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Instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

@namespace url(""); /* set default namespace to XUL */
/* URLバーのIMEをOFFに */
#urlbar *|input {
ime-mode: inactive !important;
/* MacでもFaviconを表示 */
.bookmark-item[image] .toolbarbutton-icon {
padding: 0 !important;
// Graphic Novelist (graphic-novelist.js)
// Created by M@ McCray
// site:
// email: matt at elucidata dot net
// API:
// GraphicNovelist.parse( text ) -> Parse text into array of script Nodes
// GraphicNovelist.renderNodes( nodes ) -> Renders array of script Nodes into HTML
codewzrd / evernote.js
Created October 17, 2008 12:29
Evernote bookmarklet
name: "Evernote",
description: "Save a note on Evernote.",
icon: "",
homepage: "",
author: {name: "Svapan Makadia", email: "[email protected]"},
help: "Select content and invoke this command to save the selection as a note or just save the whole page without selecting anything.",
url: "javascript:(function(){EN_CLIP_HOST='';try{var%20x=document.createElement('SCRIPT');x.type='text/javascript';x.src=EN_CLIP_HOST+'/public/bookmarkClipper.js?'+(new%20Date().getTime()/100000);document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(x);}catch(e){location.href=EN_CLIP_HOST+'/clip.action?url='+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'&title='+encodeURIComponent(document.title);}})();"
// ==UserScript==
// @name ShareTwitterOnTumblr
// @namespace
// @description Share Twitter conversation on Tumblr as Chat
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
abi / x
Created February 12, 2009 17:01
function getBookmarklets(callback) {
var bookmarklets = {};
var Ci = Components.interfaces;
var Cc = Components.classes;
var bookmarks = Cc[";1"]
var history = Cc[";1"]
property dueTag : "due"
property startTag : "start"
property repeatTag : "repeat"
property todayTag : "today"
property pastDueTag : "overdue"
property upcomingTag : "upcoming"
property doneTag : "done"
property inProgressTag : "inprogress"
property errorTag : "error"
property removeTags : {upcomingTag, todayTag, pastDueTag, inProgressTag}
zarigani / _gui.scpt
Created February 26, 2009 00:11
AppleScript's Library & Script
property GUI : load script file ((path to scripts folder as text) & "_gui.scpt")
set GUI to load script file ((path to scripts folder as text) & "_gui.scpt")
MacBook OSX 10.5.6
AppleScript 2.0.1
Oauth basics for JR:
The goal is to give a third party app authenticated access to your api using a token in place of a user's credentials.
To do that, the third party app first gets a consumer key and secret from your app. These are used to sign all requests, so no other third party can pretend to be that service.
The same thing needs to happen for individual users. Here it gets a little more complicated. The third party app first gets a request token for that user. This is used in all requests so we know who we're dealing with.
Once they have a request token for that user they redirect him/her to your authentication page (passing the token along in the url). The user logs in to your app and approves the third party service. Your app then sends them back to the third party. At this point the third party application knows that the user is ok with giving them access to their data.
var apps = $('#applications');
var off_top = apps.offset().top;
position: 'absolute',
top: off_top
var HAS_EXPANDING_BOX_BUG = (function(){
var el = document.createElement('div'),
isBuggy = false; = '1px';
el.innerHTML = 'xxxxxxxxxx';
isBuggy = (el.offsetWidth > 1);
el = null;
return isBuggy;