#The power of z
Do you spend lots of time doing things like this?
cd this/is/the/path/that/i/want/so/i/type/it/all/out/to/get/whereiwant
With z, you could just do this:
z whereiwant
See README of z for all available options.
You need Homebrew to install und init z in the way it is described in this gist:
Installing z via your terminal:
brew update
brew install z
After installing you have to load it via adding the following to your '~/.bash_profile'
# Move next only if `homebrew` is installed
if command -v brew >/dev/null 2>&1; then
# Load rupa's z if installed
[ -f $(brew --prefix)/etc/profile.d/z.sh ] && source $(brew --prefix)/etc/profile.d/z.sh
Need more like this? Start exploring dotfiles like mine which are based on the famous ones from @mathiasbynens