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Created October 25, 2017 13:35
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Manually Typed Vuex Typescript Definition
* Static vuex typings copied from ones included in node_modules.
* We need to do this in order to get typings for this.$store in components.
* Once this Feature is added, we can remove this + the custom mapping in tsconfig.json
import Vue, { WatchOptions } from 'vue';
type Dictionary<T> = { [key: string]: T };
type Computed = () => any;
type MutationMethod = (...args: any[]) => void;
type ActionMethod = (...args: any[]) => Promise<any>;
interface Mapper<R> {
(map: string[]): Dictionary<R>;
(map: Dictionary<string>): Dictionary<R>;
interface MapperWithNamespace<R> {
(namespace: string, map: string[]): Dictionary<R>;
(namespace: string, map: Dictionary<string>): Dictionary<R>;
interface FunctionMapper<F, R> {
(map: Dictionary<(this: typeof Vue, fn: F, ...args: any[]) => any>): Dictionary<R>;
interface FunctionMapperWithNamespace<F, R> {
namespace: string,
map: Dictionary<(this: typeof Vue, fn: F, ...args: any[]) => any>
): Dictionary<R>;
interface MapperForState {
map: Dictionary<(this: typeof Vue, state: S, getters: any) => any>
): Dictionary<Computed>;
interface MapperForStateWithNamespace {
namespace: string,
map: Dictionary<(this: typeof Vue, state: S, getters: any) => any>
): Dictionary<Computed>;
interface NamespacedMappers {
mapState: Mapper<Computed> & MapperForState;
mapMutations: Mapper<MutationMethod> & FunctionMapper<Commit, MutationMethod>;
mapGetters: Mapper<Computed>;
mapActions: Mapper<ActionMethod> & FunctionMapper<Dispatch, ActionMethod>;
export declare const mapState: Mapper<Computed>
& MapperWithNamespace<Computed>
& MapperForState
& MapperForStateWithNamespace;
export declare const mapMutations: Mapper<MutationMethod>
& MapperWithNamespace<MutationMethod>
& FunctionMapper<Commit, MutationMethod>
& FunctionMapperWithNamespace<Commit, MutationMethod>;
export declare const mapGetters: Mapper<Computed>
& MapperWithNamespace<Computed>;
export declare const mapActions: Mapper<ActionMethod>
& MapperWithNamespace<ActionMethod>
& FunctionMapper<Dispatch, ActionMethod>
& FunctionMapperWithNamespace<Dispatch, ActionMethod>;
export declare function createNamespacedHelpers(namespace: string): NamespacedMappers;
export declare class Store<S> {
constructor(options: StoreOptions<S>);
readonly state: S;
readonly getters: any;
replaceState(state: S): void;
dispatch: Dispatch;
commit: Commit;
subscribe<P extends MutationPayload>(fn: (mutation: P, state: S) => any): () => void;
watch<T>(getter: (state: S) => T, cb: (value: T, oldValue: T) => void, options?: WatchOptions): () => void;
registerModule<T>(path: string, module: Module<T, S>): void;
registerModule<T>(path: string[], module: Module<T, S>): void;
unregisterModule(path: string): void;
unregisterModule(path: string[]): void;
hotUpdate(options: {
actions?: ActionTree<S, S>;
mutations?: MutationTree<S>;
getters?: GetterTree<S, S>;
modules?: ModuleTree<S>;
}): void;
export declare function install(Vue: any): void;
export interface Dispatch {
(type: string, payload?: any, options?: DispatchOptions): Promise<any>;
<P extends Payload>(payloadWithType: P, options?: DispatchOptions): Promise<any>;
export interface Commit {
(type: string, payload?: any, options?: CommitOptions): void;
<P extends Payload>(payloadWithType: P, options?: CommitOptions): void;
export interface ActionContext<S, R> {
dispatch: Dispatch;
commit: Commit;
state: S;
getters: any;
rootState: R;
rootGetters: any;
export interface Payload {
type: string;
export interface MutationPayload extends Payload {
payload: any;
export interface DispatchOptions {
root?: boolean;
export interface CommitOptions {
silent?: boolean;
root?: boolean;
export interface StoreOptions<S> {
state?: S;
getters?: GetterTree<S, S>;
actions?: ActionTree<S, S>;
mutations?: MutationTree<S>;
modules?: ModuleTree<S>;
plugins?: Plugin<S>[];
strict?: boolean;
export type Getter<S, R> = (state: S, getters: any, rootState: R, rootGetters: any) => any;
export type Action<S, R> = (injectee: ActionContext<S, R>, payload: any) => any;
export type Mutation<S> = (state: S, payload: any) => any;
export type Plugin<S> = (store: Store<S>) => any;
export interface Module<S, R> {
namespaced?: boolean;
state?: S | (() => S);
getters?: GetterTree<S, R>;
actions?: ActionTree<S, R>;
mutations?: MutationTree<S>;
modules?: ModuleTree<R>;
export interface GetterTree<S, R> {
[key: string]: Getter<S, R>;
export interface ActionTree<S, R> {
[key: string]: Action<S, R>;
export interface MutationTree<S> {
[key: string]: Mutation<S>;
export interface ModuleTree<R> {
[key: string]: Module<any, R>;
* Augment Vue typings so we can get typings for this.$store
import RootState from '@/store/state';
declare module "vue/types/options" {
interface ComponentOptions<V extends Vue> {
store?: Store<RootState>;
declare module "vue/types/vue" {
interface Vue {
$store: Store<RootState>;
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