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Last active January 15, 2020 21:15
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  • Save mintplugins/ef99f29672c006db11aa6ee67dfc3fe0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mintplugins/ef99f29672c006db11aa6ee67dfc3fe0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
function get_my_plugin_data(){
// You'll likely replace this with some sort of API call home.
$plugin = json_decode(
'new_version' => 89,
'stable_version' => 89,
'name' => 'My Fake Plugin',
'slug' => 'my-fake-plugin',
'url' => '',
'version' => 998,
'author' => '<a href="">Phil Johnston</a>',
'last_updated' => '2019-01-24 18:42:57',
'requires' => 1.0,
'requires_php' => 7.3,
'tested' => 900,
'active_installs' => 50000,
//'slug' => 'include-me-if-on-wp-org-repo',
'homepage' => '',
'donate_link' => '',
'rating' => 100, //percentage
'num_ratings' => 19,
//'ratings' => array( 5 => 10, 4 => 1, 3 => 7, 2 => 1, 1=> 0 ), //These are the number of reviews, not ratings. Only include if plugin is on as links are hardcoded.
'package' => '',
'download_link' => '',
'sections' => array(
'description' => wpautop( strip_tags( 'This plugin does this and that.', '<p><li><ul><ol><strong><a><em>' ) ),
'installation' => wpautop( strip_tags( 'Here is how you install the plugin.', '<p><li><ul><ol><strong><a><em>' ) ),
'faq' => 'Frequently asked questions go here.',
'changelog' => html_entity_decode( 'This and that changed' ),
'screenshots' => 'Screenshots go here',
'reviews' => 'Reviews go here',
'icons' => array(
'2x' => '',
'1x' => '',
'svg' => ''
'banners' => array(
'high' => '',
'low' => ''
'contributors' => array(
'johnstonphilip' => array(
'display_name' => 'Phil Johnston',
'profile' => '//',
'avatar' => '',
), false, 4
// Format the contributors array the way WP core needs it.
$formatted_contributors = array();
foreach( (array)$plugin->contributors as $contributor => $contributor_info ) {
$formatted_contributors[$contributor] = (array)$contributor_info;
// Format each part the way WP core needs it, as an object containing an array.
$plugin->sections = (array)$plugin->sections;
$plugin->icons = (array)$plugin->icons;
$plugin->banners = (array)$plugin->banners;
$plugin->contributors = (array)$formatted_contributors;
// Set the name according to the plugin and name of the main file.
$plugin->plugin = 'my-fake-plugin/my-fake-plugin.php';
return $plugin;
function simple_plugin_updater( $update_plugins, $transient_name ) {
$plugin = get_my_plugin_data();
// Add this plugin to the list of plugins with update data being saved
$update_plugins->response['my-fake-plugin/my-fake-plugin.php'] = $plugin;
return $update_plugins;
add_filter( 'pre_set_site_transient_update_plugins', 'simple_plugin_updater', 10, 2 );
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