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Last active October 4, 2015 14:18
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Dart code sample for establishing communications link between isolates
// Dart code sample for establishing communications link between isolates
// Tested on Dartium
// Source : (in Japanese)
// March 2012, by Cresc corp.
// October 2012, incorporated M1 changes
// January 2013, incorporated API changes
// February 2013, incorporated API changes
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:isolate' as isolate;
import 'dart:math' as Math;
// top level child isolate function
childIsolate() {
// long-lived ports
var receivePort;
var sendPort;
// establish communication link
receivePort = isolate.port;
var completer = new Completer();
Future linkEstablished = completer.future;
receivePort.receive((msg, replyTo){
sendPort = replyTo;
replyTo.send('hello', receivePort.toSendPort());
// established, then next state
// do things here using receivePort and sendPort like:
sendPort.send({'one way message from the child':[1,2,3,5]}); // send Map with List
receivePort.receive((msg, replyTo){ // send return message
if (msg is List) { // echo back the List with added elements
msg.addAll([', and cos pi is ', Math.cos(Math.PI)]);
else { sendPort.send('child echoed : $msg');
// do{} while (true); // for thread test
// parent isolate class
class ParentIsolate {
// long-lived ports
var receivePort;
var sendPort;
// main process
void run() {
// communication link establishment
Completer completer = new Completer();
Future linkEstablished = completer.future;
var isComplete = false;
sendPort = isolate.spawnFunction(childIsolate);
log('spawned workerIsolate');
receivePort = new isolate.ReceivePort();
sendPort.send('hi', receivePort.toSendPort()); // tell the new send port
receivePort.receive((msg, replyTo){
log('initial state message received by parent : $msg');
if (! isComplete){
isComplete = true;
log('end of');
// link established, proceed to the next state
// do things here using receivePort and sendPort like:
nextState(value) {
log('link established');
receivePort.receive((msg, replyTo){
log('state 2 message received by the parent : $msg');});
sendPort.send('one way message from the parent');
var myList = ['pi is ' , Math.PI];
sendPort.send(myList); // you can send List, Map and other object also
// for thread test
// window.setInterval((){log('thread testing...');}, 1000);
main() {
new ParentIsolate().run();
void log(String msg) {
String timestamp = new;
print('$timestamp : $msg');
document.body.nodes.add(new Element.html('<div>$msg</div>'));
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p id="status"></p><br>
<script type="application/dart" src="IsolateTest.dart"></script>
<script src="packages/browser/dart.js"></script>
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