90"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Faora Hu-Ul",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "Action Comics #471 (May, 1977)",
"publisher": "DC Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Female",
"race": "Kryptonian",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "-"
"work": {
"occupation": "Serial killer",
"base": "Phantom Zone; formerly Krypton"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Phantom Zone Criminals",
"relatives": "Hu-Ul (father, presumably deceased)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "254",
"name": "Feral",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "38",
"strength": "28",
"speed": "45",
"durability": "28",
"power": "27",
"combat": "70"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Maria Callasantos",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "Place of birth unknown",
"first-appearance": "NEW MUTANTS #99",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "-",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"175 cm"
"weight": [
"110 lb",
"50 kg"
"eye-color": "Yellow (without irises)",
"hair-color": "Orange / White"
"work": {
"occupation": "Formerly Adventurer, Terrorist",
"base": "Base of operations unknown"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Formerly Morlocks, X-Force, Mutant Liberation Front",
"relatives": "Mr. Callasantos (father, first name unrevealed, deceased), Marcella Callasantos (mother, deceased), Lucia Callasantos (Thornn, sister), Matteo Callasantos (brother, deceased), Carolina Callasantos (sister, deceased)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "273",
"name": "Galactus",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "100",
"strength": "100",
"speed": "83",
"durability": "100",
"power": "100",
"combat": "50"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Galan",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Devourer of Worlds",
"Ravager of Worlds"
"place-of-birth": "(Galan) Taa; (Galactus) the Cosmic Egg",
"first-appearance": "Fantastic Four #48 (March 1966)",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "neutral"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Cosmic Entity",
"height": [
"876 cm"
"weight": [
"36400 lb",
"16 tons"
"eye-color": "Black",
"hair-color": "Black"
"work": {
"occupation": "Planet Devourer, Third Force of the Universe - balance between Eternity and Death, Nullifying Abraxas' Influence on the Multiverse, Third Face of the Living Tribunal - representing Equity",
"base": "Worldship (aka Taa II); though he is generally mobile throughout the universe via his spherical starship in search of suitable planets to consume."
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Heralds of Galactus; formerly God Squad",
"relatives": "Galan (\"father\"), Galacta (daughter)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "274",
"name": "Gambit",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "63",
"strength": "10",
"speed": "23",
"durability": "28",
"power": "55",
"combat": "84"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Remy Etienne LeBeau",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Le Diable Blanc",
"formerly Robert Lord",
"place-of-birth": "New Orleans, Louisiana",
"first-appearance": "(as Gambit) Uncanny X-Men #266 (1990), (as Death) X-Men #184 (2006)",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Mutant",
"height": [
"185 cm"
"weight": [
"179 lb",
"81 kg"
"eye-color": "Red",
"hair-color": "Brown"
"work": {
"occupation": "Jean Grey School for Higher Learning, Salem Center, Westchester County, New York; formerly Utopia, San Francisco Bay, California; Xavier Institute, Salem Center, Westchester County, New York; New Orleans; Paris; Cairo; Illinois",
"base": "(current) Xavier Institute, Salem Center, Westchester County, New York; (former) New Orleans, Louisiana; Paris, France; Cairo, Illinois;"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "X-Men (Team Wolverine); formerly Marauders, Horsemen of Apocalypse, Chevaliers, X-Treme X-Men, Thieves & Unified Guild's of New Orleans, Crimson Pirates",
"relatives": "Jean-Luc LeBeau (father), Belladonna (aka Bella Donna Boudreaux) (wife, separated)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "275",
"name": "Gamora",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "75",
"strength": "85",
"speed": "42",
"durability": "85",
"power": "53",
"combat": "100"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Gamora Zen Whoberi Ben Titan",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"The Deadliest Woman In The Universe",
"The Most Dangerous Woman in the Galaxy"
"place-of-birth": "Planet Zen Whoberi, Silican System, Milky Way",
"first-appearance": "Strange Tales #180 (June, 1975)",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Female",
"race": "Zen-Whoberian",
"height": [
"183 cm"
"weight": [
"170 lb",
"77 kg"
"eye-color": "Yellow",
"hair-color": "Black"
"work": {
"occupation": "Assassin, mercenary, adventurer",
"base": "C.I.T.T.; formerly Godthab Omega, Monster Island, Sanctuary II and the pocket-dimension within the Soul Gem; Earth-7528"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Guardians of the Galaxy ; formerly Phalanx's Selects, Graces (Leader), Infinity Watch ; United Front ; former minion of Thanos; ally of Adam Warlock and Pip the Troll",
"relatives": "Thanos (foster father), Thane (foster brother), Unnamed former Symbiote"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "276",
"name": "Garbage Man",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "null",
"strength": "82",
"speed": "null",
"durability": "null",
"power": "null",
"combat": "null"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Richard Ethan Morse",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Richard Morse"
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "Weird Worlds #1 (2011)",
"publisher": "DC Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Mutant",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "-"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "277",
"name": "Gary Bell",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "63",
"strength": "5",
"speed": "8",
"durability": "10",
"power": "54",
"combat": "10"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Gary Bell",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "-",
"publisher": "SyFy",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Alpha",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "-"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Alphas",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "306",
"name": "Hal Jordan",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "69",
"strength": "90",
"speed": "75",
"durability": "80",
"power": "100",
"combat": "70"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Hal Jordan",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Green Lantern"
"place-of-birth": "Coast City, California",
"first-appearance": "Showcase #22",
"publisher": "DC Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"188 cm"
"weight": [
"200 lb",
"90 kg"
"eye-color": "Brown",
"hair-color": "Brown"
"work": {
"occupation": "Adventurer, Air Force Test Pilot",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Green Lantern Corps, Justice League of America, Justice League Europe, frequently teamed with the second Flash and the original Green Arrow",
"relatives": "Martin H. \"Marty\" Jordan (father, deceased), Jessica Jordan (mother, deceased), Jim Jordan (younger brother), Jack Jordan (older brother, deceased), Jan Jordan (sister-in-law, deceased), Helen Jordan (neice), Larry Jordan (Air Wave I - cousin, deceased), Hal Jordan (Air Wave II - cousin)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "307",
"name": "Han Solo",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "50",
"strength": "10",
"speed": "17",
"durability": "20",
"power": "43",
"combat": "60"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Han Solo",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "Corellia",
"first-appearance": "Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)",
"publisher": "George Lucas",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"183 cm"
"weight": [
"176 lb",
"79 kg"
"eye-color": "Brown",
"hair-color": "Brown"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "308",
"name": "Hancock",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "63",
"strength": "90",
"speed": "67",
"durability": "100",
"power": "100",
"combat": "50"
"biography": {
"full-name": "John Hancock",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "-",
"publisher": "Sony Pictures",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"188 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "Brown",
"hair-color": "Black"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "309",
"name": "Harley Quinn",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "88",
"strength": "12",
"speed": "33",
"durability": "65",
"power": "55",
"combat": "80"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Harley Quinn",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Harleen Quinzel",
"Cupid of Crime",
"Jane Wisakedjak",
"Elise Archer",
"Pumpkin Pooh"
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "Batman: Harley Quinn (October, 1999)",
"publisher": "DC Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Female",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"170 cm"
"weight": [
"140 lb",
"63 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "Blond"
"work": {
"occupation": "Psychiatrist",
"base": "Gotham City"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Formerly The Quintets, The Joker, Poison Ivy, Secret Six",
"relatives": "Barry Quinzel (brother), Sharon Quinzel (mother), Nick Quinzel (father), Jenny Quinzel (niece), Nicky Quinzel (nephew)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "310",
"name": "Harry Potter",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "75",
"strength": "7",
"speed": "21",
"durability": "10",
"power": "100",
"combat": "50"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Harry James Potter",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Triwizard Champion",
"Quidditch Captain",
"Leader of Dumbledore's Army",
"Master of Death"
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone",
"publisher": "J. K. Rowling",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "Green",
"hair-color": "Black"
"work": {
"occupation": "Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement[",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "339",
"name": "Iceman",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "63",
"strength": "32",
"speed": "53",
"durability": "100",
"power": "100",
"combat": "64"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Bobby Drake",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Bobby Drake",
"Mister Friese",
"Drake Roberts",
"Frozen One",
"place-of-birth": "Fort Washington, Long Island, New York",
"first-appearance": "X-Men #1",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Mutant",
"height": [
"173 cm"
"weight": [
"145 lb",
"65 kg"
"eye-color": "Brown",
"hair-color": "Brown"
"work": {
"occupation": "Adventurer, formerly teacher, accountant, student",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "X-Men (Jean Grey School member, founding member); formerly Murder Circus (brainwashed), Excelsiors (squad leader), The Twelve, X-Factor/X-Terminators (founding member), Chosen (Dualers), Secret Defenders, Defenders, Champions (founder and founding member)",
"relatives": "William Robert Drake (father), Madeline Beatrice Bass Drake (mother), Mary (cousin), Joel (cousin), Anne (aunt)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "340",
"name": "Impulse",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "50",
"strength": "10",
"speed": "100",
"durability": "60",
"power": "74",
"combat": "60"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Bartholomew Allen II",
"alter-egos": "Flash IV, Kid Flash II",
"aliases": [
"Flash IV",
"Kid Flash II"
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "Flash Vol 2 #92 (July, 1994)",
"publisher": "Flash IV",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"170 cm"
"weight": [
"145 lb",
"65 kg"
"eye-color": "Yellow",
"hair-color": "Auburn"
"work": {
"occupation": "Adventurer, Student",
"base": "San Francisco, formerly Los Angeles, Keystone City, Manchester, Alabama"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Flash Family, Teen Titans, formerly Legion of Super-Heroes, Young Justice",
"relatives": "Don Allen (father), Meloni Thawne (mother), Barry Allen (grandfather), Iris West-Allen (grandmother), President Thawne (grandfather), Captain Boomerang (Owen Mercer) (half-brother), Allen Family"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "341",
"name": "Indiana Jones",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "69",
"strength": "10",
"speed": "17",
"durability": "30",
"power": "19",
"combat": "30"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Indiana Jones",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "Princeton, New Jersey",
"first-appearance": "Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)",
"publisher": "George Lucas",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"183 cm"
"weight": [
"176 lb",
"79 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "-"
"work": {
"occupation": "Archaeologist",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "342",
"name": "Indigo",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "75",
"strength": "63",
"speed": "50",
"durability": "50",
"power": "100",
"combat": "50"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Iroque",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "Green Lantern Vol 4 #25 (January, 2008)",
"publisher": "DC Comics",
"alignment": "neutral"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Female",
"race": "Alien",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "Purple"
"work": {
"occupation": "Leader of the Indigo Tribe",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Indigo Tribe; formerly the New Guardians",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "343",
"name": "Ink",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "38",
"strength": "28",
"speed": "17",
"durability": "40",
"power": "73",
"combat": "50"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Eric Gitter",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "Young X-Men #1 (May, 2008)",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Mutant",
"height": [
"180 cm"
"weight": [
"180 lb",
"81 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "No Hair"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Formerly X-Men, Young X-Men",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "349",
"name": "Jack Bauer",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "null",
"strength": "43",
"speed": "null",
"durability": "null",
"power": "null",
"combat": "null"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Kiefer Sutherland",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "Enola, Pennsylvania",
"first-appearance": "24: Season 1",
"publisher": "null",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "-"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "350",
"name": "Jack of Hearts",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "63",
"strength": "55",
"speed": "100",
"durability": "30",
"power": "77",
"combat": "30"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Jonathan Hart",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "New Haven, Connecticut",
"first-appearance": "Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #22 (March, 1976)",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"155 cm"
"weight": [
"175 lb",
"79 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue / White",
"hair-color": "Brown"
"work": {
"occupation": "Adventurer",
"base": "Avengers Mansion"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Avengers, Defenders for a Day",
"relatives": "Philip (father, deceased), Marie (mother)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "351",
"name": "Jack-Jack",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "6",
"strength": "34",
"speed": "67",
"durability": "80",
"power": "100",
"combat": "6"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Jack-Jack Parr",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "The Incredibles (Movie, 2004)",
"publisher": "Dark Horse Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"71 cm"
"weight": [
"30 lb",
"14 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "Brown"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Incredible Family (genetic member), National Supers Agency (ties), Edna Mode (receives costumes and gadgets from her), Frozone (long-time friend)",
"relatives": "Robert Parr(Mr Incredible, father), Helen Parr (Elastigirl, mother), Violet Parr(Violet, sister), Dashiell Parr (Dash, brother)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "352",
"name": "James Bond",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "88",
"strength": "13",
"speed": "17",
"durability": "35",
"power": "25",
"combat": "90"
"biography": {
"full-name": "James Bond",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Commander Bond"
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "Casino Royale, 1953 novel",
"publisher": "Titan Books",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"183 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "blue",
"hair-color": "Blond"
"work": {
"occupation": "00 Agent",
"base": "London"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Secret Intelligence Service, MI6, C.I.A., Royal Navy",
"relatives": "Andrew Bond (father), Monique Delacroix (mother)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "353",
"name": "James T. Kirk",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "69",
"strength": "11",
"speed": "17",
"durability": "30",
"power": "30",
"combat": "75"
"biography": {
"full-name": "James T. Kirk",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Captain Kirk"
"place-of-birth": "Riverside, Iowa, Earth",
"first-appearance": "Star Trek S01E01: The Man Trap",
"publisher": "Star Trek",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"178 cm"
"weight": [
"170 lb",
"77 kg"
"eye-color": "Hazel",
"hair-color": "Brown"
"work": {
"occupation": "Captain",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Federation, Starfleet",
"relatives": "Winona Kirk (mother), George Kirk (father), George Samuel Kirk (brother), Michele Suzanne Kirk (sister)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "378",
"name": "K-2SO",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "null",
"strength": "null",
"speed": "null",
"durability": "null",
"power": "null",
"combat": "null"
"biography": {
"full-name": "",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Kaytoo Esso",
"place-of-birth": "Galactic Empire",
"first-appearance": "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)",
"publisher": "George Lucas",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Android",
"height": [
"213 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "White",
"hair-color": "No Hair"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "379",
"name": "Kang",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "100",
"strength": "48",
"speed": "58",
"durability": "70",
"power": "100",
"combat": "70"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Nathaniel Richards",
"alter-egos": "Iron Lad",
"aliases": [
"Blue Man",
"Victor Timely",
"Blue Totem",
"Scarlet Centurion",
"King of Kings",
"Master of Men",
"Lord of the Seven Suns"
"place-of-birth": "Other Earth, 31st century",
"first-appearance": "(As Rama-Tut) Fantastic Four #19 (1963); (as Kang) Avengers #8 (1964)",
"publisher": "Iron Lad",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"191 cm"
"weight": [
"230 lb",
"104 kg"
"eye-color": "Brown",
"hair-color": "Brown"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Formerly the Council of Kangs, Cross-Time Kangs",
"relatives": "Cassandra Richards, their unnamed son, and matriarch of the Eyriennes; Tara Richards, Reed Richards ( Mister Fantastic ), Franklin Richards, Valeria Richards (all ancestors); various Eyriennes (common ancestry); Victor Von Doom (Doctor Doom, alleged ancestor); Ramades (son), Marcus Kang I-XXIII (sons, deceased); Immortus, Iron Lad, and numerous other alternate dimensional counterparts and their offspring"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "380",
"name": "Kathryn Janeway",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "75",
"strength": "8",
"speed": "21",
"durability": "25",
"power": "21",
"combat": "50"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Kathryn Janeway",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "Bloomington, Indiana, Earth",
"first-appearance": "-",
"publisher": "Star Trek",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Female",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "-"
"work": {
"occupation": "Fleet Commander",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "Edward Janeway (father), Gretchen Janeway (mother)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "381",
"name": "Katniss Everdeen",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "56",
"strength": "8",
"speed": "21",
"durability": "25",
"power": "24",
"combat": "55"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Katniss Everdeen",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "-",
"publisher": "",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Female",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "-"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "382",
"name": "Kevin 11",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "25",
"strength": "7",
"speed": "12",
"durability": "14",
"power": "100",
"combat": "40"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Kevin Ethan Levin",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Kevin 11,000",
"Kevin Ethan",
"Ultimate Kevin",
"An Empty Shell",
"Kevin E. Levin"
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "Ben 10 S01",
"publisher": "DC Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "Black"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "Mrs. Levin (mother), Devlin Levin (alternate future son), Ben Tennyson (Ben 10, best friend), Harvey Hackett (Stepfather), Gwen Tennyson(girlfriend)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "399",
"name": "Lady Bullseye",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "null",
"strength": "63",
"speed": "null",
"durability": "null",
"power": "null",
"combat": "null"
"biography": {
"full-name": "",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "-",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Female",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "Black"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "400",
"name": "Lady Deathstrike",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "63",
"strength": "28",
"speed": "42",
"durability": "85",
"power": "48",
"combat": "90"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Yuriko Oyama",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Ana Cortes"
"place-of-birth": "Osaka, Japan",
"first-appearance": "Alpha Flight Vol. 1 #33 (1985)",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Female",
"race": "Cyborg",
"height": [
"175 cm"
"weight": [
"128 lb",
"58 kg"
"eye-color": "Brown",
"hair-color": "Black"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Ally of Reverend William Stryker, former employee of Sabretooth, formerly Reavers",
"relatives": "Kenji Oyama (Lord Dark Wind, father, deceased), two unnamed brothers (deceased)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "401",
"name": "Leader",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "100",
"strength": "10",
"speed": "12",
"durability": "14",
"power": "59",
"combat": "42"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Samuel Sterns",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "Boise, Idaho",
"first-appearance": "-",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"178 cm"
"weight": [
"140 lb",
"63 kg"
"eye-color": "Green",
"hair-color": "No Hair"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Leader of Freehold",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "402",
"name": "Leech",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "25",
"strength": "5",
"speed": "12",
"durability": "14",
"power": "62",
"combat": "14"
"biography": {
"full-name": "",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "Uncanny X-Men #179",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "-"
"work": {
"occupation": "Survivor, former student",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "198; formerly Generation X, Daydreamers, Morlocks, X-Factor (trainee)",
"relatives": "Annalee (foster mother, deceased)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "403",
"name": "Legion",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "50",
"strength": "100",
"speed": "42",
"durability": "30",
"power": "100",
"combat": "75"
"biography": {
"full-name": "David Haller",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Jack Wayne",
"Jemail Karami",
"Daniel Lucas Haller",
"Daniel Haller",
"place-of-birth": "Israel",
"first-appearance": "New Mutants #25 (March, 1985)",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Mutant",
"height": [
"175 cm"
"weight": [
"130 lb",
"59 kg"
"eye-color": "Green / Blue",
"hair-color": "Black"
"work": {
"occupation": "Adventurer, Student",
"base": "formerly Ruth Aldine's mind, Utopia, San Francisco Bay, California; Westcliffe, Colorado; \"No-Time\"; Moira MacTaggart's Mutant Research Center, Muir Island, off the coast of Scotland; Haifa; Paris, France"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Formerly X-Men, Muir Island X-Men",
"relatives": "Charles Graymalkin (paternal collateral ancestor), Marcia Graymalkin (paternal collateral ancestor), Jonas Graymalkin (paternal collateral ancestor), Brian Xavier (paternal grandfather), Sharon Xavier (paternal grandmother), Kurt Marko (paternal step-grandfather), Cain Marko (paternal step-uncle), Cassandra Nova Xavier (paternal aunt), Charles Xavier (father), Gabrielle Haller (mother), Daniel Shomron (stepfather), Xavier Family (paternal relatives), Ruth Aldine (lover/current body)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "421",
"name": "Mach-IV",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "75",
"strength": "36",
"speed": "60",
"durability": "84",
"power": "60",
"combat": "56"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Abner Jenkins",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "Baltimore, Maryland",
"first-appearance": "(Beetle) Strange Tales #123 (1964); (MACH-I) Incredible Hulk #449 (1997); (MACH-II) Thunderbolts #37 (2000); (MACH-III) Thunderbolts #57 (2001); (MACH-IV) New Thunderbolts #1 (2005)",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"180 cm"
"weight": [
"175 lb",
"79 kg"
"eye-color": "Brown",
"hair-color": "Brown"
"work": {
"occupation": "Adventurer; former master mechanic, professional criminal, mercenary",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "formerly Thunderbolts, Masters of Evil, Sinister Syndicate, Justin Hammer's Hit Squad, Maggia, Sinister Seven, Commission on Superhuman Activities, Defenders impersonators, Burton Canyon Police Department",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "422",
"name": "Machine Man",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "63",
"strength": "32",
"speed": "35",
"durability": "84",
"power": "51",
"combat": "64"
"biography": {
"full-name": "X-51, Aaron Stack",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Sir McHinery",
"Mister Machine.Machine Man"
"place-of-birth": "Central City, California",
"first-appearance": "First appearance unknown",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "-",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"183 cm"
"weight": [
"850 lb",
"383 kg"
"eye-color": "Red",
"hair-color": "Black"
"work": {
"occupation": "Insurance Investigator",
"base": "Garvin's Garage, Queens, New York"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Avengers",
"relatives": "Dr. Able Stack, 'father'"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "423",
"name": "Magneto",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "88",
"strength": "80",
"speed": "27",
"durability": "84",
"power": "91",
"combat": "80"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Erik Magnus Lensherr",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"The Creator",
"Erik Magnus Lehnsherr",
"Michael Xavier",
"White Pilgrim",
"Erik the RedThe Master of Magnetism"
"place-of-birth": "Unrevealed, probably somewhere in Northern Europe",
"first-appearance": "X-MEN Vol. 1 #1",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Mutant",
"height": [
"188 cm"
"weight": [
"190 lb",
"86 kg"
"eye-color": "Grey",
"hair-color": "White"
"work": {
"occupation": "Currently Revolutionary and Conqueror, formerly Volunteer Orderly, Secret Agent",
"base": "Currently unrevealed, formerly Asteroid M; various hidden bases on Earth including one in Antarctica; an island in the Bermuda Triangle; Professor Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, Salem Center, Westchester County, New York"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Currently None, formerly Brotherhood of Evil Mutants I and II, X-Men, teacher of the New Mutants, Lords Cardinal of the Hellfire Club, leader of the Acolytes",
"relatives": "Magda (wife, deceased), Anya (daughter, deceased), Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver, son), Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch, daughter), Lorna Dane (Polaris, daughter), Joseph (clone, deceased), Luna (granddaughter)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "424",
"name": "Magog",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "50",
"strength": "48",
"speed": "23",
"durability": "64",
"power": "66",
"combat": "72"
"biography": {
"full-name": "David Reid",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "-",
"publisher": "DC Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "Blond"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "formerly Justice Society of America, formerally United States Marine Corps",
"relatives": "Franklin Delano Roosevelt (great-grandfather, deceased)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "425",
"name": "Magus",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "88",
"strength": "100",
"speed": "70",
"durability": "99",
"power": "100",
"combat": "74"
"biography": {
"full-name": "",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Warlock's Father"
"place-of-birth": "Kvch (Technarchy\ufffds home planet)",
"first-appearance": "New Mutants #18 (1984)",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"183 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "Black",
"hair-color": "-"
"work": {
"occupation": "Ruler of the Technarchy",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "Warlock (son, deceased)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "481",
"name": "Namor",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "69",
"strength": "95",
"speed": "58",
"durability": "70",
"power": "73",
"combat": "85"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Namor McKenzie",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Imperius Rex",
"Dr. G.W. Falton",
"Namor the First",
"Avenging Son",
"Old Man",
"Joe Pierre",
"Lord of the Seven Seas",
"the Scion of the Deep",
"place-of-birth": "Atlantis",
"first-appearance": "Motion Picture Funnies Weekly #1 (April, 1939)",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Atlantean",
"height": [
"188 cm"
"weight": [
"278 lb",
"125 kg"
"eye-color": "Grey",
"hair-color": "Black"
"work": {
"occupation": "King of Atlantis, Adventurer; former warrior, commando, CEO",
"base": "Ultimate Universe; formerly New Atlantis, Utopia, San Francisco Bay, California; Atlantis; Necropolis, Wakanda; occasionally mobile"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Cabal (founder), Invaders, Atlantis; formerly Illuminati, X-Men, Extinction Team, Phoenix Five, Defenders, Osborn's X-Men, Osborn's Cabal, Avengers, All-Winners Squad, Titans Three, Fantastic Four, Oracle Inc., Order, Deep Six (founder and leader); ally o",
"relatives": "Elanna (maternal ancestor), Tanas (maternal ancestor), Zartra (maternal ancestor), Orrek (maternal distant relative), Stegor (maternal ancestor), Kamuu (maternal ancestor), Harran (maternal ancestor), Kalen (maternal ancestor), Ossem (maternal ancestor), Balaal (maternal ancestor), Thallo (maternal ancestor), Immanu (maternal great-grandfather-in-law, deceased), Thakorr (maternal grandfather, deceased), Korra (maternal grandmother), Wa-Korr (grandfather-in-law, presumed deceased), Wathan (father-in-law, presumed deceased), Tom Smallwood (father-in-law), Gladys Smallwood (mother-in-law), Zarina (maternal aunt), Namora's father (uncle), Daka (maternal uncle), Brynn (aunt-by-marriage/step-grandmother), Fen (mother, deceased), Leonard McKenzie (father, deceased), Experiment N2 (clone), Lawrence McKenzie (paternal half-brother), Dorma (wife / distant cousin, deceased), Marrina (wife), three unnamed children (by Marrina), Kamar (son, deceased), Black Moray (Leon McKenzie) (paternal half-nephew), Llyron McKenzie (paternal great-nephew), Dan Smallwood (brother-in-law), Namora (maternal cousin), Beemer (maternal cousin), Bobo (maternal cousin), Byrrahna (maternal cousin), Namita (maternal cousin), Daro (maternal cousin), Dara (maternal cousin), Seth (maternal cousin), Argus (maternal cousin), Arkus (maternal cousin), Byrrah (maternal cousin), Namorita (maternal 1st cousin once removed)."
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "482",
"name": "Namor",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "null",
"strength": "null",
"speed": "null",
"durability": "null",
"power": "null",
"combat": "null"
"biography": {
"full-name": "",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "-",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "-"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "483",
"name": "Namora",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "50",
"strength": "85",
"speed": "42",
"durability": "42",
"power": "48",
"combat": "64"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Aquaria Nautica Neptunia",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Avenging Daughter",
"the Sea Beauty"
"place-of-birth": "Unnamed Atlantean outpost",
"first-appearance": "Marvel Mystery Comics #82 (1947)",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Female",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"180 cm"
"weight": [
"189 lb",
"85 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "Blond"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Agents of Atlas, Long-time ally of Namor; Monster Hunters, Invaders, All Winners Squad; At one time or another was partnered with FBI Agent Jimmy Woo, Sun Girl, Venus, Golden Girl, Hulk",
"relatives": "Namor (cousin), Talan (husband, deceased), Namorita (\"daughter\" cloned)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "484",
"name": "Namorita",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "50",
"strength": "72",
"speed": "47",
"durability": "70",
"power": "37",
"combat": "70"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Namorita Prentiss",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "Atlantis Outskirts",
"first-appearance": "SUB-MARINER Vol. 2 #50 (1972)",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Female",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"168 cm"
"weight": [
"225 lb",
"101 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "Blond"
"work": {
"occupation": "Superhero, formerly Leader of Atlantis",
"base": "Mobile, formerly New Warriors headquarters and Atlantis"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Formerly Council of Three, New Warriors, Fantastic Four, Soldiers of Misfortune, Water Children",
"relatives": "Namora (mother); Talan (father, deceased); Namor, Byrrah, Dara, Arkus (first cousins once removed); Fen (great-aunt, deceased); Thakorr (great-grandfather, deceased); Korra (great-grandmother, presumed deceased); large extended family; Betty Prentiss (legal guardian, deceased)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "485",
"name": "Naruto Uzumaki",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "50",
"strength": "80",
"speed": "32",
"durability": "80",
"power": "100",
"combat": "100"
"biography": {
"full-name": "",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "-",
"publisher": "Shueisha",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"168 cm"
"weight": [
"121 lb",
"54 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "-"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "Konohagakure"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Team 7",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "498",
"name": "Odin",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "100",
"strength": "83",
"speed": "67",
"durability": "95",
"power": "100",
"combat": "90"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Odin Borson",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"King of Asgard"
"place-of-birth": "Asgard",
"first-appearance": "Journey into Mystery #85",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "God / Eternal",
"height": [
"206 cm"
"weight": [
"650 lb",
"293 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "White"
"work": {
"occupation": "Deity, Monarch of Asgard, Asgardian God of the Sky, Wind, Wisdom, Crafts, Time, and the Dead, Warrior",
"base": "City of Asgard, Asgard"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Asgardians, Council of Godheads",
"relatives": "Buri (Tiwaz) (paternal grandfather), Bolthorn (maternal grandfather), Bor Burison (father, deceased), Bestla (mother), Mimir Burison (paternal uncle), Njord (paternal uncle), Vili, Ve, Cul (brothers), Frigga (wife), Freyr (father-in-law), Gullveig (sister-in-law), Thor (son by Jord), Vidar (son by Grid), Balder (son by Frigga), Tyr, Hermod (allegedly sons by Frigga), Angela (daughter by Frigga), Laussa (daughter by Frigga and Surtur), Loki (foster son), Hoder (nephew), Skadi (niece)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "499",
"name": "Offspring",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "50",
"strength": "10",
"speed": "35",
"durability": "99",
"power": "100",
"combat": "56"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Luke O'Brian",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Ernie McDunnagh",
"Plastic Lad"
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "-",
"publisher": "DC Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "-"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "500",
"name": "Omega Red",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "null",
"strength": "61",
"speed": "null",
"durability": "null",
"power": "null",
"combat": "null"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Arkady Gregorivich",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Arkady Rossovich",
"Vasyliev Arkady"
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "-",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"211 cm"
"weight": [
"425 lb",
"191 kg"
"eye-color": "Red",
"hair-color": "Blond"
"work": {
"occupation": "Crimelord; former mercenary, KGB agent",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Red Mafia (kingpin); former employee of Sabretooth, The General, Ivan Pushkin, and Matsu'o Tsurayaba; formerly KGB",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "501",
"name": "Omniscient",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "null",
"strength": "null",
"speed": "null",
"durability": "null",
"power": "null",
"combat": "null"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Omniscient is the closest English word that compares to his alien tongue.",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "Another Unknown World",
"first-appearance": "Team Epic Episode 101",
"publisher": "Team Epic TV",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"180 cm"
"weight": [
"145 lb",
"65 kg"
"eye-color": "Brown",
"hair-color": "Black"
"work": {
"occupation": "Superhero, Grade 9 physics teacher",
"base": "Toronto, Canada"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Team Epic",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "502",
"name": "One Punch Man",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "38",
"strength": "100",
"speed": "83",
"durability": "95",
"power": "55",
"combat": "50"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Saitama",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Caped Baldy"
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "One Punch - Chapter 1, Volume 1",
"publisher": "Shueisha",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"175 cm"
"weight": [
"154 lb",
"69 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "No Hair"
"work": {
"occupation": "Superhero, Sensei",
"base": "Z-City"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "Genos (partner)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "509",
"name": "Parademon",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "9",
"strength": "28",
"speed": "17",
"durability": "50",
"power": "53",
"combat": "25"
"biography": {
"full-name": "",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "Apokalips",
"first-appearance": "New Gods #1",
"publisher": "DC Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "-",
"race": "Parademon",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "-"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Darkseid",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "510",
"name": "Paul Blart",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "8",
"strength": "11",
"speed": "21",
"durability": "50",
"power": "7",
"combat": "5"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Paul Blart",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Mall Cop"
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "-",
"publisher": "Sony Pictures",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"170 cm"
"weight": [
"260 lb",
"117 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "-"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "511",
"name": "Penance",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "null",
"strength": "null",
"speed": "null",
"durability": "null",
"power": "null",
"combat": "null"
"biography": {
"full-name": "",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "-",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "-",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "-"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "512",
"name": "Penance I",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "null",
"strength": "null",
"speed": "null",
"durability": "null",
"power": "null",
"combat": "null"
"biography": {
"full-name": "",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "-",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Female",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "-"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "513",
"name": "Penance II",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "null",
"strength": "20",
"speed": "null",
"durability": "null",
"power": "null",
"combat": "null"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Robert Baldwin",
"alter-egos": "Speedball",
"aliases": [
"Formerly Speedball",
"Masked Marvel"
"place-of-birth": "Springdale, Connecticut",
"first-appearance": "(as Speedball) Amazing Spider-Man Annual #22 (1988); (as Penance) Civil War: Front Line #10 (2007)",
"publisher": "Speedball",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"183 cm"
"weight": [
"197 lb",
"89 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "Blond"
"work": {
"occupation": "Government operative; former adventurer, reality TV star, student, television show intern, engineering intern, lab worker",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Thunderbolts; formerly New Warriors",
"relatives": "Justin Baldwin (father), Madeline Naylor (mother)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "533",
"name": "Q",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "100",
"strength": "12",
"speed": "17",
"durability": "100",
"power": "100",
"combat": "40"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Q",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Q Continuum"
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "-",
"publisher": "Star Trek",
"alignment": "-"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "God / Eternal",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "-"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "534",
"name": "Quantum",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "null",
"strength": "null",
"speed": "null",
"durability": "null",
"power": "null",
"combat": "null"
"biography": {
"full-name": "",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "-",
"publisher": "HarperCollins",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "-"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "535",
"name": "Question",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "81",
"strength": "14",
"speed": "27",
"durability": "35",
"power": "20",
"combat": "80"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Charles Victor Szasz",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Vic Sage"
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "Blue Beetle (Charlton) Vol 4 #1 (June, 1967)",
"publisher": "DC Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"188 cm"
"weight": [
"185 lb",
"83 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "Blond"
"work": {
"occupation": "Former Television Investigative Journalist",
"base": "Hub City; Chicago, Gotham City, Metropolis"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Formerly L.A.W., JLA, Black Lantern Corps",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "536",
"name": "Quicksilver",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "63",
"strength": "28",
"speed": "100",
"durability": "60",
"power": "81",
"combat": "56"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Pietro Django Maximoff",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Pietro Frank",
"Gypsy Davey",
"Mateo Maximoff"
"place-of-birth": "Wundagore Mountain, Transia (in Eastern Europe)",
"first-appearance": "X-MEN Vol. 1 #4",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Mutant",
"height": [
"183 cm"
"weight": [
"175 lb",
"79 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "Silver"
"work": {
"occupation": "(current) Adventurer, (former) Terrorist, officer of the Inhumans militia, United States government operative",
"base": "Currently a castle on the Hudson River in upstate New York that is owned by the High Evolutionary; (former) Transia; Avengers Mansion, Manhattan; Avengers Compound, Palos Verdes, California; X-Factor headquarters, Washington D. C."
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Avengers, unofficial member of the Royal Family of the Inhumans, (former) Brotherhood of Evil Mutants I, X-Factor II",
"relatives": "Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch, sister), Magnus (Magneto, father), Magda (mother, deceased), Django Maximoff (adoptive father), Marya Maximoff (adoptive mother, deceased), Crystal (wife), Maximoff, Luna (daughter), Medusa (sister-in-law), Black Bolt, Gorgon, Karnak, Triton, Maximus (cousins by marriage), Vision (ex-brother-in-law)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "537",
"name": "Quill",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "38",
"strength": "10",
"speed": "12",
"durability": "14",
"power": "23",
"combat": "14"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Maxwell Jordan",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "New X-Men: Academy X #1",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"163 cm"
"weight": [
"124 lb",
"56 kg"
"eye-color": "Brown",
"hair-color": "Brown"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "X-Mansion"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Corsairs",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "538",
"name": "Ra's Al Ghul",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "100",
"strength": "28",
"speed": "32",
"durability": "42",
"power": "27",
"combat": "100"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Ra's Al Ghul",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Demon's Head"
"place-of-birth": "Egypt",
"first-appearance": "Batman #232 (June, 1971)",
"publisher": "DC Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"193 cm"
"weight": [
"215 lb",
"97 kg"
"eye-color": "Green",
"hair-color": "Grey"
"work": {
"occupation": "Eco Terrorist, Businessman, Cult Leader",
"base": "mobile"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "League of Assassins",
"relatives": "The Sensei (father), White Ghost (Dusan al Ghul) (son), Talia al Ghul (daughter), Nyssa Raatko (daughter), Robin V (Damian Wayne) (grandson)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "539",
"name": "Rachel Pirzad",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "63",
"strength": "4",
"speed": "8",
"durability": "10",
"power": "52",
"combat": "10"
"biography": {
"full-name": "",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "-",
"publisher": "SyFy",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Female",
"race": "Alpha",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "-"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Alphas",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "540",
"name": "Rambo",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "63",
"strength": "14",
"speed": "25",
"durability": "30",
"power": "30",
"combat": "100"
"biography": {
"full-name": "John Rambo",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Lone Wolf"
"place-of-birth": "Bowie, Arizona",
"first-appearance": "First Blood (Novel, 1972)",
"publisher": "null",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"178 cm"
"weight": [
"185 lb",
"83 kg"
"eye-color": "Brown",
"hair-color": "Black"
"work": {
"occupation": "United States Army soldier (former)",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "United States Army (former)",
"relatives": "R. Rambo (father), Marie Drago (mother), Col. Sam Trautman (close-friend, father-figure, trainer, best-friend until death)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "541",
"name": "Raphael",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "63",
"strength": "17",
"speed": "50",
"durability": "65",
"power": "59",
"combat": "80"
"biography": {
"full-name": "",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1",
"publisher": "IDW Publishing",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Mutant",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "No Hair"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "Leonardo (brother), Donatello (brother), Michelangelo (brother)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "542",
"name": "Raven",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "50",
"strength": "10",
"speed": "29",
"durability": "70",
"power": "84",
"combat": "40"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Rachel Roth",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Dark Raven"
"place-of-birth": "Azarath",
"first-appearance": "DC Comics Presents #26 (October, 1980)",
"publisher": "DC Comics",
"alignment": "neutral"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Female",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"165 cm"
"weight": [
"110 lb",
"50 kg"
"eye-color": "Indigo",
"hair-color": "Black"
"work": {
"occupation": "Adventurer, high school student",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Teen Titans, formerly Sentinels of Magic",
"relatives": "Trigon (father), Angela Roth (mother, deceased), Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Wrath, Envy, Sloth (half-brothers, status unknown)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "570",
"name": "Sabretooth",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "56",
"strength": "48",
"speed": "38",
"durability": "90",
"power": "50",
"combat": "100"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Victor Creed",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"El Tigre"
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "Iron Fist #14 (August, 1977)",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Mutant",
"height": [
"198 cm"
"weight": [
"380 lb",
"171 kg"
"eye-color": "Amber",
"hair-color": "Blond"
"work": {
"occupation": "mercenary, professional criminal, assassin, serial killer",
"base": "mobile"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Weapon X, Marauders, Brotherhood of Evil Mutants",
"relatives": "Grayden Creed (son; deceased)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "571",
"name": "Sage",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "75",
"strength": "10",
"speed": "12",
"durability": "14",
"power": "28",
"combat": "56"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Tessa",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "Place of birth unknown",
"first-appearance": "X-MEN Vol. 1 #132",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Female",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"170 cm"
"weight": [
"135 lb",
"61 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "Black"
"work": {
"occupation": "Former Soldier",
"base": "Base of operations unknown"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Excalibur, formerly X-Men, X-Treme Sanctions Executive, X-Treme X-Men, Hellfire Club",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "572",
"name": "Sandman",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "44",
"strength": "75",
"speed": "46",
"durability": "90",
"power": "100",
"combat": "60"
"biography": {
"full-name": "William Baker",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Flint Marko",
"Sylvester Mann",
"place-of-birth": "Queens, New York",
"first-appearance": "Amazing Spider-Man #4 (September, 1963)",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "neutral"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"185 cm"
"weight": [
"450 lb",
"203 kg"
"eye-color": "Brown",
"hair-color": "Brown"
"work": {
"occupation": "Professional Criminal",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "(Formerly) Sinister Twelve, the Sinister Six, the Frightful Four, the Outlaws and the Wild Pack, reserve member of the Avengers",
"relatives": "Mrs. Baker (mother), unidentified cousin"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "573",
"name": "Sasquatch",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "75",
"strength": "80",
"speed": "23",
"durability": "56",
"power": "15",
"combat": "42"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Walter Langkowski",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Wanda Langkowski"
"place-of-birth": "Edmonton, Alberta, Canada",
"first-appearance": "-",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"305 cm"
"weight": [
"2000 lb",
"900 kg"
"eye-color": "Red",
"hair-color": "Orange"
"work": {
"occupation": "Adventurer, bio-physicist, government operative; former college lecturer, professional football player",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Omega Flight; formerly Alpha Flight, Beta Flight, Gamma Flight, Howling Commandos",
"relatives": "Veronica Langkowsi (ex-wife), unidentified son, Lillian von Loont (Gilded Lily, great-aunt, deceased)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "574",
"name": "Sauron",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "88",
"strength": "85",
"speed": "33",
"durability": "100",
"power": "100",
"combat": "70"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Sauron",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Gorthaur the Cruel",
"Sauron the Dark",
"The Necromancer",
"Dark Lord of Mordor",
"Lord of the Rings",
"The Great Eye"
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "-",
"publisher": "J. R. R. Tolkien",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Maiar",
"height": [
"279 cm"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "-"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "649",
"name": "T-1000",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "75",
"strength": "34",
"speed": "33",
"durability": "100",
"power": "100",
"combat": "75"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Cyberdyne Systems Series 1000 Terminator",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "Terminator 2: Judgment Day",
"publisher": "Dark Horse Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Android",
"height": [
"183 cm"
"weight": [
"325 lb",
"146 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "-"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Skynet",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "650",
"name": "T-800",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "75",
"strength": "34",
"speed": "17",
"durability": "60",
"power": "73",
"combat": "65"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Cyberdyne Systems Series 800 Terminator Model 101",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "The Terminator (1984)",
"publisher": "Dark Horse Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Cyborg",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"390 lb",
"176 kg"
"eye-color": "Red",
"hair-color": "-"
"work": {
"occupation": "Assassin",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Skynet",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "651",
"name": "T-850",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "75",
"strength": "80",
"speed": "25",
"durability": "90",
"power": "83",
"combat": "75"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Cyberdyne Systems Series 850 Terminator",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)",
"publisher": "Dark Horse Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Cyborg",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"440 lb",
"198 kg"
"eye-color": "Red",
"hair-color": "-"
"work": {
"occupation": "Assassin",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Skynet",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "652",
"name": "T-X",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "75",
"strength": "63",
"speed": "29",
"durability": "85",
"power": "100",
"combat": "80"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Cyberdyne Systems Series X Terminator",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "-",
"publisher": "Dark Horse Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Female",
"race": "Cyborg",
"height": [
"0 cm"
"weight": [
"330 lb",
"149 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "-"
"work": {
"occupation": "Assassin / Genesis Overseer",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Skynet",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "653",
"name": "Taskmaster",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "75",
"strength": "12",
"speed": "50",
"durability": "20",
"power": "63",
"combat": "100"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Tony Masters",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "Avengers #195",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"188 cm"
"weight": [
"220 lb",
"99 kg"
"eye-color": "Brown",
"hair-color": "Brown"
"work": {
"occupation": "Sheriff, Assassin, Mercenary; formerly Military Trainer, Combat Instructor, Head of Initiative training camp",
"base": "Bagalia; A.I.M Island, Taskmaster's Academy"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "Mercedes Merced (wife), Jeanne Foucault (Finesse, alleged daughter)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "679",
"name": "Ultragirl",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "50",
"strength": "80",
"speed": "35",
"durability": "70",
"power": "35",
"combat": "80"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Tsu-Zana",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Suzy Sherman",
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "-",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Female",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"168 cm"
"weight": [
"233 lb",
"105 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "Blond"
"work": {
"occupation": "Model",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Initiative, New Warriors",
"relatives": "Toby Sherman (father)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "680",
"name": "Ultron",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "88",
"strength": "83",
"speed": "42",
"durability": "100",
"power": "100",
"combat": "64"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Ultron",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Crimson Cowl",
"Great Devil",
"Great Ultron",
"Iron Man",
"Ultimate Ultron",
"Ultron-5 (and hundreds of other sequential numerical designations)",
"Ultron Mark Twelve",
"Ho Yinsen"
"place-of-birth": "Created in Cresskill, New Jersey",
"first-appearance": "Avengers #54 (July, 1968)",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Android",
"height": [
"206 cm"
"weight": [
"735 lb",
"331 kg"
"eye-color": "Red",
"hair-color": "-"
"work": {
"occupation": "Mass murderer, scientist, would-be world conqueror, ruler of Phalanx",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Phalanx; formerly Sons of Yinsen, Lethal Legion, Masters of Evil",
"relatives": "Hank Pym (Yellowjacket, creator, \"father\"), Janet Van Dyne (Wasp, regarded by Ultron as \"mother\" due to marriage to Pym), Jocasta (creation, former mate), Alkhema (creation, former mate, deactivated), Vision (creation, \"son\"), Victor Mancha (creation, son), Rex (creation, pet, deactivated), Robos & Bio-Synthezoids (creations of Alkhema, \"grandchildren\";, destroyed); Simon Williams (Wonder Man), Eric Williams (Grim Reaper) & Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch), all regarded by Ultron as part of his \"extended family\" due to their familial connections with the Vision"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "681",
"name": "Utgard-Loki",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "50",
"strength": "80",
"speed": "23",
"durability": "84",
"power": "85",
"combat": "64"
"biography": {
"full-name": "",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "Jotunheim",
"first-appearance": "-",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Frost Giant",
"height": [
"15.2 meters"
"weight": [
"128000 lb",
"58 tons"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "White"
"work": {
"occupation": "Monarch",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Giants of Jotunheim",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "682",
"name": "Vagabond",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "null",
"strength": "null",
"speed": "null",
"durability": "null",
"power": "null",
"combat": "null"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Priscilla Lyons",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "(as Lyons) CAPTAIN AMERICA #325, (as Vagabond) CAPTAIN AMERICA #342",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Female",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"168 cm"
"weight": [
"120 lb",
"54 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "Strawberry Blond"
"work": {
"occupation": "Adventurer",
"base": "Mobile"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Former partner of Nomad",
"relatives": "Phil (brother)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "683",
"name": "Valerie Hart",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "null",
"strength": "null",
"speed": "null",
"durability": "null",
"power": "null",
"combat": "null"
"biography": {
"full-name": "",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "East Coast, Canada",
"first-appearance": "Team Epic Episode 101",
"publisher": "Team Epic TV",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Female",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"175 cm"
"weight": [
"125 lb",
"56 kg"
"eye-color": "Hazel",
"hair-color": "Black"
"work": {
"occupation": "Vigilante, Superhero",
"base": "Toronto"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Team Epic",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "684",
"name": "Valkyrie",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "null",
"strength": "94",
"speed": "null",
"durability": "null",
"power": "null",
"combat": "null"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Brunnhilde (also spelled Brunnhilda)",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Barbara Norriss",
"Samantha Parrington"
"place-of-birth": "Presumably Asgard",
"first-appearance": "(Enchantress in Valkyrie's form) AVENGERS #87, (Samantha Parrington in Valkyrie's form) INCREDIBLE HULK #142, (Brunnhilde in Barbara Norriss's body) DEFENDERS #3, (Brunnhilde in her own body) DEFENDERS #109",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Female",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"191 cm"
"weight": [
"475 lb",
"214 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "Blond"
"work": {
"occupation": "Chooser of the Slain, Adventurer",
"base": "Asgard, later New York City area, later Defenders Mansion, Colorado."
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Gods at Asgard, Valkyrior, Defenders",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "685",
"name": "Vanisher",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "63",
"strength": "10",
"speed": "75",
"durability": "56",
"power": "61",
"combat": "42"
"biography": {
"full-name": "",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Telford Porter"
"place-of-birth": "Boston, Massachusetts",
"first-appearance": "X-Men (Vol 1) #2",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"165 cm"
"weight": [
"175 lb",
"79 kg"
"eye-color": "Green",
"hair-color": "No Hair"
"work": {
"occupation": "Professional criminal, former subversive",
"base": "former) Factor Three headquarters, Europe; Beat Street Club, New York City"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "(former) Outer Circle of Enforcers II, Factor Three, Fallen Angels",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "686",
"name": "Vegeta",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "81",
"strength": "100",
"speed": "92",
"durability": "95",
"power": "100",
"combat": "100"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Vegeta",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Prince Vegeta",
"The Saiyan Prince",
"The Prince of all Saiyans",
"Majin Vegeta",
"Bejiita no Ouji",
"Captain Vegeta",
"Makita (Hebrew dub)",
"Bezita (Malaysian dub)",
"Super Vegeta"
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "Dragon Ball #17",
"publisher": "Shueisha",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Saiyan",
"height": [
"168 cm"
"weight": [
"163 lb",
"73 kg"
"eye-color": "-",
"hair-color": "Black"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "702",
"name": "Walrus",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "50",
"strength": "28",
"speed": "8",
"durability": "50",
"power": "11",
"combat": "20"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Hubert Carpent",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "Brooklyn, New York",
"first-appearance": "Defenders #131 (May, 1984)",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"183 cm"
"weight": [
"360 lb",
"162 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "Black"
"work": {
"occupation": "Cab driver",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "Humbert Carpenter (uncle)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "703",
"name": "War Machine",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "63",
"strength": "80",
"speed": "63",
"durability": "100",
"power": "100",
"combat": "85"
"biography": {
"full-name": "James Rupert Rhodes",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Iron Man",
"Jim Rhodes"
"place-of-birth": "Philadelphia, Pennsylvania",
"first-appearance": "Iron Man #118 (1979)",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"185 cm"
"weight": [
"210 lb",
"95 kg"
"eye-color": "Brown",
"hair-color": "Brown"
"work": {
"occupation": "Initiative instructor, adventurer, government agent; formerly: Sentinel Squad O*N*E combat instructor, soldier, pilot",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Initiative; formerly: Sentinel Squad O*N*E, Office of National Emergency (O*N*E), Crew, Secret Defenders, Worldwatch, Stark Enterprises, Force Works, West Coast Avengers, U.S. Marine Corps",
"relatives": "David Rhodes (father), Roberta Rhodes (mother), Jeanette Rhodes (sister, deceased), Josh (uncle, last name unrevealed), unnamed alleged son"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "704",
"name": "Warbird",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "null",
"strength": "null",
"speed": "null",
"durability": "null",
"power": "null",
"combat": "null"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Carol Danvers",
"alter-egos": "Binary, Captain Marvel",
"aliases": [
"Ms. Marvel",
"place-of-birth": "Boston, Massachusetts",
"first-appearance": "(as Carol Danvers) MARVEL SUPER HEROES #13, (as Ms. Marvel) MS. MARVEL #1, (as Binary) X-MEN # 164, AVENGERS Vol. 3, # 4",
"publisher": "Binary",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Female",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"180 cm"
"weight": [
"120 lb",
"54 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "Blond"
"work": {
"occupation": "Former National Aeronautics and Space Administration security Chief, former magazine editor, former freelance writer, former military intelligence officer.",
"base": "Avengers Mansion"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "currently Avengers, former companion to the X-Men (as Carol Danvers), former member of the Starjammers (as Binary), Former Avenger (as Ms. Marvel)",
"relatives": "Joseph (father), Marie (mother), Steve (brother, deceased),"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "705",
"name": "Warlock",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "88",
"strength": "36",
"speed": "79",
"durability": "95",
"power": "71",
"combat": "95"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Adam Warlock",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"(in an alternate future) the Magus"
"place-of-birth": "The Beehive, Shard Island, Atlantic Ocean",
"first-appearance": "Fantastic Four #66",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"188 cm"
"weight": [
"240 lb",
"108 kg"
"eye-color": "Red",
"hair-color": "Blond"
"work": {
"occupation": "Avenger, savior of worlds",
"base": "Counter-Earth, later mobile"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Infinity Watch, (as the Magus) head of Universal Church of Truth in an alternate future",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "706",
"name": "Warp",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "38",
"strength": "10",
"speed": "23",
"durability": "28",
"power": "85",
"combat": "50"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Emil LaSalle",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "The New Teen Titans #14 (December 1981)",
"publisher": "DC Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"173 cm"
"weight": [
"148 lb",
"67 kg"
"eye-color": "Brown",
"hair-color": "Black"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Brotherhood of Evil, The Society",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "723",
"name": "X-23",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "75",
"strength": "24",
"speed": "42",
"durability": "100",
"power": "55",
"combat": "95"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Laura Kinney",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Laura Logan",
"Laura Howlett",
"Laura X",
"place-of-birth": "The Facility, location unrevealed",
"first-appearance": "NYX #3",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Female",
"race": "Mutant / Clone",
"height": [
"155 cm"
"weight": [
"110 lb",
"50 kg"
"eye-color": "Green",
"hair-color": "Black"
"work": {
"occupation": "Adventurer, Student, former; Assassin, Prostitute",
"base": "Mobile. Formerly Avengers Mansion, New York City and Avengers Compound"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "New X-Men, formerly Xavier Institute Student Body, The Facility",
"relatives": "Sarah Kinney (surrogate mother, deceased), James Howlett (Wolverine, genetic progenitor)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "724",
"name": "X-Man",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "88",
"strength": "53",
"speed": "53",
"durability": "95",
"power": "100",
"combat": "84"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Nate Grey",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"Nate the Great"
"place-of-birth": "American Northeast of Earth-295",
"first-appearance": "X-Man #1 (1995)",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"175 cm"
"weight": [
"135 lb",
"61 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "Brown"
"work": {
"occupation": "Former shaman, adventurer, freedom fighter",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Formerly X-Men, Brotherhood of Mutants, Forge's resistance",
"relatives": "Scott Summers of Earth-295 (Cyclops, genetic template), Jean Grey of Earth-295 (genetic template)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "725",
"name": "Yellow Claw",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "null",
"strength": "null",
"speed": "null",
"durability": "null",
"power": "null",
"combat": "null"
"biography": {
"full-name": "",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"The Claw"
"place-of-birth": "Somewhere in mainland China",
"first-appearance": "(historical) YELLOW CLAW #1; (modern) (telepathic 'voice' of Yellow Claw) STRANGE TALES #160, (robot Yellow Claw) STRANGE TALES # 161, (actual Yellow Claw)CAPTAIN AMERICA #164",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"188 cm"
"weight": [
"210 lb",
"95 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "No Hair"
"work": {
"occupation": "Would-be conqueror",
"base": "Various hidden bases throughout the world"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "726",
"name": "Yellowjacket",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "88",
"strength": "10",
"speed": "12",
"durability": "28",
"power": "12",
"combat": "14"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Hank Pym",
"alter-egos": "Ant-Man, Giant-Man, Goliath, Wasp II",
"aliases": [
"Hank Pym"
"place-of-birth": "Elmsford, New York",
"first-appearance": "(as Pym) TALES TO ASTONISH #27, (as Ant-Man) TALES TO ASTONISH #35, (as Giant-Man) TALES TO ASTONISH #49, (as Goliath) AVENGERS #28, (as Yellowjacket) AVENGERS #59",
"publisher": "Ant-Man",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"183 cm"
"weight": [
"185 lb",
"83 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "Blond"
"work": {
"occupation": "Adventurer, Biochemist, former manager of Avengers Compound",
"base": "Avengers Mansion, New York City, New York, (formerly)Avengers Compound, Los Angeles, California"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "The Avengers, The West Coast Avengers, Secret Defenders",
"relatives": "Maria Trovaya (first wife, deceased), Janet Van Dyne a.k.a. The Wasp (second wife, divorced), Ultron (creation, \"son\"), Jocasta (\"first daughter-in-law\"), Alkhema (\"second daughter-in-law\"), Vision (\"grandson\"), Scarlet Witch (former granddaughter-in-law), Victor Mancha (\"grandson\")"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "727",
"name": "Yellowjacket II",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "50",
"strength": "10",
"speed": "35",
"durability": "28",
"power": "31",
"combat": "28"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Rita DeMara",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "Avengers #264",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Female",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"165 cm"
"weight": [
"115 lb",
"52 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "Strawberry Blond"
"work": {
"occupation": "Adventurer; former criminal, electronics engineer",
"base": "New York City area"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Formerly Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers, Masters of Evil",
"relatives": "-"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "728",
"name": "Ymir",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "50",
"strength": "100",
"speed": "27",
"durability": "100",
"power": "98",
"combat": "28"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Ymir",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "Niffleheim",
"first-appearance": "JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY #97",
"publisher": "Marvel Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Frost Giant",
"height": [
"304.8 meters"
"weight": [
"- lb",
"0 kg"
"eye-color": "White",
"hair-color": "No Hair"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "Niffleheim"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "-",
"relatives": "Utgard-Loki, Loki, and the race of Frost Giants (descendants)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "729",
"name": "Yoda",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "88",
"strength": "52",
"speed": "33",
"durability": "25",
"power": "100",
"combat": "90"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Yoda",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)",
"publisher": "George Lucas",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "Yoda's species",
"height": [
"66 cm"
"weight": [
"38 lb",
"17 kg"
"eye-color": "Brown",
"hair-color": "White"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Jedi Order, Jedi High Counsl, Galactic Republic",
"relatives": "Master: N'Kata Del Gormo, Apprentices: Dooku, Cin Drallig, Ikrit, Rahm Kota, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Oppo Rancisis, Luke Skywalker"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "730",
"name": "Zatanna",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "81",
"strength": "10",
"speed": "23",
"durability": "28",
"power": "100",
"combat": "56"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Zatanna Zatara",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "Hawkman #4",
"publisher": "DC Comics",
"alignment": "good"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Female",
"race": "Human",
"height": [
"170 cm"
"weight": [
"127 lb",
"57 kg"
"eye-color": "Blue",
"hair-color": "Black"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "-"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Misty Kilgore, Seven Soldiers of Victory, Justice League, Sentinels of Magic",
"relatives": "Giovanni \"John\" Zatara (father, deceased), Sindella (mother, deceased), Leonardo da Vinci (paternal ancestor, deceased)"
"image": {
"url": ""
"response": "success",
"id": "731",
"name": "Zoom",
"powerstats": {
"intelligence": "50",
"strength": "10",
"speed": "100",
"durability": "28",
"power": "100",
"combat": "28"
"biography": {
"full-name": "Hunter Zolomon",
"alter-egos": "No alter egos found.",
"aliases": [
"place-of-birth": "-",
"first-appearance": "Flash Secret Files #3",
"publisher": "DC Comics",
"alignment": "bad"
"appearance": {
"gender": "Male",
"race": "null",
"height": [
"185 cm"
"weight": [
"181 lb",
"81 kg"
"eye-color": "Red",
"hair-color": "Brown"
"work": {
"occupation": "-",
"base": "Keystone City, Kansas"
"connections": {
"group-affiliation": "Secret Society of Super Villains, formerly Keystone Police Department, F.B.I.",
"relatives": "Ashley Zolomon (ex-wife)"
"image": {
"url": ""
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