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Created February 23, 2013 10:45
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Save mircobabini/5019277 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Retro-support of get_called_class()
* Retro-support of get_called_class()
* @author laurence(at)sol1(dot)com(dot)au
if (!function_exists ('get_called_class'))
function get_called_class ($bt = false, $l = 1)
if (!$bt) $bt = debug_backtrace ();
if (!isset ($bt[$l])) throw new Exception ("Cannot find called class -> stack level too deep.");
if (!isset($bt[$l]['type']))
throw new Exception ('type not set');
else switch ($bt[$l]['type']) {
case '::':
$lines = file($bt[$l]['file']);
$i = 0;
$callerLine = '';
do {
$callerLine = $lines[$bt[$l]['line']-$i] . $callerLine;
} while (stripos($callerLine,$bt[$l]['function']) === false);
if (!isset($matches[1])) {
// must be an edge case.
throw new Exception ("Could not find caller class: originating method call is obscured.");
switch ($matches[1]) {
case 'self':
case 'parent':
return get_called_class($bt,$l+1);
return $matches[1];
// won't get here.
case '->': switch ($bt[$l]['function']) {
case '__get':
// edge case -> get class of calling object
if (!is_object($bt[$l]['object'])) throw new Exception ("Edge case fail. __get called on non object.");
return get_class($bt[$l]['object']);
default: return get_class($bt[$l]['object']);
default: throw new Exception ("Unknown backtrace method type");
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