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Oh my ZSH with zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting zsh-fast-syntax-highlighting and

Oh my zsh.

Oh My Zsh

Install ZSH.

sudo apt install zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting zsh

Install Oh my ZSH.

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install plugins.

  • autosuggesions plugin

    git clone $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions

  • zsh-syntax-highlighting plugin

    git clone $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting

  • zsh-fast-syntax-highlighting plugin

    git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/fast-syntax-highlighting

  • zsh-autocomplete plugin

    git clone --depth 1 -- $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/zsh-autocomplete

Enable plugins by adding them to .zshrc.

  • Open .zshrc

    nvim ~/.zshrc

  • Find the line which says plugins=(git).

  • Replace that line with plugins=(git zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting fast-syntax-highlighting zsh-autocomplete)


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davidj4tech commented Sep 7, 2024

If I may have everyone's attention, I'm looking for a way to have aliases being suggested to me while I'm typing a full command.

And maybe even vice versa, so that you don't lose track of the command hidden behind the alias.

Did you happen to find a solution for this?

Nishant: great tip by the way. I love it!

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If I may have everyone's attention, I'm looking for a way to have aliases being suggested to me while I'm typing a full command.

And maybe even vice versa, so that you don't lose track of the command hidden behind the alias.

Did you happen to find a solution for this?

Unfortunately no. Your idea of a preview of the alias expansion sounds good as well.

I have been thinking of heading down the rabbit hole of writing my own ZSH plugin. I have tried looking into how zsh-autosuggestions works, but the ZSH code looks to me like dark magic.

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Thanks for writing it down.

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My friend turned me onto zsh & omz recently, love this write up thank you!

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If I may have everyone's attention, I'm looking for a way to have aliases being suggested to me while I'm typing a full command. Does anyone know a way to do this? So far I have only found omz plugins alias-tips and alias-finder, but those only show the alias tips after the command has been executed, which usually goes off screen with the command's output and requires scrolling back to see them.


 ↳  git
Alias tips:
ga='git add'
gb='git branch'
gc='git commit --verbose'
gd='git diff'
gf='git fetch'
gg='git gui citool'
gl='git pull'
gm='git merge'
gp='git push'
gr='git remote'

I'm not sure that you want g for git... ;)

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If I may have everyone's attention, I'm looking for a way to have aliases being suggested to me while I'm typing a full command. Does anyone know a way to do this? So far I have only found omz plugins alias-tips and alias-finder, but those only show the alias tips after the command has been executed, which usually goes off screen with the command's output and requires scrolling back to see them.

 ↳  git
Alias tips:
ga='git add'
gb='git branch'
gc='git commit --verbose'
gd='git diff'
gf='git fetch'
gg='git gui citool'
gl='git pull'
gm='git merge'
gp='git push'
gr='git remote'

I'm not sure that you want g for git... ;)

I agree with you. That alias is part of the Oh-My-Zsh plugin. If I typed ‘git’ and I saw ‘g’ as a proposed alias I would likely delete it right away.

Anyway, it looks like I’ll have to develop the feature I want by myself. That’s part of the beauty of it, right?

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101%! Open sauce, hot dog! Out of interest, are you working on a port, or customisation for your own needs? Either way, I highly recommend checking out; = best wishes! :)

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matijaoe commented Oct 2, 2024

Do we want to mix all of those? Aren't some of them competing?

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or complimenting?

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@mrhassell I do not know, that's why I'm asking 🙂 I'm all for them complimenting each other.

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this is so amazing

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Eboubaker commented Nov 7, 2024

in the end of .zshrc add these lines to stop zsh-autocomplete from overriding <- and -> keys to make the menu cursor move

bindkey -M menuselect "^[OD"   .backward-char # ←
bindkey -M menuselect "^[OC"    .forward-char # →
bindkey -M menuselect "^[b"    .backward-word # ⌥ + ←
bindkey -M menuselect "^[f"     .forward-word # ⌥ + →
bindkey -M menuselect "^A" .beginning-of-line # ⌘ + ←
bindkey -M menuselect "^E"       .end-of-line # ⌘ + →

now it will move inside the command itself, hope this helps!

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Thank you so much for your help.

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This is the most useful gist I've seen in a while! Ty!

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slevysh commented Nov 19, 2024

For what use both plugins zsh-syntax-highlighting and fast-syntax-highlighting instead one of them?

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Woww thanks

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Thanks <3

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Thank you for the write-up and easy to install commands, I have installed this on all my linux machines and each time it's cut-and-dry copy-and-paste commands, thank you!

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I find fzf-tab to be better than zsh-autocomplete. You can't use both as it collides.

refer to this gist if you wanna use fzf for autocomplete

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hgspch commented Feb 2, 2025

no tedious web search and works instantly, thank you

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Nice, but it's slowing down the system, and I'm not sure why. There's a lag when I enter commands in the terminal. By the way, thanks for accommodating this in one gist.

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I have created a script to automate this process, check here

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Again ! It has never been so uncomplicated. Congratulations to you, n1snt

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This is just amazing!!

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jacob-fm commented Mar 5, 2025

When I go to my previous command by pressing the up arrow key, a semicolon is added to the end of the line. Does anyone know why this happens, or how to disable it?

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+1 for the semicolon ; being appended when using the up arrow key.

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AmenB commented Mar 12, 2025


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@jacob-fm @PhilipLutley Zsh Autocomplete does that so that you can press Ctrl-Space to insert multiple history lines. It goes away automatically when you type something.

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@marlonrichert is there an easy way to disable that?

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