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Created May 19, 2014 12:18
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#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include "struct.h"
void DiagonalMatrix::solve(double *rightCol) {
unsigned s;
for (s = 0; s < size - 1; ++s) {
topDiag[s] /= midDiag[s];
rightCol[s] /= midDiag[s];
midDiag[s + 1] -= botDiag[s] * topDiag[s];
rightCol[s + 1] -= botDiag[s] * rightCol[s];
rightCol[size - 1] /= midDiag[size - 1];
for (s = size - 1; s >= 1; --s) {
rightCol[s - 1] -= topDiag[s - 1] * rightCol[s];
void processIteration(DiagonalMatrix *matrix,
double const *oldValues,
double *newValues,
Parameters const *parameters) {
unsigned m;
double eta = parameters->a * parameters->tau /
(2 * parameters->h * parameters->h);
unsigned size = matrix->size;
switch (parameters->type) {
case ImplicitScheme:
memcpy(newValues, oldValues, size * sizeof(double));
matrix->midDiag[0] = 1;
matrix->topDiag[0] = 0;
for (m = 1; m < size - 1; ++m) {
matrix->botDiag[m - 1] = -eta;
matrix->midDiag[m] = 1 + 2 * eta;
matrix->topDiag[m] = -eta;
matrix->midDiag[size - 1] = 1;
matrix->botDiag[size - 2] = 0;
case ExplicitScheme:
newValues[0] = oldValues[0];
for (m = 1; m < size - 1; ++m) {
newValues[m] = oldValues[m] + eta * (
oldValues[m - 1] - 2 * oldValues[0] + oldValues[m + 1]);
newValues[size - 1] = oldValues[size - 1];
void process(unsigned stepsX,
unsigned stepsT,
InitializeFunction initFunction,
Parameters *parameters) {
double stepX = 1. / stepsX;
double *oldValues = new double[stepsX];
double *newValues = new double[stepsX];
DiagonalMatrix matrix(stepsX);
parameters->h = stepX;
parameters->tau = 1. / stepsT;
unsigned m;
for (m = 0; m < stepsX; ++m) {
oldValues[m] = initFunction(stepX * m);
FILE *output = fopen("results.txt", "w");
for (unsigned n = 0; n < stepsT; ++n) {
printf("Time iteration is %u.\n", n + 1);
fprintf(output, "%u:", n);
for (m = 0; m < stepsX; ++m) {
fprintf(output, " %f", oldValues[m]);
fprintf(output, "\n");
processIteration(&matrix, oldValues, newValues, parameters);
memcpy(oldValues, newValues, stepsX * sizeof(double));
delete[] oldValues;
delete[] newValues;
double startFunction(double x) {
return x;
int main() {
Parameters parameters;
parameters.a = 1;
parameters.type = ImplicitScheme;
process(100, 100, sin, &parameters);
return 0;
typedef double (*InitializeFunction) (double);
enum SchemeType {
struct Parameters {
SchemeType type;
double a;
double tau;
double h;
struct DiagonalMatrix {
unsigned size;
double *botDiag;
double *midDiag;
double *topDiag;
DiagonalMatrix(unsigned _size): size(_size) {
botDiag = new double[size - 1];
midDiag = new double[size];
topDiag = new double[size - 1];
~DiagonalMatrix() {
delete[] botDiag;
delete[] midDiag;
delete[] topDiag;
void solve(double *rightCol);
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