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Forked from fabiolimace/UUIDv6.sql
Created July 16, 2022 18:21
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Function for generating time-ordered UUIDs (v6) on PostgreSQL
* Returns a time-ordered UUID (v6).
* Tags: uuid guid uuid-generator guid-generator generator time order rfc4122 rfc-4122
create or replace function fn_uuid_time_ordered() returns uuid as $$
v_time timestamp with time zone:= null;
v_secs bigint := null;
v_usec bigint := null;
v_timestamp bigint := null;
v_timestamp_hex varchar := null;
v_bytes bytea;
c_greg bigint := -12219292800; -- Gragorian epoch: '1582-10-15 00:00:00'
-- Get time and random values
v_time := clock_timestamp();
-- Extract seconds and microseconds
v_secs := EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM v_time);
v_usec := mod(EXTRACT(MICROSECONDS FROM v_time)::numeric, 10^6::numeric);
-- Calculate the timestamp
v_timestamp := (((v_secs - c_greg) * 10^6) + v_usec) * 10;
-- Generate timestamp hexadecimal (and set version number: 6)
v_timestamp_hex := lpad(to_hex(v_timestamp), 16, '0');
v_timestamp_hex := substr(v_timestamp_hex, 2, 12) || '6' || substr(v_timestamp_hex, 14, 3);
-- Concat timestemp hex with random hex to generate a byte array
v_bytes := decode(substr(v_timestamp_hex || md5(random()::text), 1, 32), 'hex');
-- Set variant bits (10xx)
v_bytes := set_bit(v_bytes, 71, 1);
v_bytes := set_bit(v_bytes, 70, 0);
return encode(v_bytes, 'hex')::uuid;
end $$ language plpgsql;
-- select fn_uuid_time_ordered() uuid, clock_timestamp()-statement_timestamp() time_taken;
-- |uuid |time_taken |
-- |--------------------------------------|------------------|
-- |1ec4c81e-ac69-61e0-8021-798ee3338c84 |00:00:00.000243 |
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