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Created November 5, 2010 21:15
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compass transforms version 2
@import "shared";
// Transform -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Apply a transform sent as a complete string.
@mixin apply-transform(
$threeD: false
) {
@if $threeD {
@include experimental(transform, $transform,
not -moz, -webkit, not -o, not -ms, not -khtml, official
} @else {
@include experimental(transform, $transform,
-moz, -webkit, -o, not -ms, not -khtml, official
// A shortcut for apply-transform
@mixin transform(
$threeD: false
) {
@include apply-transform($trans, $threeD);
// Transform-origin ----------------------------------------------------------
// Apply a transform-origin sent as a complete string.
@mixin apply-origin(
$threeD: false
) {
@if $threeD {
@include experimental(transform-origin, $origin, not -moz, -webkit, not -o, not -ms, not -khtml, official);
} @else {
@include experimental(transform-origin, $origin, -moz, -webkit, -o, not -ms, not -khtml, official);
// Transform-origin sent as arguments
// requires x and y coordinates
// allows for z coordinates as well, allowed in safari only.
// * only applies the coordinates if they are there so that it can be called by scale, rotate and skew safely
@mixin transform-origin(
$originx: 50%,
$originy: 50%,
$originz: false,
$threeD: false
) {
$origin: unquote('');
@if $originx or $originy or $originz {
@if $originx { $origin: $originx; } @else { $origin: 50%; }
@if $originy { $origin: $origin $originy; } @else { @if $originz { $origin: $origin 50%; }}
@if $originz { $origin: $origin $originz; $threeD: true; }
@include apply-origin($origin, $threeD);
// full transform mixins with everything you could want ----------------------
// * including origin adjustments if you want them
// * scale, rotate and skew require units of degrees (deg)
// * scale takes a multiplier, rotate and skew take degrees
// A simple version of the transform mixin -----------------------------------
// backwards-compatible with previous version of transform mixin
@mixin transform-simple(
$scale: false,
$rotate: false,
$transx: false,
$transy: false,
$skewx: false,
$skewy: false,
$originx: false,
$originy: false
) {
@include compact-transform(
$scale, $scale, false,
false, false, $rotate,
$transx, $transy, false,
$skewx, $skewy,
$originx, $originy, false,
// 2D Transforms with all the available options ------------------------------
@mixin transform-2d(
$scalex: false,
$scaley: false,
$rotatez: false,
$transx: false,
$transy: false,
$skewx: false,
$skewy: false,
$originx: false,
$originy: false
) {
@include compact-transform(
$scalex, $scaley, false,
false, false, $rotatez,
$transx, $transy, false,
$skewx, $skewy,
$originx, $originy, false,
// 3D Transforms with all the available options ------------------------------
@mixin transform-3d(
$perspective: false,
$scalex: false,
$scaley: false,
$scalez: false,
$rotatex: false,
$rotatey: false,
$rotatez: false,
$transx: false,
$transy: false,
$transz: false,
$skewx: false,
$skewy: false,
$originx: false,
$originy: false,
$originz: false
) {
@include compact-transform(
$scalex, $scaley, $scalez,
$rotatex, $rotatey, $rotatez,
$transx, $transy, $transz,
$skewx, $skewy,
$originx, $originy, $originz,
// The logic for managing all your options -----------------------------------
@mixin compact-transform(
$perspective: false,
$scalex: false,
$scaley: false,
$scalez: false,
$rotatex: false,
$rotatey: false,
$rotatez: false,
$transx: false,
$transy: false,
$transz: false,
$skewx: false,
$skewy: false,
$originx: false,
$originy: false,
$originz: false,
$threeD: false
) {
$trans: unquote("");
// perspective
@if $perspective { $trans: perspective($perspective) ; }
// scale
@if $scalex and $scaley {
@if $scalez { $trans: $trans scale3d($scalex, $scaley, $scalez); }
@else { $trans: $trans scale($scalex, $scaley); }
} @else {
@if $scalex { $trans: $trans scaleX($scalex); }
@if $scaley { $trans: $trans scaleY($scaley); }
@if $scalez { $trans: $trans scaleZ($scalez); }
// rotate
@if $rotatex and $rotatey and $rotatez {
$trans: $trans rotate3d($rotatex, $rotatey, $rotatez);
} @else {
@if $rotatex { $trans: $trans rotateX($rotatex); }
@if $rotatey { $trans: $trans rotateY($rotatey); }
@if $rotatez { $trans: $trans rotate($rotatez); }
// translate
@if $transx and $transy {
@if $transz { $trans: $trans translate3d($transx, $transy, $transz); }
@else { $trans: $trans translate($transx, $transy); }
} @else {
@if $transx { $trans: $trans translateX($transx); }
@if $transy { $trans: $trans translateY($transy); }
@if $transz { $trans: $trans translateZ($transz); }
// skew
@if $skewx and $skewy { $trans: $trans skew($skewx, $skewy); }
@else {
@if $skewx { $trans: $trans skewX($skewx); }
@if $skewy { $trans: $trans skewY($skewy); }
// apply it!
@include apply-transform($trans, $threeD);
@include transform-origin($originx, $originy, $originz, $threeD);
// Transform Partials --------------------------------------------------------
// These work well on their own, but they don't add to each other, they override.
// Use them with extra origin args, or along side +transform-origin
// Adjust only the scale, with optional origin coordinates -------------------
$default-scalex : 1.25 !default;
$default-scaley : $default-scalex !default;
$default-scalez : $default-scalex !default;
@mixin scale(
$scalex: $default-scalex,
$scaley: $scalex,
$originx: false,
$originy: false,
$threeD: false
) {
$scale: unquote("");
@include apply-transform(scale($scalex, $scaley), $threeD);
@include transform-origin($originx, $originy, false, $threeD);
@mixin scaleX(
$scale: $default-scalex,
$originx: false,
$originy: false,
$originz: false,
$threeD: $originz
) {
@include apply-transform(scaleX($scale), $threeD);
@include transform-origin($originx, $originy, $originz, $threeD);
@mixin scaleY(
$scale: $default-scaley,
$originx: false,
$originy: false,
$originz: false,
$threeD: $originz
) {
@include apply-transform(scaleY($scale), $threeD);
@include transform-origin($originx, $originy, $originz, $threeD);
@mixin scaleZ(
$scale: $default-scalez,
$originx: false,
$originy: false,
$originz: false
) {
@include apply-transform(scaleZ($scale), true);
@include transform-origin($originx, $originy, $originz, true);
@mixin scale3d(
$scalex: $default-scalex,
$scaley: $default-scaley,
$scalez: $default-scalez,
$originx: false,
$originy: false,
$originz: false
) {
@include apply-transform(scale3d($scalex, $scaley, $scalez), true);
@include transform-origin($originx, $originy, $originz, true);
// Adjust only the rotation, with optional origin coordinates ----------------
$default-rotate : 45deg !default;
$default-rotatex : 45deg !default;
$default-rotatey : 45deg !default;
@mixin rotate(
$rotate: $default-rotate,
$originx: false,
$originy: false,
$threeD: false
) {
@include apply-transform(rotate($rotate), $threeD);
@include transform-origin($originx, $originy, false, $threeD);
@mixin rotateX(
$rotate: $default-rotatex,
$originx: false,
$originy: false,
$originz: false
) {
@include apply-transform(rotateX($rotate), true);
@include transform-origin($originx, $originy, $originz, true);
@mixin rotateY(
$rotate: $default-rotatey,
$originx: false,
$originy: false,
$originz: false
) {
@include apply-transform(rotateY($rotate), true);
@include transform-origin($originx, $originy, $originz, true);
@mixin rotate3d(
$rotate: $default-rotate,
$originx: false,
$originy: false,
$originz: false
) {
@include apply-transform(rotate3d($rotate), true);
@include transform-origin($originx, $originy, $originz, true);
// Adjust only the translation -----------------------------------------------
$default-transx : 1em !default;
$default-transy : 0 !default;
$default-transz : 0 !default;
@mixin translate(
$transx: $default-transx,
$transy: $default-transy,
$threeD: false
) {
@include apply-transform(translate($transx, $transy), $threeD);
@mixin translateX(
$transx: $default-transx,
$threeD: false
) {
@include apply-transform(translateX($transx), $threeD);
@mixin translateY(
$transy: $default-transy,
$threeD: false
) {
@include apply-transform(translateY($transy), $threeD);
@mixin translateZ(
$transz: $default-transz
) {
@include apply-transform(translateZ($transz), true);
@mixin translate3d(
$transx: $default-transx,
$transy: $default-transy,
$transz: $default-transz
) {
@include apply-transform(translate($transx, $transy, $transz), true);
// Adjust only the skew, with optional origin coordinates --------------------
$default-skewx : 0deg !default;
$default-skewy : 0deg !default;
@mixin skew(
$skewx: $default-skewx,
$skewy: $default-skewy,
$originx: false,
$originy: false,
$threeD: false
) {
@include apply-transform(skew($skewx, $skewy), $threeD);
@include transform-origin($originx, $originy, false, $threeD);
@mixin skewX(
$skewx: $default-skewx,
$originx: false,
$originy: false,
$threeD: false
) {
@include apply-transform(skewX($skewx), $threeD);
@include transform-origin($originx, $originy, false, $threeD);
@mixin skewY(
$skewy: $default-skewy,
$originx: false,
$originy: false,
$threeD: false
) {
@include apply-transform(skewY($skewy), $threeD);
@include transform-origin($originx, $originy, false, $threeD);
// Adjust the perspective and style of 3d transforms -------------------------
// determines the perspective of 3d transforms
// smaller lengths create more exagerated perspective
// 500px to 1000px is a reasonable range for most elements
@mixin perspective($p) {
@include experimental(perspective, $p,
not -moz, -webkit, not -o, not -ms, not -khtml, official
// browser defaults to the center of the elements border box
@mixin perspective-origin($po) {
@include experimental(perspective-origin, $po,
not -moz, -webkit, not -o, not -ms, not -khtml, official
// determines whether a 3d objects children are also 3d
// accepts "flat" or "preserves-3d"
// browser defaults to flat, mixin defaults to preserves-3d
@mixin transform-style($ts: unquote("preserves-3d")) {
@include experimental(perspective-origin, $ts,
not -moz, -webkit, not -o, not -ms, not -khtml, official
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