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Go back to the past timeline at
// ==UserScript==
// @name Plurk Time Jumper (Tampermonkey edition)
// @namespace
// @description Go back to the past timeline
// @include*
// @include*
// @author WiselySong, Mist Poryvaev
// @version 1.4
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// v0.1 : 2009.03.31 : First Release, Fix from YungSang's Plurk Time Machine and add a simple date select dialog box.
// v0.2 : 2009.04.01 : Change button name from "SelectDate" => "Jumpto" ,jump time will open a new window to make sure it work.
// v1.0 : 2009.04.03 : Use Plurk's TimeLine.reset&TimeLine.getPlurks function .
// v1.2 : 2009.04.03 : Thanks "Forte Lin" ( ) to optimize code and add h:m:s when assign time.
// v1.3 : 2014.01.15 : Updated for Tampermonkey compatibility
// v1.32: 2014.01.16 : Firefox bugfixes
// v1.33: 2014.01.17 : Images loading fixed (it was jQuery conflict lol)
// v1.4: 2014.08.29 : Updated for updated plurk
var to= "";
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
if(!window.jQuery('top_bar')) TopBar.init();
var plurk_logo = window.document.getElementById('plurk_logo');
if (!plurk_logo) return;
var bar = plurk_logo.parentNode;
if(!bar) return;
var date0 = new Date();
var element = TopBar.createItem('JumpTo', 'JumpTo', function() {
to = date0.getFullYear()+"/"+(date0.getMonth()+1)+"/"+date0.getDate()+" "+date0.getHours()+":"+date0.getMinutes()+":"+date0.getSeconds();
to = prompt("Jump to YYYY/M/D h:m:s ", to);
if(!to) return;
var _date = to.split(' ')[0];
var _time = to.split(' ')[1];
var _year = _date.split('/')[0];
//if no _month,get now Month .
var _month= (_date.split('/')[1]) ? _date.split('/')[1] : date0.getMonth()+1;
//if no _day, get now Date .
var _day = (_date.split('/')[2]) ? _date.split('/')[2] : date0.getDate();
// if no _time,make _time=23:59:59 .
to = _year+"/"+_month+"/"+_day+" "+((_time) ? _time : "23:59:59");
// call Plurk TimeLine function.
TimeLine.offset = new Date(to);
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