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Created October 14, 2011 12:09
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Uniform-cost-search implementation (problem discussed in 2.6)
// run with NodeJS, or load in a browser with console.log
////// test
["oradea" , "zerind" , 71],
["oradea" , "sibiu" , 151],
["zerind" , "arad" , 75],
["arad" , "sibiu" , 140],
["arad" , "timisoara" , 118],
["timisoara" , "lugoj" , 111],
["lugoj" , "mehadia" , 70],
["mehadia" , "drobeta" , 75],
["drobeta" , "craiova" , 120],
["craiova" , "pitesti" , 138],
["craiova" , "rimnicu vilcea" , 146],
["sibiu" , "rimnicu vilcea" , 80],
["rimnicu vilcea" , "pitesti" , 97],
["sibiu" , "fagaras" , 99],
["fagaras" , "bucharest" , 211],
["pitesti" , "bucharest" , 101],
["bucharest" , "giurgiu" , 90],
["bucharest" , "urziceni" , 85],
["urziceni" , "hirsova" , 98],
["hirsova" , "eforie" , 86],
["urziceni" , "vaslui" , 142],
["vaslui" , "iasi" , 92],
["iasi" , "neamt" , 87]
], function(UCS){
function logger(path, frontier) {
console.log("--- TO EXPAND: " + path.state + "(" + path.cost + ")");
if (frontier.length > 0)
console.log("--- frontier is:\n " +"\n "));
console.log(write_path(UCS("arad", "bucharest", logger)));
console.log(write_path(UCS("zerind", "iasi")));
["a", "s", 145],
["a", "o", 140],
["o", "s", 1],
["s", "b", 1],
["o", "b", 100]
], function(UCS){
console.log(write_path(UCS("a", "b")));
////// code
function make_path(state, cost, parent) {
return {
state : state,
cost : cost,
parent : parent
function write_path(path) {
var s = "";
if (path.parent) s = write_path(path.parent) + " => ";
s += path.state + "(" + path.cost + ")";
return s;
function make_graph(ways) {
var graph = {};
function link(s1, s2, cost) {
var h = graph[s1] || (graph[s1] = {});
h[s2] = cost;
for (var i = 0; i < ways.length; ++i) {
var w = ways[i];
link(w[0], w[1], w[2]);
link(w[1], w[0], w[2]);
return graph;
// find the index of the element in array `a` for which
// f(el) returns the smallest value.
function find_min(a, f) {
var min = null, pos = null;
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
var el = f(a[i]);
if (min === null || min > el) {
min = el;
pos = i;
return pos;
// remove and return the path having the minimum cost
function remove_choice(frontier) {
var index = find_min(frontier, function(path){
return path.cost;
var it = frontier[index];
frontier.splice(index, 1); // remove it
return it;
function with_graph(def, func) {
var graph = make_graph(def);
// for a given state returns the possible actions; this is an
// array of elements containing next state and cost to go there.
function actions(state) {
var a = [], s = graph[state];
for (var i in s) {
a.push({ state: i, cost: s[i] });
return a;
function uniform_cost_search(start, goal, gossip) {
var frontier = [ make_path(start, 0, null) ];
var explored = {};
while (frontier.length > 0) {
var path = remove_choice(frontier);
explored[path.state] = 1;
if (gossip) gossip(path, frontier, explored);
if (path.state == goal) return path;
if (!explored[a.state]) {
var p = make_path(a.state, a.cost + path.cost, path);
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