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Forked from scribu/test.php
Created August 29, 2013 07:12
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include __DIR__ . '/threads.php';
$commands = array();
for ( $i=0; $i<10; $i++ ) {
$commands[] = "bash -c 'sleep `shuf -i 1-5 -n 1`; echo $i'";
$threads = new Multithread( $commands );
foreach ( $threads->commands as $key=>$command ) {
echo "Command: ".$command."\n";
echo "Output: ".$threads->output[$key];
echo "Error: ".$threads->error[$key]."\n\n";
// Initial code:
class Thread {
var $process; // process reference
var $pipes; // stdio
var $buffer; // output buffer
var $output;
var $error;
var $timeout;
var $start_time;
function __construct() {
$this->process = 0;
$this->buffer = "";
$this->pipes = (array)NULL;
$this->output = "";
$this->start_time = time();
$this->timeout = 0;
static function create( $command ) {
$t = new Thread;
$descriptor = array ( 0 => array ( "pipe", "r" ), 1 => array ( "pipe", "w" ), 2 => array ( "pipe", "w" ) );
//Open the resource to execute $command
$t->process = proc_open( $command, $descriptor, $t->pipes );
//Set STDOUT and STDERR to non-blocking
stream_set_blocking( $t->pipes[1], 0 );
stream_set_blocking( $t->pipes[2], 0 );
return $t;
//See if the command is still active
function isActive() {
$this->buffer .= $this->listen();
$f = stream_get_meta_data( $this->pipes[1] );
return !$f["eof"];
//Close the process
function close() {
$r = proc_close( $this->process );
$this->process = NULL;
return $r;
//Send a message to the command running
function tell( $thought ) {
fwrite( $this->pipes[0], $thought );
//Get the command output produced so far
function listen() {
$buffer = $this->buffer;
$this->buffer = "";
while ( $r = fgets( $this->pipes[1], 1024 ) ) {
$buffer .= $r;
return $buffer;
//Get the status of the current runing process
function getStatus() {
return proc_get_status( $this->process );
//See if the command is taking too long to run (more than $this->timeout seconds)
function isBusy() {
return ( $this->start_time>0 ) && ( $this->start_time+$this->timeout<time() );
//What command wrote to STDERR
function getError() {
$buffer = "";
while ( $r = fgets( $this->pipes[2], 1024 ) ) {
$buffer .= $r;
return $buffer;
//Wrapper for Thread class
class Multithread {
var $output;
var $error;
var $thread;
var $commands = array();
function __construct( $commands ) {
$this->commands = $commands;
foreach ( $this->commands as $key=>$command ) {
$this->thread[$key]=Thread::create( $command );
function run() {
$commands = $this->commands;
//Cycle through commands
while ( count( $commands )>0 ) {
foreach ( $commands as $key=>$command ) {
//Get the output and the errors
//Check if command is still active
if ( $this->thread[$key]->isActive() ) {
//Check if command is busy
if ( $this->thread[$key]->isBusy() ) {
unset( $commands[$key] );
} else {
//Close the command and free resources
unset( $commands[$key] );
return $this->output;
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