sudo apt install zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting zsh
@echo off | |
echo Virtualization must be disabled to use anti-cheat clients like FACEIT and ESEA | |
echo. | |
net session >nul 2>&1 | |
if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 goto :chchchchoices | |
echo This script requires elevated privileges. Re-run as Administrator to continue | |
goto :exit | |
:chchchchoices |
Steps to deploy a Node.js app to DigitalOcean using PM2, NGINX as a reverse proxy and an SSL from LetsEncrypt
If you use the referal link below, you get $10 free (1 or 2 months)
I will be using the root user, but would suggest creating a new user
echo 'export PATH="${HOME}/.local/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
While attempting to explain JavaScript's reduce
method on arrays, conceptually, I came up with the following - hopefully it's helpful; happy to tweak it if anyone has suggestions.
JavaScript Arrays have lots of built in methods on their prototype. Some of them mutate - ie, they change the underlying array in-place. Luckily, most of them do not - they instead return an entirely distinct array. Since arrays are conceptually a contiguous list of items, it helps code clarity and maintainability a lot to be able to operate on them in a "functional" way. (I'll also insist on referring to an array as a "list" - although in some languages, List
is a native data type, in JS and this post, I'm referring to the concept. Everywhere I use the word "list" you can assume I'm talking about a JS Array) This means, to perform a single operation on the list as a whole ("atomically"), and to return a new list - thus making it mu
LINK_DETECTION_REGEX = /(([a-z]+:\/\/)?(([a-z0-9\-]+\.)+([a-z]{2}|aero|arpa|biz|com|coop|edu|gov|info|int|jobs|mil|museum|name|nato|net|org|pro|travel|local|internal))(:[0-9]{1,5})?(\/[a-z0-9_\-\.~]+)*(\/([a-z0-9_\-\.]*)(\?[a-z0-9+_\-\.%=&]*)?)?(#[a-zA-Z0-9!$&'()*+.=-_~:@/?]*)?)(\s+|$)/gi | |
EMOJI_DIRECTORY = "/path/to/assets/emoji/20x20" | |
# Handlebars is presumed, but you could swap out | |
ESCAPE_EXPRESSION_FUNCTION = Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression | |
MARKSAFE_FUNCTION = (str) -> new Handlebars.SafeString(str) | |
# Emoji unicode chars become images. |