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Created October 4, 2022 09:05
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// FrameAnimation that operates on a property, like NumberAnimation,
// except the duration and easing can be change while it's animating.
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
import QtQuick.Layouts
ApplicationWindow {
id: window
width: 640
height: 480
visible: true
title: qsTr("progress %1 rotation %2").arg(frameAnimation.progress.toFixed(2)).arg(rect.rotation.toFixed(2))
ColumnLayout {
RowLayout {
Label {
text: "Speed"
Slider {
id: speedSlider
from: 0.1
value: 1
to: 2
stepSize: 0.1
Label {
text: speedSlider.value.toFixed(2)
Button {
text: "Restart"
onClicked: frameAnimation.restart()
ButtonGroup {
id: easingGroup
buttons: easingLayout.children
RowLayout {
id: easingLayout
RadioButton {
text: "Linear"
checked: true
function easingFunction(t) {
return t
RadioButton {
text: "InQuart"
function easingFunction(t) {
return t * t
RadioButton {
text: "EaseInQuart"
function easingFunction(t) {
if(t < 1) {
return 0.5*t*t*t;
} else {
t -= 2.0;
return 0.5*(t*t*t + 2);
Label {
text: "Duration: " + frameAnimation.duration.toFixed(2)
Label {
text: "Effective duration: " + frameAnimation.effectiveDurationInSeconds.toFixed(2)
Label {
text: "Distance each second: " + frameAnimation.progressEachSecond.toFixed(2)
Rectangle {
id: rect
x: (parent.width - width) / 2
y: (parent.height - height) / 2
width: 100
height: 100
color: "red"
Rectangle {
width: 4
height: 12
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
component FrameNumberAnimation: FrameAnimation {
id: root
required property QtObject target
required property string property
property real duration
property var easingFunction
property real from: 0
property real to: 0
property real progressEachSecond: 1 / durationInSeconds
readonly property real durationInSeconds: duration / 1000
property real effectiveDurationInSeconds: 0
property real progress: 0
readonly property Binding binding: Binding {
value: from + to * root.easingFunction(root.progress)
signal finished
function finish() {
progress = 0
onRunningChanged: {
if (running) {
progress = 0
onTriggered: {
progress += progressEachSecond * frameTime;
if (progress >= 1.0)
Component.onCompleted: frameAnimation.start()
FrameNumberAnimation {
id: frameAnimation
duration: 4000 * (1 / speedSlider.value)
to: 360
target: rect
property: "rotation"
easingFunction: easingGroup.checkedButton.easingFunction
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