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Forked from OnlyInAmerica/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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# Find the IAM username belonging to the TARGET_ACCESS_KEY
# Useful for finding IAM user corresponding to a compromised AWS credential
# Requirements:
# Environmental variables:
# python:
# boto
import boto.iam
iam = boto.connect_iam()
users = iam.get_all_users('/')['list_users_response']['list_users_result']['users']
def find_key():
for user in users:
for key_result in iam.get_all_access_keys(user['user_name'])['list_access_keys_response']['list_access_keys_result']['access_key_metadata']:
aws_access_key = key_result['access_key_id']
if aws_access_key == TARGET_ACCESS_KEY:
print 'Target key belongs to:'
print 'user : ' + user['user_name']
return True
return False
if not find_key():
print 'Did not find access key (' + TARGET_ACCESS_KEY + ') in ' + str(len(users)) + ' IAM users.'
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