I want to get off Gmail for two reasons:
- my own
address - to get my email under my own control so I can write scripts to process/analyze it
I've asked on Twitter what software should I use.
Here are the aggregated suggestions.
- postfix (unanimous)
@beanieboi says: you want maildir not mbox
- dovecot (almost unanimous)
- Courier
(not in any particular order)
- SpamAssasin
- amavisd-new: interface between mailer & virus scanners/SpamAssassin
- whitelister (seems dead)
- policyd
- policyd-weight
- spf + dspam
- assp
- postgrey - @jacobat says:
if you don't mind the delay
I don't need webmail for myself, but here's what was suggested:
- Roundcube
- SquirrelMail
Couple of people suggested this. Yes, it's the easiest solution, but the whole point of my question was getting off someone else's servers and onto mine.
I just came across ClearOS http://www.clearfoundation.com/software/overview.html which may be worth looking at as it includes many of these components and hopefully is already configured correctly to help prevent outgoing spam. I haven't used it personally, but it does look interesting.