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Created October 6, 2011 09:08
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-- A simple definition without using any fancy functions.
haskell>let ifMaybe pred value = if pred value then Just value else Nothing
haskell>:t ifMaybe
ifMaybe :: (a -> Bool) -> a -> Maybe a
haskell>ifMaybe (const True) 2
Just 2
haskell>ifMaybe (const False) 2
-- Using functions from standard library.
haskell>let ifMaybe pred value = mfilter pred $ Just value
haskell>:t ifMaybe
ifMaybe :: (a -> Bool) -> a -> Maybe a
haskell>ifMaybe (const True) 2
Just 2
haskell>ifMaybe (const False) 2
-- A point-free version that uses section of (.).
haskell>let ifMaybe = (. Just) . mfilter
haskell>:t ifMaybe
ifMaybe :: (a -> Bool) -> a -> Maybe a
haskell>ifMaybe (const True) 2
Just 2
haskell>ifMaybe (const False) 2
-- Same thing written with (<.|) combinator.
haskell>let ifMaybe = mfilter <.| Just
haskell>:t ifMaybe
ifMaybe :: (a -> Bool) -> a -> Maybe a
haskell>ifMaybe (const True) 2
Just 2
haskell>ifMaybe (const False) 2
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igstan commented Oct 6, 2011

@missingfaktor: you can write them like this, but it's not really an improvement:

(|*>) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b1 -> b) -> (a -> b1 -> c)
f |*> g = curry (f . uncurry g)

(<*|) :: (a -> b -> c) -> (b1 -> b) -> (a -> b1 -> c)
f <*| g = curry (uncurry f . second g)

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igstan commented Oct 6, 2011 via email

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With some help of @djinn and @pl commands of lambdabot...

Prelude Control.Arrow Control.Applicative> let regular = (. (,)) . (.)
Prelude Control.Arrow Control.Applicative> :t regular
regular :: ((a, b) -> c) -> a -> b -> c
Prelude Control.Arrow Control.Applicative> let f |.> g = regular $ f . uncurry g
Prelude Control.Arrow Control.Applicative> :t (|.>)
(|.>) :: (b1 -> c) -> (a -> b -> b1) -> a -> b -> c

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