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Created December 1, 2008 16:32
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Capistrano "push strategy", revisited
## Capistrano "push strategy", take 2
# It's based on "remote_cache", but doesn't rely on a central git repository.
# It assumes that the code is already pushed to its "cached-copy".
# Usage:
# git remote add origin
# cap deploy
# (If you want to call the remote something other than "origin", remember to
# tweak the "remote" setting in the recipe below.)
# set up these:
set :application, "my-app"
set :use_sudo, false
# tweak the following if you wish:
set :remote, 'origin'
set :branch, 'master'
set :git_enable_submodules, true
# deduces the deploy host and directory from your push target
remote_host, remote_path = `git config remote.#{remote}.url`.chomp.split(':', 2)
set :deploy_to, remote_path.split('/shared/cached-copy/').first
server remote_host, :app, :web, :db, :primary => true
# DON'T change these:
set :repository, ".git"
set :scm, :git
set :deploy_via, :remote_cache
set(:source) { }
# hook to automatically push code before every deploy
before 'deploy:update_code' do
puts "Pushing #{branch} code to git repository ..."
system "git push #{remote} #{branch}"
abort unless $?.success?
# Rest of your recipe goes here #
# at the end, a little magic to make it all happen
require 'capistrano/recipes/deploy/scm/git'
class GitLocal < ::Capistrano::Deploy::SCM::Git
default_command "git"
def checkout(revision, destination)
%(echo 'ABORTED: you must first initialize the git repository in "#{destination}"' && exit 1)
def sync(revision, destination)
git = command
execute = ["cd #{destination}"]
# since we're in a local branch already, just reset to specified revision rather than merge
execute << "#{git} reset --hard #{revision}"
if configuration[:git_enable_submodules]
execute << "#{git} submodule #{verbose} init"
execute << "#{git} submodule #{verbose} update"
execute.join(" && ")
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