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Created July 21, 2022 08:57
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Simple Monad Design Pattern in C#
public class Monad<TValue>
private readonly TValue? _value;
public Monad(TValue? value)
=> this._value = value;
public Monad<TResult?> AnyWay<TResult>(in Func<TValue?, TResult?> func)
=> new(func(this._value));
public Monad<TValue?> AnyWay(in Action<TValue?> func)
return this;
public Monad<TResult?> NotNull<TResult>(in Func<TValue, TResult?> func)
=> this._value is not null ? new(func(this._value)) : new(default);
public Monad<TValue?> NotNull(in Action<TValue> func)
if (this._value is not null)
return this;
var p = new Person("Ali", 5);
var maybe = new Monad<Person>(p)
.NotNull(p => new Person("Reza", 5))
.AnyWay(p => WriteLine($"p: {p}"))
.NotNull(_ => (Person?)null)
.AnyWay(p => WriteLine($"p: {p}"));
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