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Created May 9, 2023 01:07
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A frida agent to reset all permissions on specific app. This work is based on
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json
import frida
from frida.core import Device, Session, Script, ScriptExportsSync
compiler: frida.Compiler = frida.Compiler()
compiler.on("diagnostics", lambda diag: print(f"on_diagnostics: {diag}"))
bundle: str ='permissions.ts', compression='terser')
device: Device = frida.get_usb_device()
session: Session = device.attach('Springboard')
script: Script = session.create_script(source=bundle)
api: ScriptExportsSync = script.exports_sync
# Third-party app
information: dict = json.loads(api.get_permissions('ru.odnoklassniki.messenger'))
print('TamTam has ' + str(len(information)) + ' permission(s): ')
print(json.dumps(information, indent="\t"))
# Preinstalled app
information = json.loads(api.get_permissions(''))
print('App Store has ' + str(len(information)) + ' permission(s).')
information: dict = json.loads(api.get_permissions(''))
print(' has ' + str(len(information)) + ' permission(s).')
const {LSApplicationProxy} = ObjC.classes;
const kCFAllocatorDefault: NativePointer = Module.getExportByName('CoreFoundation', 'kCFAllocatorDefault').readPointer();
const CFBundleCreate = new NativeFunction(
Module.getExportByName('CoreFoundation', 'CFBundleCreate'),
'pointer', // allocator
'pointer', // url
const TCCAccessResetForBundle = new NativeFunction(
Module.getExportByName('/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/TCC.framework/TCC', 'TCCAccessResetForBundle'),
'pointer', // service
'pointer', // url
const TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle = new NativeFunction(
Module.getExportByName('/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/TCC.framework/TCC', 'TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle'),
'pointer', // url
const CFRelease = new NativeFunction(
Module.getExportByName('CoreFoundation', 'CFRelease'),
'pointer', // cf
function nsArray2JSObject(nsArray: ObjC.Object): { [key: string]: string }[] {
const array = [];
const count = nsArray.count().valueOf();
for (let i = 0; i !== count; i++) {
const element: { [key: string]: string } = {};
const obj: ObjC.Object = nsArray.objectAtIndex_(i);
const enumerator = obj.keyEnumerator();
for (let key: string; (key = enumerator.nextObject()) !== null;)
element[key] = obj.objectForKey_(key).toString();
array[i] = element;
return array;
rpc.exports = {
resetAllAppPermissions: function (bundleIdentifier: string): void {
const appProxy = LSApplicationProxy.applicationProxyForIdentifier_(bundleIdentifier);
const bundleURL = appProxy.$ivars["_bundleURL"];
const bundle: NativePointer = CFBundleCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, bundleURL);
if (!bundle.isNull()) {
const kTCCServiceAll = ObjC.classes.NSString.stringWithString_("kTCCServiceAll");
TCCAccessResetForBundle(kTCCServiceAll, bundle);
// Reset location permission
const { CLLocationManager } = ObjC.classes;
CLLocationManager.setAuthorizationStatusByType_forBundleIdentifier_(0, bundleIdentifier)
getPermissions: function (bundleIdentifier: string): string | null {
const appProxy = LSApplicationProxy.applicationProxyForIdentifier_(bundleIdentifier);
const bundleURL = appProxy.$ivars["_bundleURL"];
const bundle: NativePointer = CFBundleCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, bundleURL);
if (!bundle.isNull()) {
const array: ObjC.Object = new ObjC.Object(TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle(bundle));
return JSON.stringify(nsArray2JSObject(array));
return null;
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