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Last active May 14, 2022 23:24
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show.txt Dusborne (Example of regex to deal with complex song lines)
Grateful Dead
1978-05-14 Civic Center - Providence, RI [Matrix:Dusborne]
Set 1
101 - gd78-05-14s1t01 - Tuning
102 - gd78-05-14s1t02 - Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodeloo
103 - gd78-05-14s1t03 - Cassidy
104 - gd78-05-14s1t04 - They Love Each Other
105 - gd78-05-14s1t05 - Looks Like Rain
106 - gd78-05-14s1t06 - It Must Have Been the Roses
107 - gd78-05-14s1t07 - Me & My Uncle ->
108 - gd78-05-14s1t08 - Big River
109 - gd78-05-14s1t09 - Brown Eyed Women
110 - gd78-05-14s1t10 - Let It Grow
Set 2
201 - gd78-05-14s2t01 - Tuning
202 - gd78-05-14s2t02 - Samson & Delilah
203 - gd78-05-14s2t03 - Ship of Fools
204 - gd78-05-14s2t04 - Estimated Prophet ->
205 - gd78-05-14s2t05 - Eyes of the World ->
206 - gd78-05-14s2t06 - Drums ->
207 - gd78-05-14s2t07 - Not Fade Away ->
208 - gd78-05-14s2t08 - Goin' Down the Road Feeling Bad ->
209 - gd78-05-14s2t09 - Around & Around
210 - gd78-05-14s2t10 - U.S. Blues
2 Source Matrix
Soundboard (shinid:108996)
Recording Info:
SBD -> Cassette Master -> Dat -> CD
Transfer Info:
CD -> Samplitude Professional v10.1 -> FLAC
(3 Discs Audio / 2 Discs FLAC)
All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller
[email protected]
August 5, 2010
Patch Info:
(FOB) Sony ECM-33P + AKG D1000E -> Cassette Master -> CD (shnid=7639) supplies:
Looks Like Rain (0:00 - 0:16)
Eyes Of The World (14:11 - 14:30)
U.S. Blues (0:00 - 0:39)
-- Set 2 is seamless
-- Fixed flaws in Let It Grow but some still remain
Audience (shnid:7639)
Sony ECM33P7 + AKGD1000e> Teac PC-10 > Master Audience Cass > DAT's
Tascam DA-P1 dat @48 > Sek'd Prodif+ Card (resampled to 44.1) >
Sek'd Red Roaster (edits*) > Cdwav > Mkw
Boundaries verified with Shntool
No dae, no normalizing, no eq or processing of any kind
Source tapes from Matt Vernon
Dat > shn transfer by Dale Shepherd
d1t01 added fade in
d1t05 edited out dead air after "it must have been the roses"
d2t01 'samson' was on the end of the set 1 dat and it faded out.
likewise, "ship of fools" started the second dat with a fade
in. i edited out the fades so that it sounds like a
start/stop, more in line with the rest of the show.
d2t03 another fade between "ship of fools" and "estimated prophet"
i did the same thing as d2t01 edit
d3t03 after "around" the dat faded out and then back in. i edtited
out the fades just like d2t03 & d2t01
d3t04 added fadeout at the end of the show
known flaws:
d2t05 tape flip during "drums"
Flac encoding notes:
All processing with Trader's Little Helper
Shn - st5 generated
Shn > Flac ( level 8 )
Flac - st5 generated and matched to Shn st5
B. Proctor 2-18-09
---Thank you Charlie Miller for your work on the SBD.
---Thank you Dale Shepherd transfering the DAT.
---Thank you Matt Vernon for providing the source tapes.
---Thank you Germain for your advice, encouragement, guidance and seeding.
Matrix by dusborne
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