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Created February 7, 2017 18:26
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Samples for Finagle Client Configuration
* This is not meant to cover ALL possible ways of creating service clients; instead it focuses on the simplest way to
* do so, while maintaining the capability to customize the clients based on service level agreements/expectations
* @note Most of the filters can be applied to the HTTP client as well but have been omitted from the sample code to improve
* readability
trait ClientSamples extends LazyLogging {
private[this] lazy val config = ConfigFactory.load()
private val useHttp = config.getBoolean("sample-service.use-http")
* This is the simplest client that can be created supporting both HTTP and Thrift transports
* It is strongly recommended NOT to construct clients this way; without specifying basic/sane parameters for
* timeouts, retry behavior, etc...
object SimpleClient {
def apply(dest: String): SampleService[Future] = {
useHttp match {
case true =>
val http = Http.client.newService(dest)
val service = HttpClientFilter.withoutUpgrade(dest) andThen http
new SampleService.FinagledClient(service)
case _ =>
* This client relies on the default methods that are provided by the `Thrift.client` object to set basic/sane
* client stack parameters
object SampleClientWithBasicConfig {
def apply(dest: String): SampleService[Future] = {
useHttp match {
case true =>
val http = Http.client.newService(dest)
val service = HttpClientFilter.withoutUpgrade(dest) andThen http
new SampleService.FinagledClient(service)
case _ =>
* Define timeout requirement for this client.
* @note The timeout is applied after a connection is acquired
* Define a requeue backoff policy for this client. By default, a `RequeueFilter` is configured in each client
* stack and its default behavior is to have no delays, which is not recommended
* Failures that are known to be safe to retry (for example, exceptions that occurred before the bytes
* were written to the wire) will be automatically retried by Finagle
* @see the extractor in [[com.twitter.finagle.service.RetryPolicy.RetryableWriteException]] for more details
* on which failures are considered retryable by the `RequeueFilter`
* @see [[]] for a great explanation of how jittered
* backoffs work
.withRetryBackoff(Backoff.decorrelatedJittered(2.seconds, 32.seconds))
* Define a retry budget for this client
* @see [[]] for an explanation of how retry budgets work
.withRetryBudget(RetryBudget(ttl = 5.seconds, minRetriesPerSec = 5, percentCanRetry = 0.1))
* Configure Expiration module by defining a max life time and idle time for the client. By default, a client
* session never expires. Configuring these parameters allows setting a maximum lifetime for the session and
* a maximum idle time, where no requests are being sent from that client. Also, a connection acquisition
* timeout can be set (unbounded by default). Once any of these thresholds are met, the client is expired
* The Fail Fast module is enabled by default for all clients except `Memcached`. Its function is to reduce
* the number of requests dispatched to endpoints that are likely to fail. When a connection fails, the host
* is marked down and a background process is launched to attempt reestablishing the connection (using a backoff
* policy). Until the connection is reestablished, the load balancer will avoid using this host.
* @note In this example, the Fail Fast module is disabled. This is important in the case that only one host
* exists
* The Failure Accrual module is enabled by default for all clients with a policy based on 5 consecutive failures
* and an equal jittered backoff policy. This can be overriden as shown below.
* @note Failure Accrual can also be configured based on success rate as shown in this example:
* @example {{{
* .configured(FailureAccrualFactory.Param(() => FailureAccrualPolicy.successRate(
* requiredSuccessRate = 0.99,
* window = 100,
* markDeadFor = Backoff.decorrelatedJittered(5.seconds, 20.seconds))))
* }}}
.configured(FailureAccrualFactory.Param(() =>
numFailures = 10,
markDeadFor = Backoff.decorrelatedJittered(5.seconds, 20.seconds))))
* Configure connection pooling. By default, the client stack is configured to have an overlay of caching and
* watermark pools that have a low watermark of 0, an unbounded high watermark, and an unbounded TTL. Some of
* these defaults can be overriden as shown below.
* @see [[]] for more information
* @see `SampleClientWithAdvancedConfig` for a more advanced configuration
.withSessionPool.maxWaiters(20) //Max number of connection requests to queue when exceeding high watermark
* Configure response classifier. Using a response classifier can be very useful as it allows Finagle to gain
* some understanding of your domain in order to properly classify failures, which leads to better failure
* accrual handling and better metrics collection
* By default, Finagle will classify any `Return` type as a success and any `Failure` as a failure. The code
* below changes this default behavior; it instructs Finagle to classify any deserialized Thrift exception as
* a failure.
* Configure load balancer. By default, Finagle clients are configured to use a load balancer with a P2C algorithm
* to distribute the load, picking the least loaded one. This can be substituted with several other setup including:
* 1. Heap + Least Loaded
* 2. Power of Two Choices (P2C) + Least Loaded (Default configuration)
* 3. Power of Two Choices (P2C) + Peak EWMA
* 4. Aperture + Least Loaded
* In this example, the Power of Two Choices (P2C) + Peak EWMA setup is used
* @see [[]] for more details
* @see [[]] for a good explanation of how the different setups work
* @see [[]] for a comparison
* of the different setups
.withLoadBalancer(Balancers.p2cPeakEwma(maxEffort = 100, decayTime = 100.seconds))
* This client shows a more advanced configuration than the previous two. For example, it shows how filters can be added
* to the client stack during its creation.
object SampleClientWithAdvancedConfig {
def apply(dest: String): SampleService[Future] = {
useHttp match {
case true =>
val http = Http.client.newService(dest)
val service = HttpClientFilter.withoutUpgrade(dest) andThen http
new SampleService.FinagledClient(service)
case _ =>
val retryBudget = RetryBudget(ttl = 5.seconds, minRetriesPerSec = 5, percentCanRetry = 0.1)
* Configure Expiration module by defining a max life time and idle time for the client. By default, a client
* session never expires. Configuring these parameters allows setting a maximum lifetime for the session and
* a maximum idle time, where no requests are being sent from that client. Also, a connection acquisition
* timeout can be set (unbounded by default). Once any of these thresholds are met, the client is expired
* Add a `TimeoutFilter` to the stack with parameters that cannot be applied when using `withRequestTimeout`
.filtered(new TimeoutFilter(
new IndividualRequestTimeoutException(200.milliseconds),
* Add a `RetryFilter` to the stack. A `RetryPolicy` is used to configure the filter, taking in the number of
* attempts to retry and a `PartialFunction` to determine if the request should be retried.
* Alternatively, a `RetryPolicy` can be created using a backoff policy
* @note Generally, it is a good practice to leave the `RequeueFilter` to handle Finagle-safe failures and have
* the `RetryFilter` handle domain-specific and custom failures
* @note It is recommended to have a shared `RetryBudget` between the `RequeueFilter` and the `RetryFilter`
* to prevent retry storms.
* @see the extractor in [[com.twitter.finagle.service.RetryPolicy.RetryableWriteException]] for more details
* on which failures are considered retryable by the `RequeueFilter`
* @see [[!topic/finaglers/-MvcHJTxgjQ]] for an explanation of the differences
* between a `RetryFilter` and a `RequeueFilter`
* @see [[]] for more details on how retries work
.filtered(new RetryFilter(
* The Fail Fast module is enabled by default for all clients except `Memcached`. Its function is to reduce
* the number of requests dispatched to endpoints that are likely to fail. When a connection fails, the host
* is marked down and a background process is launched to attempt reestablishing the connection (using a backoff
* policy). Until the connection is reestablished, the load balancer will avoid using this host.
* @note In this example, the Fail Fast module is disabled. This is important in the case that only one host
* exists
* The Failure Accrual module is enabled by default for all clients with a policy based on 5 consecutive failures
* and an equal jittered backoff policy. This can be overriden as shown below.
* @note Failure Accrual can also be configured based on success rate as shown in this example:
* @example {{{
* .configured(FailureAccrualFactory.Param(() => FailureAccrualPolicy.successRate(
* requiredSuccessRate = 0.99,
* window = 100,
* markDeadFor = Backoff.decorrelatedJittered(5.seconds, 20.seconds))))
* }}}
.configured(FailureAccrualFactory.Param(() =>
numFailures = 10,
markDeadFor = Backoff.decorrelatedJittered(5.seconds, 20.seconds))))
* A more advanced configuration for client pooling. In addition to overriding the `low`, `high`, and `maxWaiters`
* parameters (which is possible with the `.withSessionPool` function), configuring pooling using the method
* below allows overriding the `bufferSize` and `idleTime` for the connections as well.
low = 5,
high = 20,
bufferSize = 0,
idleTime = 60.milliseconds,
maxWaiters = 20))
* A more fine-tuned method can be used to configure response classifiers than simply classifying all Thrift
* exceptions as failures as seen in [SampleClientWithBasicConfig]
* This can be accomplished by creating a custom `ResponseClassifier`. In the example below, the
* `domainExceptionClassifier` classifies `DomainException`s as failures.
* @note At the time of writing, Finagle does not distinguish between `RetryableFailure`s and `NonRetryableFailure`s.
* They are added as groundwork for future enhancements
* @see [[]] for more details on
* response classification
* Configure load balancer. By default, Finagle clients are configured to use a load balancer with a P2C algorithm
* to distribute the load, picking the least loaded one. This can be substituted with several other setup including:
* 1. Heap + Least Loaded
* 2. Power of Two Choices (P2C) + Least Loaded (Default configuration)
* 3. Power of Two Choices (P2C) + Peak EWMA
* 4. Aperture + Least Loaded
* In this example, Aperture + Least Loaded setup is used
* @see [[]] for more details
* @see [[]] for a good explanation of how the different setups work
* @see [[]] for a comparison
* of the different setups
lowLoad = 1.0, highLoad = 2.0, // the load band adjusting an aperture
minAperture = 10 // min aperture size
private def retryPolicy[Req, Rep]: RetryPolicy[(Req, Try[Rep])] = RetryPolicy.tries(3, {
case (_, Throw(Failure(Some(_: TimeoutException)))) | (_, Throw(_: TimeoutException)) =>
logger.debug("Request timed out. Retrying")
case _ => false
private val domainExceptionClassifier: ResponseClassifier = {
case ReqRep(_, Throw(_: DomainException)) =>
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